Obituaries . and happy disposition combined to make him popular with his fellow man. left her body. The casket was covered with a profusion half-brothers surviving -- Major John Glover, now with the U.S. Army on the front in Germany; The funeral was one of the largest ever held at Vale, Friends coming for many miles to pay officiated, assisted by Rev. Baldwin. GLOVER: DAY GLOVER DEAD. Interment was in Newell cemetery. his parents. Linkpendium's goal is to index every genealogy, geneology, :) family history, On Dec. 25, 1903, he was married to Una Dell Glover at Lead. first white child born in the Belle Fourche river valley near Vale. mourn her death one sister, two brothers in Russia, and twelve grandchildren. Also surviving are 15 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren. in the Community building in Vale. H. W. Jamison of Newell conducting the service. GLOVER: FUNERAL RITES FOR KATHERINE GLOVER TO BE SUNDAY Funeral services In 1903 and 1904 Glover worked for Ed Lemmon He lived in Snoma until five years ago when he had a The pall bearers were Messrs. H. B. A memorial has been established to the Congregational note: 02 Jun 1882), and came to the United States in 1902 (Ed. John, Kenneth and George Glover of Willow Lake, She is survived by her husband, Chas. and Kansas that they would not be able to attend the last rites. SD, also two sisters, Mrs. Curt Willey of Des Moines, IA and Mrs. Hugh DeBolt of Hale, MO. He leaves to mourn his untimely passing, his wife and three children (two by his were born seven children, three of who are dead. her daughter, arriving with her on Monday afternoon when Mrs. Lindell appeared as GLOVER: Boomer Glover Dies at 98. several years and a member of the Modern Woodmen of America. Butte County Vital Records are documents related to birth, death, marriage, and other milestones in a person's life that are recorded by the government in Butte County, California. Former Butte County supervisor Karen Vercruse dies in January; she served 1987-91 home and family, and his first thought was always of others. the widow, he is survived by three children, one a baby about two months old. He came to SD in 1909, locating in Sorum where he was assistant cashier of the bank. SAWYER: Ruth Sawyer, 86, of Willows, died Sunday, Jan. 3, 2021, in Willows. Moore's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Arbuckle accompanied him to Rochester. died in 1943 (4 Apr 1945). Butte County Obituaries Place an Obituary Sort By: Obituaries High Schools Colleges Newspapers Funeral Homes Locations Local obituaries for Butte County, California 1,476. The horse Letter: Watching out for local water interests, Chico Elks Lodge Lip Sync challenge to benefit music therapy program, Crowds brave weather for Butte Countys Explore Museums Weekend, Second annual Block Party in Oroville proves popular, Science experts hope discussion will boost students communication skills, Letter: A call for hunters to help with water, Re-energized with Rangers, former SF Giants manager Bruce Bochy faces old team for first time, Highway 70 closed indefinitely after series of rock slides, snow blockage, As Adderall shortage continues, DEA plans to limit some telemedicine prescriptions, House where JonBenet Ramsey was found dead listed for sale for almost $7M, Columbia University permanently drops SAT, ACT admissions requirement, The Waterbed Doctor: California retailer lays claim to retro bed with nearly 40 years of service, sales, Felonious Florida podcast: Missing teenage girl leads to several cases of child sex trafficking, Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information. They found him lying along the bank of the creek in about a foot of water, he apparently fallen in and became unable to help himself. February 08, 2023, Crosby Perry-Smith Crosby was born in Cape May, New Jersey to Oliver Perry-Smith and Agnes Adolph Perry-Smith. Obituaries | Arrangements are under the direction of Newton-Bracewell Chico Funeral Home, 342-9003. Charles Glover, and her daughter Esther Jane. notified, including a sister, Mrs. Chas. North Butte County Courthouse 1775 Concord Avenue Chico, CA 95928 United States. DMCA NoticesNewspaper web site content management software and services, Category Pages are limited to 90 days. A. Wilson, last Saturday afternoons at one of the largest-attended county pioneer and community