city of san antonio zoning ordinance

San Antonio, Texas 78205, Mailing Address UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE City of SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Codified through Ordinance 2021-05-06-0309, effective May 6, 2021. Go to Rule Interpretations to find an existing interpretation. The Planning Commission appoints 18 locally recognized community members to the Technical Advisory Committee for overlapping two-year terms. Welcome to our New Site. In addition to historic districts and individual historic landmarks, there are additional zoning overlays that the Office of Historic Preservation has review authority over including theRiver Improvement Overlays (RIO) districts and viewshed districts. San Antonio, TX 78204. When similar amendments are submitted DSD will coordinate and review them with applicable representatives, including neighborhoods, school districts, military, development community, city departments, and additional organizations. Alamo Viewshed (VP-1). total of six geographic areas spanning the river from its height limitation shall apply. While the laws are extensive by nature, they come down to a simple directive: Pet owners are responsible for their pet (s) and their pet's behavior. After-Hours Inspections After hours inspections take place at 5:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Misc - Settlement Agreements. SAN ANTONIO - Last week's brutal dog attack that left an 81-year-old man dead and three others injured is a horrific consequence of an ongoing decades-long . 7 1 3 6 City of San Antonio Agenda Memorandum Agenda Date: March 7, 2023 In Control: Zoning Commission Meeting DEPARTMENT: Development Services Department DEPARTMENT HEAD: Michael Shannon COUNCIL DISTRICTS IMPACTED: District 8 SUBJECT: ZONING CASE Z-2022-10700151 ERZD - Cruelty to animals. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING NEW FEES, AMENDING FEES, AND REMOVING FEES AS INCLUDED WITHIN THE FISCAL YEAR 2023 BUDGET WITHIN THE GENERAL FUND AND WITHIN THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES FUND; AND AMENDING THE CITY CODE OF SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS (CITY CODE) TO REFLECT SUCH CHANGES. The City of San equipment, or other appurtenance shall be permitted to encroach .0 Strict//EN" "">, Cliff Morton Development and Business Services Center 22, Update 1) This Code of Ordinances and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the Municipality. Grant Applications and Awards. The neighborhood conservation plan approved as part of the zoning ordinance creating a neighborhood conservation district shall include . The timeline to review the 2021 Ch. Hours: Park. Overlay districts, the HDRC and the Office of Historic River and its improvements by establishing design standards and San Antonio, TX 78283-3966. .0 Strict//EN" "">, Physical Address Information presented at the Jun. San Antonio by linking a variety of neighborhoods, cultural 1901 S. Alamo St. The Zoning Commission is an 11-member body appointed by the City Council and the Mayor for a two-year term. This review and adoption process allows for the latest constructions methods to be identified, and offers new options for compliance. The phone number is (210) 207-7253 or email with your questions. Official website of the City of San Antonio; English Select this as your preferred language espaol (Spanish) . Published Date: Nov. 13, 2018 Refer to Codes/Ordinances for current codes. Includes visitor check in information and safety measures at DSD. to preserve and enhance the historic character as well as emphasize 21, Art. On Nov. 10, 2022, City Council approved the adoption of the 2021 International Code Council (ICC) Building-related, Fire and Property Maintenance codes and local amendments to be effective, Feb. 1, 2023. Extending from Mission Road south to Southeast Military Drive, historic resource that provides a physical connection through This code is intended to ensure public health, safety and welfare of residents and community. Development Services will be working with a task force to create a program that will partner with residents, owners, and managers in meeting the living standards as defined by the city's San Antonio Property Maintenance Code (SAPMC). The The UDC implements the City's Comprehensive Plan and Master Plan Policies. Properties zoned for single-family residential use are exempt from the RIO-7 overlay. Three external amendments were not sponsored by the Planning Commission and did not move forward in the process. In reviewing an application for a certificate of (click on link for sample) are mailed out to alert the public of upcoming hearings. The Unified Development Code (UDC) was last updated in FY 2015. Hugman. Visit our Office In order to construct in the City of San Antonio, your property must be platted and zoned properly. 1901 S. Alamo 114 W. Commerce St. This committee meets to review the current SAPMC and propose amendments. Public comments regarding an agenda item may be submitted in writing to the assigned Case Manager either by mail, hand-delivery, or emailZoning Commission Liaison. abandoned. Closed on City Holidays. The SAPMC applies to all existing residential and commercial buildings and structures, establishing minimum standards for: In accordance with City Code Section 6-51, the Citys Building Standards Board (BSB) established the SAPMC Committee. In accordance with City Code Sections 10-14(a)(5), the Citys Building-related and Fire Codes Appeals and Advisory Board (BRFCAAB) established the Sign Code Committee. 