bunnies for sale in pa craigslist

Black Colored English Angora Junior Bucks. We decided to get back into rabbits in 2011 when our youngest signed up for 4H and rabbit club seemed to make the most sense in relation to what we could help her most with. seattle. I am also a member of ARBA. (814)592-3730, Robert Butler We raise and sell lots of pet, breeding and show rabbits. Hazleton PA. $10 hide. I spend time with them everyday and want to see them go to a home that is agreeing to not keep them cage kept or outside in a hutch 24/7. This is the "puppy dog" of rabbits. -. English Angora, French Angora, Flemish Giant and Checkered Giant I began raising French when my children were young and got out of rabbits when the kids lost interest. I have a small rabbitry in bernville, PA. Flemish bunnies for sale. Flemish Giant Pennsylvania Furnace, Pennsylvania A truly rare breed that can reach over 20lbs. (717)829-6110, Ron Martin Beverens (Blue eyed Whites/BEW) refresh results with search filters open search menu. farm & garden 47; general for sale 4; collectibles 3; household items 2; auto parts 1 + show 40 more 4 Friendly rabbitry, we treat all our livestock and customers with respect! Fleetwood, Pennsylvania Freedom Wings Rabbitry oxford, Pennsylvania AMM Rabbitry was started in June of 2007, but I have been breeding rabbits since 2002. Small rabbitry raising Netherland Dwarfs for pets. Bunnyfishfacebook@gmail.com -Backpack This breed was and may still be on the critical list for rabbit breeds. This rabbitry is run by four brothers who are falling head over heals for their rabbits. jmredneckrabbitry@yahoo.com, Jamie Sponseller Silver Point is a small hobby rabbitry found on the twelve beautiful acres of Green Acres Farm of Central Pennsylvania. account. They are used to us going in and out of their play area. The Lucky Rabbit Very small scale, having a pair of Rhode Island reds, and 9 pedigree American Blues. nathan@littleharehomestead.com, Destiny Hullenbaugh We are a small farm and rabbitry raising lion head, californian, and white new zealand rabbits. search titles only has image posted today hide duplicates. They are playful, curious, and enjoy interacting with their owners. Flemish giant rabbit kits.$50 each. Washington, Pennsylvania If you put the time into getting them to trust you. post. We also have produced grand champions under our rabbitry name within our own lines. no favorites. Our Rabbitry is a small family operation and our main concern is that our rabbits are happy and healthy. - Condition: Excellent. for sale. Conewago Creek Rabbitry Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania Rainier Rabbitry refresh results with search filters open search menu. 4847550800, Eleanor Marinkov Greensburg, Pennsylvania - Fabric: Bunnies and Flowers made of 100% Polyester. Holland Lops, Netherland Dwarfs I have been breeding Mini Lops for 25 years and feel that all of these babies will always will always be part of my family. We are a small, 40 hole rabbitry in western PA that works with various breeds. 717-756-2901, Kayce Shepherd Jazzfrankieaqha@gmail.com altoona for sale "rabbits" - craigslist. I have lots of breeds and they are all friendly and handled daily. 610-759-1113, Cheyenne Kesler Blue Poppy Rabbitry (267)210-2809, Matt Hoffman pampersafehouse@yahoo.com, James Hagar Original owners (stored items) Selling Welcome Door Wreath of Bunnies for $15.00 FIRM! Fredonia, PA sacramento. We are a small rabbitry selling great quality show, pet, and meat rabbits. Rabbit adoption is a wonderful way to provide a Rabbit a second chance and caring environment. ygisonblackhorsefarms@gmail.com, Morgan Powers no favorites. Holland Lops are also known for their docile and friendly nature. craigslist app; cl is hiring; loading. Centre Hall, Pennsylvania My rabbitry was originally called CountryLuvBunnys, which my mom started breeding Mini Rex. None of the above, Lionhead Located in Morgantown PA 19543. McVeytown, Pennsylvania Dutch, Dutch cross The mother is a Californian rex, and father is a black and white broken rex. We raise Breeding Stock, Meat Rabbits, and some pet quality rabbits. Raising quality show, brood and pet Holland Lops. All my rabbits are fed pellets as well as hay, and fresh grass, carrots, and other rabbit safe veggies. Welcome to Magical Mini Rex! Llairfair, Pennsylvania My cell is(814)516-0072 Our main focus is breeding healthy quality rabbits for both pets and show. Let us know if you have any questions. Dwarf Hotots, Lionheads, Holland Lops We currently have 4 rabbits up for adoption: Peanut A one year old Dutch rabbit female. Kurts Rabbitry Breadbox Rabbitry - Show and Pet Netherland Dwarfs in NC. Primary business is raising meat rabbits, but we also have Black/Blue Pedigree Satins that we breed for Show/Pets. Mini Rex, Lionheads and meat rabbits I will also be breed pedigreed Tans and pure bred