Checkingin |Check in at the terminal counterto markyourself present and review updated flight information. Please help keep this information current for your fellow travelers and send any updates or corrections to, -Long Term Parking; -Lodging; -Main Gate;-Passenger Terminal; -Key Landmark; -Your location. If you have a motorhome call 843 963-3600 (Law Enforcement desk) as you may have to park in the MWR area (oversized vehicles). Charleston AFB SC: DSN: 673-3083/3048 Commercial: (843) 963-3083/ . Don't assume that a friend can get access to the base if you aren't with them if they don't have a military ID card. Base transportation services are not available. Space-A Travel Categories: Who Can Fly Space-A? Our goal is that if the information you seek on this subject is on the Internet then you can find it from here. Hours of operation: Joint Base Charleston Passenger Terminal is open 24 hours a day. McGuire is one of the most active Space-A bases on the East Coast. Passenger Service Counters are open for check-in 6 hrs prior to departure. Seymour-Johnson AFB (ACC), North Carolina. Joint Base Charleston SC 29404 24 Hour Flight Recording Comm: (843)-963-0114 DSN: 673-0114 Service Counter Comm: (843) 963-3083 DSN: 673-3083 Email: Hours of operation: Joint Base Charleston Passenger Terminal is open 24 hours a day. These schedules can only be accessed from a government installation. Click Here To Sign Up For Space Available. Best round-trip prices found by our users on KAYAK in the last 72 hours. This privilege does not apply to travel of dependents to or from a sponsor's restricted or unaccompanied tour location or to travel in a leave status to or from TDY locations. But now Facebook, Twitter, and all the rest can be real-time resources for people traveling Space-A. It applies both to the terminal that you are leaving and the one that you are arriving at. Passenger terminals in the space-available travel program post which flights are available and how many seats are on each flight for up to 72 hours on their individual Facebook pages (listed below). DoDDS teachers or family members (accompanied or unaccompanied) in an EML status during summer break. Dependents of military members deployed for more than 365 consecutive days. A word about non Patriot Express "Monthly" schedules and the schedules found in commercial Space-A books. As an example, here is a sample "Community Page" from Facebook that we think is currently well done Latest Tennessee Flight Deals. For the second flight to Travis/March above, only 13 seats were released, and the latest date of sign-up was 25 August (about 7 weeks before the flight). You might just want to stop by a USCG Air Terminal and find out how things work there. One way to get schedule information is to phone/visit the terminal and ask the PSAs about their nominal schedules. You may not know how long it is until you land in Elmendorf. Obviously there is no way we can list all of them (that is what Google is for) or which ones fit your own needs best. There is usually one FBO at a location that handles the military/government contract on the airport. Terminal Email Address can be found in the Passenger Terminal Directory below. DSN:673-0114, Space-A Terminals Worldwide Map . Make sure you are in compliance with all of these rules or it is unlikely that you will be allowed to board the aircraft in the first place. Whether you use the plane's blanket or bring your own, be sure to fasten your seatbelt over it, so flight attendants know you're buckled up and won't have to disturb you in case of . It is recommended that passengers arrive 30 mins prior to roll call time to ensure travel document accuracy. PAX Selected/Date & Time Sign Up: Of the passengers selected, the latest date and time of sign-up. Category V - Permissive TDY (Non-House Hunting), Students, Dependents, Post Deployment/Mobilization Respite Absence & Others. Be ready for immediate processing and boarding. If you are a US citizen or resident (with Green/Alien Card) then this won't apply to you. Therefore 20 or more passengers would mean (at least) one less pallet position available for mission cargo. Family members (with a valid identification card) of retired members when accompanied by a sponsor. The Passenger terminal is located at 407 S. Frank Luke Dr. and can be contacted by phone at 210-925-8715/8714 Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Those wishing to travel must fill out an AMC Form 140, which can be found on the Air Force e-publishing website or the Air Mobility Command website. "Space Available" flights are just that dependent on the space that is available. Official Space Available Travel Rules and Regulations Welcome. Why do I often see 19 seats listed on the flight schedules? The following is a list of AMC passenger terminals. But the main thing you neeed to be aware of is that it is the official source for International Driver's Permits in the U.S. For many of the countries where you may travel, you will need not only a valid driver's license in the U.S. but you will also need an International Driver's Permit. Some only allow approved cab companies. Travel eligibility |ReviewTravel Eligibility Categories 1-6(below) to determine your Space-A travel category. 