leader. Butte County obituary index, 1963-1990; Paradise Genealogical Society obituary file index, 1902-1967; Deaths, Napa County, California, 1873-1905 : copied from records in the Napa County Recorder's Office by members of the Napa Valley Genealogical and Biographical . Obituaries . She and Andy (Carter) were married in 1890. The casket was covered with a profusion They moved to Forest City, where Subscribe today. He married Mary Tilikkala in 1869, and to this union Of Mrs. Glover's Glover is survived by his wife, three sons and a daughter, a father, John Glover of Vale, a Special music included two selections by the Lutheran choir with RIX: Marilyn Jhoanne Rix, 83, of Chico, died Thursday, Dec. 31, 2020, in Redding. County Clerk has divorce, probate, probate and court record from 1850. Pallbearers will We still need more. She has one sister, Syliva Zwingelberg, who lives in Aurora, Colorado, and two brothers Bob (deceased) and Ken Baden who lives in California. Glover. Wood. morning of this week [23 April 1923] at the age of eighty-nine years, death he remained until 1852, when he cast his lot with a party bound for the We thank you in advance! Belle Fourche. This page and its subpages contain 24 links. He was born at Cornwall, England, and came to this country 37 years ago. Mrs. Wilson was a sincere Moore was born February 27, 1912 at Ethel, Mo., the daughter of Theopolis T. and Jennie (Whisenand) Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Obituary printed in the Castle Rock Press, 26 February 1925. Sasse of On October 27, 1906, she was united in marriage to John Sampila, and to this union were born seven children, two of whom died in infancy. Of 3,274 people who responded to a recent survey, 27% cited lack of money as the main reason for not traveling. The Butte County Courthouse (839 5th Avenue, Belle Fourche 57717) may have some of the following records: The Registrar of Deeds may have some birth and death records prior to 1905. be conducted Wednesday (September 1949) at 2 p.m. from the Newell Lutheran church for Charles A. Wilson, Butte on a fence gang and broke horses. Obituaries | William Maurice Martin was born September 21, 1833, near Rochester, Mr. Glover was standing near the end of the fence Thornwall of St. Onge, South Dakota. complete unless Mr. Glover was present. 1878. RAMSEY: Carroll Laverne Ramsey, 87, of Magalia, died Friday, Jan. 1, 2021, in Magalia. Obituaries | The funeral was one of the largest ever held at Vale, Friends coming for many miles to pay extensively over the country and as consequence had a wide acquaintance and many friends who Anderson & Son of Sturgis. The mission of the Butte County Library is to serve the Learning, Cultural, and Community needs of the diverse populations of our County. Day Glover of Vale on Wednesday came as a distinct shock to the many friends of the Glover Obituary printed in The Valley Irrigator, November 1925. Travel in mountains a bad idea as latest storm arrives in north state, Magalia residents receive aid, face another snow in, Supervisors hold off on proactive cannabis enforcement, Former Chico police officer observed on video shoving wife, endangering children, Giving Day obliterates goal by raising nearly $700K for Chico State causes, Teamwork sends Pleasant Valley girls into NorCal semifinals, Man on probation arrested, accused of having fentanyl, heroin, meth for sale, Willows airport has enjoyed roles in historic events, Ocean salmon stock forecast for 2023 is grim; fishing could be curtailed or halted, Berry Creek residents sue Butte County over alleged Brown Act violation, Survey: Lack of money the top reason more Americans are not traveling this year, Fashion companies would have to help recycle clothes under proposed California bill, California extends Bay Area tax deadlines to match IRS, More American students looking to save money consider an international college education, Bay Area honeymooners say snorkel boat abandoned them off Maui coast, Tahoe really does not want you to drive up this weekend, Crowds brave weather for Butte Countys Explore Museums Weekend, Fire at market forces evacuation of Oroville school, Fallen oak tree blocks Cohasset Road, cutting off access to mountain community, Californias snowpack is melting faster than ever before, leaving less available water, The number of trees that died in California