Checkered Giants in the spring of 2015! Here at Berks Bunnies we handle our rabbits with love and care. Handled daily, all rabbits are in our rabbitry(enclosed building) not outside. We offer 4-H and FFA discounts. harleyleasure@gmail.com, Halal Brothers By purchasing any rabbits from K & R Rabbit Farm, you are agreeing to all the terms and conditions stated herein. I have a small rabbitry focusing on temperament and breed standards. By purchasing a rabbit from K & R Rabbit Farm, the buyer is acknowledging that they have read and agrees to the Sales polices as stated herein. hudson valley > general for sale - by owner . They are raised with love in an extremely clean and comfortable environment and fed the highest quality hay and feed. I breed for looks, personality and longevity. They tend to be great with children because of their excessive handling and care. Myerstown, PA Threewishesfarm@ymail.com, Gail Percy 3 Erie flemish giant rabbits. papetlover@gmail.com They are very friendly and love cuddles.Buy Now, Pure bred mini rex, blsvk and white with spots. delaware for sale by owner "bunnies" - craigslist Breeders of Holland Lop Rabbits. If you have any questions feel free to text or e-mail me anytime! We focus on Silver Foxes for their friendly and docile demeanors, wonderful mothering tendencies, and their great meat yield. Flying Fox Farm New Zealands, Holland Lops, Belgian Hares Ambridge, Pennsylvania We currently raise Holland Lops in the following colors: torts, orange, black, otter (black), chestnut, and chinchilla. Smithmill, Pennsylvania New Zealand, rabbits for sale $25 (pit > Jeannette) . Scholls Riverside Holland Lops holland. We love our animals and really enjoy working with them! Red rabbit My bloodline stems from ALS cals the XL bloodline. Columbus, PA tulsa. hoppingmadrabbitry@gmail.com Fleetwood, Pennsylvania Shannondale, PA Californian and New Zealand Crosses Silver Fox, New Zealand, Californian Rome, PA for sale. She is just a baby bunny still, for I got her 2 weeks ago. Kingsley, Pennsylvania Deposits will not be taken on a rabbit until they are 5 to 6 weeks old and the rabbit is sexed. cassiemarvin06@gmail.com We raise show quality. Please check out our website for more information! Our goal is to raise wonderful rabbits that are exceptionally cared for prior to going to their new home and show career!!! if you are interested please call us at (717)733-3070. Showed at the 2016 Himalayan National show and received Best of Variety Blue. hattieshoppyhoppers@gmail.com Three sisters rabbitry While our rabbits are of the highest quality, someone breeding specifically for show traits is better equipped to provide the best foundation of knowledge and genes specific to these goals. 2 Pittsburgh flemish giant rabbits. (724)961-7498, Barry Parks Please check out our Facebook page Kims Hopping Lops ( https://www.facebook.com/KimsHoppingLops ). (610)850-1025, Heather Kellogg We have ducks, geese, chickens, doves, pigeons, cats, dogs, goats, horses and rabbits. Lyons Lionheads Rabbitry I have been breeding for about 18 years. They have gray and white patches and white and tan patches. Silver Martens, Standard Chinchillas So I walked into a pair and descent ones at that! ventura for sale "rabbit hutch" - craigslist. Love, Country Cove Rabbitry AJs Bunny Ranch Born 11/25 and 11/29. I find this method easy, efficient, and advantageous for both parties. I am located in Denver PA. That is just off turnpike ask for pictures of the babies we have or soon be ready. Charmed Rabbits Like a cat or a dog; but do not make noise. We are currently working on building a good shaded/pointed line with the Netherland dwarfs, as well as the rare LYNX type! If you dont find any local listings below, be sure to check out our Holland Lop Rabbit Breeders page. Or feel free to email me about what rabbits I may have for sale as pets and/or breeding stock, or meat. Small rabbitry in start up stage. Jamie Sponseller (610)680-6548, Jennifer Fox I show rabbits through the arba and 4h. We have fallen in love with the temperament and appearance of American Blue Rabbits and are actively working on expanding our gene pool and lines of this endangered breed. Simerset, Pennsylvania Lionhead Mix These guys have been hand raised and are well socialized with other rabbits as well as humans of all ages. If you may want to buy a rabbit from me I can transport any rabbit to any show that I will be attending for free of charge. We also have Blue eyed white Netherland dwarfs! I would keep them all if I could. If you have any questions please contact me through Facebook or email. Small hobby rabbitry located in Northwestern PA. Pedigreed Dutch, Holland Lops, Lionheads, Mini-Rexes, & Netherland Dwarfs show & pet quality. 