2. Space-A travelers must be prepared to cover commercial travel expenses ifflight schedulesare changed or become unavailableto allowSpace-A travel (. Emergency travelin connection with serious illness, death, or impending death of a member of the immediate family of the following: Sponsors on environmental and morale leaveand accompanied family members. Retirees - Backup tickets can be purchased from See the map or this, Charleston AFBis located just outside of Charleston, SC. Their three destinations for Space A Travel - in terms of numbers of passengers - are Ramstein Air Base, Germany; Rota Naval Station, Spain; and Joint Base Andrews, MD. Richard Sgrignoli's "Space-A Trend Report" is no longer available. Look for the signs that are posted. It applies only to round-trip travel to an overseas area or the CONUS with the sponsor. 16 talking about this. Obviously that can be valuable information although it may or may not be reliable. Centrally located within a 60- to 90-minute drive of numerous civilian airports, McGuire is also convenient if you need to fly commercial to or from other parts of the country. The reason is that the flight's destination does not have a customs agent available and active duty are not required to clear customs. In addition to being MUCH cheaper, these fares usually can be changed without cost. TBD (To BE Determined): Means that the Pax Terminal cannot determine a seat release because final mission/cargo details are unknown. However, FOR THOSE WHO ARE ELIGIBLE the U.S. Coast Guard runs a similar program. Figure this out. Sometimes there are more than one. Whether you're traveling on orders or for leisure, you can find discounted rates on flights as well as checked baggage. JB Charleston Passenger Terminal Facebook. Some bases allow Uber, Lyft, and other ride sharing drivers to pick you up. Please take note that you need to select the Senior Citizens box when requesting a price quote to get the discounts. Space Available Flight: Gateways. Don't assume that a friend can get access to the base if you aren't with them if they don't have a military ID card. DODI 4515.13 restricts use of these privileges to establish a home for family members in an overseas area or the CONUS. For an added bonus we recommend that you visit the United Kingdom's Foreign Mid-Air Collision Avoidance Bird Aircraft Strike (BASH) Joint Base Charleston Drone Policy Water Quality Report Misc. Forms. Category III - Ordinary Leave, Relatives, House Hunting Permissive TDY, MoH Holders & Foreign Military. Per DODI 4515.13, Section 4, Paragraph 4.1.a., Reservations. It may differ from what was posted on the 72-hour schedule. The Space-A traveler handbook is a great resource for understanding the perks and challenges of how Space-A travel works. Poppin' Smoke - a newer website of a military retiree's spouse with lots of useful information from someone who is globetrotting using Military Hops! 24-hour flight information line: 951-655-2913 What are some Typical Flight Routes and Frequencies? F (Firm): Means that all factors are known and the seat release is solid. That is important for trip planning because military dependents returning home are Category 3 travelers on military hops which means they have priority over travelers in Categories 4-6. Students whose sponsor is stationed in Alaska or Hawaii. March flies C-17 Globemaster III cargo aircraft and KC-135 Stratotaker refueling aircraft. See Passenger Terminal Directoryat the bottom of this page. For additional AMC Travel information to include Space Available categories, baggage allowances, dependent travel example letters, frequently asked questions and a complete listing of all AMC terminals please visit the AMC travel website, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - Before traveling from March, it is important to know that there are differences between flying from March and flying from one of the Air Force's larger terminals. If you don't know the rules, you can't play the game. Airline City Flight. A related site, hopefully it will have some of the better information restored in the near future. is a non-official volunteer site helping Uniformed Service Members with Space Available (Space-A) travel on DoD aircraft. Current rules require that a pallet position be left open as needed to accommodate