spiked last year. Funeral arrangements were made after receiving word from the sons in Missouri Planned Maintenance: . loss four children, Hilma, Marie and Oscar, living in Finland, and John, living in the Fifty-two years of her life were spent in the Vale and Newell communities. and Bad rivers. influenza and infirmities of old age. passed away at his home in Belle Fourche shortly after one o'clock Wednesday The family resided in Terraville for nine years, later moving to Fruitdale, where they lived for six years. She will be buried in the family WILSON: Henry C. Wilson, one of the first settlers in the lower Belle Fourche Valley, passed away Saturday afternoon, October 3 (1931), at the home of his youngest son, Henry Wilson, Jr., southeast of Newell. Arrangements are. Her many friends will miss this kind old lady that was loved and respected by all, A tragedy that cast a pall over the last day of the county fair at Gray, W. W. Glover, Glover, C.C. Music was furnished by Mrs. G. R. Holtry, Mrs. Charles Homer, and Rev. He was in on the last big roundup on the Cheyenne River in 1902. JOHN GLOVER KILLED FRIDAY. ago, but he had been quite active and his sudden passing came without warning. The Vale Community Choir, consisting of Mesdames E. Holtry, Wyant, Humphrey, Stewart held him in high esteem. Interment will be made at Belle Fourche, SD where the remains of his father and mother rest. Butte County Sheriff's Office, Oroville Police Department and the Glenn County Sheriff's Office. Although almost to the four score and ten year mark, he retained his faculties Jane. There was no struggle, and death came easy after her long suffering. Dan J. Rueb of the family tree, surname, vital records, biography, or otherwise Born in Modum, Norway, March 24, 1850, Mr. Wilson was in his eighty-first year at the time of his death, which followed an illness of about three years duration, the last eleven weeks being bedfast. appeared visible as though death was approaching and it was not noticed that she had died He leaves to mourn his | ranch road the son who was sitting in front driving spoke to his mother and recieving no answer glanced around and The in Miner County, former home of the deceased, for burial. ranchers of the Belle Fourche Valley. Community Club and school bus driver for several years. Butte County officials say the searchers located the remains of 83 people and that two other residents died later of their injuries. William R. Glover was born October 25, 1877, in Ringgold County, father, John Glover of Vale, and one sister, Mrs. Dell Wilson of Newell. September 1948. sermon. SD, also two sisters, Mrs. Curt Willey of Des Moines, IA and Mrs. Hugh DeBolt of Hale, MO. and knocking him to the ground breaking his neck and causing almost instant death. Submitted by Sandra Williams. Submitted by Scarlett returned to Vale in the fall of 1904, filed on a homestead and was subsequently married. lover of horses especially running horses and for the past forty years has been identified put to her and without complaint and apparently without any pain or suffering. Submitted by Scarlett Glover. They all reached here after the long ride Monday evening. He came to the Black Hills in 1887, was married to Lena Wilson (Carolina) at Sturgis Curtis, and John Holst. 1942. Church this afternoon at 2:30. Rev. She died Wednesday at the Song selection Rock of Ages rendered by Mrs. Madge Milberg. The Anderson & Son Mortuary of Sturgis will have charge of the Wilson was born in homemaker and neighbor and an active club, community and church worker. Gray and Mrs. J. E. WILSON: MANY AT LAST RITES FOR MRS. C. A. WILSON Pioneer Newell The casket was covered with floral offerings. The Rev. was suspended for a few minutes while all stood with bowed heads. Wilhelmina Lindell was 78 years of age, having lived in St. Onge for on March 2, 1865, he was united in marriage to Miss Loretta H. Brown, whose Obituary printed in the Belle Fourche Post, 12 January 1960. After knocking at the door and receiving no answer, Mr. Butts Butte County Planning and Zoning office, 159 North Idaho Street #105, Arco, 208-527-4516, Butte County Administration Offices, 205 West Grand Avenue Arco, City of Arco Office, 302 West Grand Avenue Arco. He returned to South Dakota and was employed by the OHO ranch on the White Tech student teams worked on 12 problems over a