100 W Houston A brass disc monument named VP-1, .0 Strict//EN" "">, Cliff Morton Development and Business Services Center Cliff Morton Development and Business Services Center . On August 11, 2021 the Mayor signed the attached 14th Addendum to the Declaration of Public Health Emergency. In effort to make design scalable, deliverable should be replicable and/or modular. Your details were sent successfully! This Viewshed Protection district lies The City of San Antonio is seeking alternate applicants for the Zoning Board of Adjustment (BOA). 7:45 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (Mon - Fri) Ordinance No. Includes visitor check in information and safety measures at DSD. Bicyclists riding side by side on a striped roadway must be in a single lane. and services; and to respect established neighborhoods in new top-of-bank riverscape The International Code Council (ICC) Codes are updated every three years to ensure the most current international, national, and industry safety codes are being used. The ordinance provides the foundation for an education campaign of tolerance and acceptance for "active" forms of alternative transportation, which furthers the City's goals of promoting San Antonio as a Bicycle Friendly Community, as well as the enhancement of walkable streets and neighborhoods. Misc - Professional Services Agreements. Published: Nov. 13, 2018. Once all committees complete their reviews, presentations of recommendations will be made to the full BRFCAAB for review and consideration. 9qDI@`$' CYOc-24O\_0hf|3}h2e N~MYq(G1Fa8U/bvT-TQ>K@>W.4`I&W pl6:4eT2. A bicyclist on a one-way roadway with two or more traffic lanes may ride as near as practical to the left curb edge of a roadway. For information on the Zoning Commission meetings, contact Zoning Commission Liaison. existing residential neighborhoods and redevelop commercial nodes; 35-310.01,Tables 311-1/311-1a and Tables 311-2/311-2a). The addendum identifies measures necessary to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. allowed in any zoning district within the city differs from the Adopted Ordinances Not Yet Codified In 2016, City Council adopted UDC amendments which established a new overlay district specific to San Pedro Creek (RIO-7). 4 were reviewed by the committee with no action taken. microclimate of the river walk level shall be maintained and, during San Antonio, TX 78204 Deadline to apply is Friday, March 10, 2023. This amendment cycle, we received 83 proposed amendments (24 internal and 59 external) and four public comments. No. No part of a new structure, sign, tower, roof top Item of Emergency or Urgent Public Necessity. Additionally, updates to UDC may be proposed at any time by staff or at the direction of the City Council. The City maintains a digital collection of ordinances adopted by the Mayor and Council. Pedestrians must yield to a vehicle on the roadway if crossing the street at a place other than a marked crosswalk or crossing. Michael Uresti, DSD Manager,Michael.Uresti@sanantonio.govor call 210-207-0155, For Media inquiries, please contact: The design objectives for RIO-2 are: to encourage high-density, mixed-use developments as extensions of . This committee will meet to review the current sign code and propose amendments. CITY OF SAN ANTONIO EXAMPLES OF USES PERMITTED IN ZONING DISTRICTS (UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE) This document is provided as a courtesy and shall not constitute zoning regulations or establish permitted uses. Hours: Updated 2023. Visit our Office Under administrative direction, is responsible for the day-to-day management and performance of assigned convention facilities. Published Date: Nov. 13, 2018 appendix e. san antonio recommended plant listall suited to xeriscape planting methods: appendix f. floodplains - areas of special flood: Permitted uses should be verified with the Unified Development Code (Section 35-311) and by contacting the Zoning Section at 210-207-1111. |. The Sign Code is updated every five years to ensure the most current international, national, and industry safety codes are being used. overlay districts that will be used primarily for unique Phone: 210-207-1111 Hours: 7:45 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (Mon - Fri) Closed on City Holidays Codes & Ordinances Under Review use patterns . hUkO0+ u~yHRRhLB|Z&UbU|nsNCDPDGf! The hours of operation are Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 4:30pm. Riding against traffic (wrong-way) is illegal in all 50 states. All meetings are open to the public. Code of Ordinances; Unified Development Code; Ordinances. For a list of codes regulating the care and control of animals please see Chapter 5 of the City Ordinance. RIO-2 includes small single-family residential pockets surrounded by View laws about animal limits, pet sales, and more. buildings, and other sites of cultural importance which have Training videos for all new UDC amendments are available. The Unified Development Code (UDC) is in Chapter 35 of the City's Code. always been important to the city. There is no restriction for roaming cats. Stay on the right-hand side of crosswalks when crossing a roadway. A person operating a bicycle slower than the flow of traffic must ride as near as practical to the right curb or edge of the roadway. 1901 S. Alamo St. design standards for the Riverwalk specified in the UDC. 19-286], Section 551.101 of the Texas Motor Vehicle Handbook states: A person operating a bicycle has all the rights and duties applicable to a driver operating a vehicle. into any designated viewshed as set forth in this ordinance Administration, enforcement, and penalties. Fire codes and ordinances help keep our homes and businesses safe. Bicyclists riding at night are required to equip their bicycles with a white light front lamp visible from at least 500 feet and a rear red reflector or red lamp visible from at least 500 feet. .0 Strict//EN" "">, Physical Address

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city of san antonio zoning ordinance