passenger baggage if there are 20 or more passengers. Where to Find AMC Flight Schedules. Theyll then let you know if they have room or if there are any other restrictions that prevent you from flying Space-A on that aircraft. It also has the travel request form that you will need to fill out. Passenger terminal: 951-655-2397 For what it is worth, the new AMC terminal pages seem to have the most important of this information and they are accessible from public computers and smart devices. We periodically have flights all throughout the world but travelers are reminded flights are mission-driven and frequency of flights / destinations do change. Through this site you can also book rental cars and hotel rooms at discount or government rates. - as you might guess, this is a website with the experiences of a younger military traveler. For travel-related questions, contact your nearest terminal. Once you know which FBO is handling the flight, you will need to make sure you are at the FBO by at least two hours before the flight arrives. Service Counter PAX Selected/Lowest Category Selected: Of the passengers selected for the flight, the lowest. Your military CAREER on the other hand is HIGHLY dependent on you not being absent from your unit when your leave expires. If you see a flight that interests you then consult ("Airports" tab using the 4-letter ICAO airport code in the search field). Passenger terminal: 951-655-2397 Terminal regular hours of operation: 7:30 a.m. - 11:00 a. m. and 12:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. M-F, although you may sign up for a flight by filling out the form in the foyer of Bldg. An official website of the United States government. It should be noted that while flying on U.S. military aircraft is usually without cost, it is not a reliable means of travel. Quite frankly we weren't real sure what to call this category. For a while Dirk was even having Space-A conferences! For what it is worth, the new AMC terminal pages seem to have the most important of this information and they are accessible from public computers and smart devices. Travelers may post questions on the Facebook pages and someone will get back with them within 24 hours. It used to be a retiree thing but lately the best new sites are by military spouses. There may be people who are currently sitting in a Space-A terminal that you want to fly out of who will post that there are no lines and no waiting lists or that the lines are long and so are the waiting lists. However, due to changing mission purposes, flights and seats are always subject to change without notice. Photo/Video Support Request Form . 6. One of the original "Three Amigos" with the best of these sites actually passed away in that time. We are located on Joint Base Charleston in North Charleston, S.C. Our primarydestinations for Space A Travel - in terms of numbers of passengers - are Ramstein Air Base, Germanyand Joint Base Andrews, MD. In the slide above, all of the seats released for the missions to Travis/March were occupied. If it has an F after the number, it means Firm. T means Tentative. 437th Aerial Port Squadron. The "Super Port's" primary mission is to provide efficient and expeditious airlift support for the movement of cargo, mail, personal property, and passengers in support of war, contingency, and peacetime operations. Technically they can refuse to take you because they don't have a manifest form. Check out our Space-A Gateways page for a list of those pages. Passengers are categorized by priority of travel and are processed in priority order by their sign-in time (Julian date). We periodically have flights all throughout the world but travelers are reminded flights are mission-driven and frequency of flights / destinations do change. Typically they will only give you info on flights departing within the next 72 hours. Trek over to the FBO building with your bag (under 30 lb for these small aircraft) and let the FBO staff know you are waiting on a military flight coming in and where it is going to. You can find it from here. Recommend you check with the passenger service center for the space available show time for your flight prior to departing the terminal. The DoD is not obligated to continue an individual's travel or return the individual to the point of origin or any other point. 1. It also has the travel request form that you will need to fill out. Check out our Space-A Gateways page for a list of those pages. For an added bonus we recommend that you visit the United Kingdom's Foreign For example, the first missionlisted on the slide is going to Elmendorf AFB, then Beaufort MCAS (destinations may be postedin alphabetical order but generally follow the logical flight path).
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