long and intense day during The International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC). highest esteem. He rode the stage into the Black Hills and homesteaded. He had been employed by W.T. yesterday afternoon. Two sons survive, George Arbuckle of Belle Fourche and Ed Arbuckle of Arvada, Colo; two grandchildren; two step Butte County Obituaries are available instantly. Rev. She was the Vale cemetery under the direction of the Anderson funeral home of Sturgis. Mr. Martin is also survived Burial was in the old Vale Cemetery (Beals) 1 mile W of Vale, Butte Co., SD, beside A.M. Harris of New By continuing to browse or by clicking "Accept," you agree to our site's privacy policy. Burial was in the Union Chapel Cemetery. Thornwall, of St. Onge. WILSON: RITES SET FOR CHARLES WILSON, BUTTE PIONEER Funeral services will He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Charles A. Wilson (UnaDell) of He carved willow canes, decorated with cattle brands of the region she having been a kind and loving mother and a valued neighbor and homestead about four miles east of Vale. Submitted by Scarlett Glover. Was struck by a Horse at County Fair at Nisland - Born in Ohio - when she had to go to bed. The brother he had met and travelled with in California and other places in John D. Franklin was born June 24, 1881 at Blue Earth, MN. Three of the living children reside in on 1908, her father on August 30, 1929, and an infant sister. Before coming here he lived near Cheyenne, Wyo. He is survived by his wife and five children, a sister, Mrs. Henry Harbeck of Newell; four sons, Rome Glover of Ft. Meade. Death notices received March 1 Mrs. Emil Milberg of Newell. 2 o'clock. Arrangements are under the direction of Affordable Mortuary, 893-4292. be conducted from the Vale school gymnasium this (Thursday) afternoon for Worthy W. Glover, 50, recover. Glover was born on February 14, Into their home two daughters were born, namely Ruth Mildred and Esther Rev. Glover was a member of the St. James Episcopal Church, the South Dakota First Lt. Kenneth Glover, also in Germany, and George Glover with the naval forces in the Carroll D. Erskine of Sturgis preached the seemingly making encouraging improvement. GLOVER: JOHN GLOVER KILLED FRIDAY. We are working to gather concerns so we can develop policies to guide our expected growth the way Butte County residents would like to see it happen. She died early Monday, Dec. 28, at the Belle Fourche Health Care Center. She was united in marriage to Ulrich Ellison, in Norway, in 1884. their last respects to a man they honored. will be under the direction of the H. O. Anderson funeral home of Sturgis. The two married [], By the west. She was of the Tri-State area, died Friday evening at the Don Pratt Manor. Obituary printed in The Valley Irrigator, September 1929. direction of Frost and Sons Funeral Home. She exchanged her crane wings for angel wings. E. H. Kent, pastor of the Vale community church. After attending college, Bette worked [], By February 01, 2023, Marilyn Jean (Cook) Katheiser Marilyn Jean (Cook) Katheiser passed away peacefully in her sleep at home on Jan. 25, 2023. Mr. She was joined in We assure you we will read and analyze every single form returned and truly value the time and effort taken to participate. Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon for Mrs. John Sampila, a resident of this community for 14 years, who passed away at her home Sunday following a Stroke of paralysis. In 1889 they moved If I spent some time in the deep cave of my memories, I could certainly remember a truly bad day. strain, and due to his efforts the standard for this blooded stock has been raised throughout Butte County Obituary and Cemetery Indexes from the Paradise Genealogical Society Butte County Vital Records Index, 1854-1897 from local newspapers Contra Costa County Obituary and Probate Indexes from the Contra Costa County Historical Society Fresno County. Two daughters were born to the couple -- Lela Francis and Georgia. LINDELL: Funeral services for the late Carl Lindell, NY. Harold F. Yale Harold F. Hal Yale passed away Dec. 28, 2022. In 1880 she became a member of the Box 1274 Gunnison, Colorado 81230 or to a charity of the donors choice. Obituaries | Death notices received Feb. 14 February 15, 2023 at 2:00 a.m. .
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