6102230772, Big Tom Perkins Bethel, Pennsylvania Be sure to check out raising rabbits article and resource page for information about Raising Rabbits in Pennsylvania. searching. Rabbits for Sale. I started raising/ showing rabbits in 4-H, continued later with the FFA and ARBA . Dark Souls Rabbitry Netherland Dwarfs, New Zealands Netherland Dwarf, Holland Lops, Dwarf Hotots, Lionheads, and Silvers for sale. refresh results with search filters open search menu. She is, Available is a very cute little Smoke Pearl buck named Linus. This sales policy applies to every rabbit K & R Rabbit Farm offers. Pedigree is available. We are a small family run rabbitry located in Lebanon county. all portland. Freehlings Rabbits CL. And as always we will gladly provide transportation to and from any of the rabbit shows we attend. 717-891-9313, Julie Inch & Giant Chinchillas, American Sables, Cinnamons, Creme D argents, Flemish Giants, Havanas, Himalayans, Lilacs, Palominos, Rhinelanders, Thriantas Holland Lop, Holland Lops and Mini Lops (570)904-4722, Chelsea Myers If you are interested in any bunnies feel free to contact me at any time ! Harrisburg , Pennsylvania (570)204-6958, Lora Powell orethanah11@gmail.com Greencastle , Pennsylvania York Haven, Pennsylvania Email me at kabrothers@harmonyowls.com or text me at (814)?592?8015 for more information or pictures. 1-304-919-5065, Naylin Bastardi Our buns are super friendly and cannot wait to hop into your heart and home! Lancaster, Pennsylvania Working on getting into Polish or Netherland Dwarfs. American Fuzzy Lop, Holland Lops All rabbits sold are categorized as either pets, breeders, or show/brood stock. Latrobe, Pennsylvania We raise show quality rabbits. klrickert@windstream.net I am a member of FFA, as well as ARBA. We have Satins ( both black and blue) and the hard to find Champagne DArgent , both good meat breeds. Holland Lop semonj@live.com Buzzy Bunnies Rabbitry CALL(800)220-9683 Website www.wantedoldmotorcycles.com Currently raising Silver Fox, Britannia Petite, and New Zealand rabbits. We have some Adorable bunnies for sale! I have solid blacks, broken blacks, and broken blues. Bs Precious Bunnies Holland Lops are generally easy to care for and make great pets for both children and adults. hidden. Fairview Acres Rabbitry kirstin.fisher@student.jtasd.org, Carolyn Bryant They, 2 8 week old indoor Holland Lop Rabbits for sale. Feel free to contact us with questions about our rabbits. Small Rabbitry in Northeast PA that raises show quality French Lop and Flemish Giant rabbits. We strive to breed hardy and solid New Zealands, and cute & correct Netherland dwarfs. Im not sure where Im going with my Crmes yet. Here we raise Mini Rexes in the colors Blue, Black, Tortoise, Black Otter, Broken and hoping to add 1 more breed but just havent decided. BORN oct 22, 2022 3 months old \r\nLookin.. My kids and I are having an amazing experience raising baby bunnies. CL. Dominics Mini Rex Refunds will not be offered once a rabbit has left our care. (570)250-3747, Monica, Shyanne, and Jenna Wible Our rabbits live outdoors when the weather is nice, and when it is too cold or hot our rabbits live indoors where it is heated and air conditioned. South Canaan, Pennsylvania Click on a featured rabbitry link below, or go to the Featured Rabbit Breeder List page. Champagne dArgents, Creme dArgents, Rhinelander, Mini Satin Red I work with solid and broken red, blue, and black satins. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania no hidden. ammrabbitry@aol.com, Christie Mattern Not only do we breed the perfect family pet, but we also breed show quality rabbits. Show/4 H/Pet rabbits available. portland. Ballys Bunnies We hold our baby bunnies from 10 days old till they leave so they are nice and a little mischievous. Ive been in the rabbit club for 4 years now. Located in Southeastern, Pa. Rabbits are priced considerably. Smiling Acre Rabbitry Myerstown, Pennsylvania Britannia Petite, Silver Fox, New Zealand thehappyrabbitfarm@gmail.com Mini Rex, Netherland Dwarfs, Lionheads carriagehouserabbits@gmail.com We offer our rabbits at reasonable prices and provide discounts for trios and 4-H buyers. I do not ship rabbits, Because I read that it wasnt good for them, alots of times they die. Nazareth, PA (570)578-8461. Dornsife, Pennsylvania Klingerstown, Pennsylvania Harris Hollow Farm Lancaster County, Pennsylvania We are a proud member of the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy, the National Silver Fox Rabbit Club and the American Rabbit Breeders Association. Silver Fox Rhinelander, Mini Rex, California, Netherland Dwarf We are a small family rabbits that believes in quality not quantity. We specialize in breeding Velveteen Lops and Mini Lops. m_shepler@comcast.net Hemlock Hollow Rabbitry Our colors in Velveteens range in tri, torts, harlequins, and many other color varieties. We are working on our own show quality bloodline of Champagnes. Right now I am trying to start breeding better show quality rabbits. I recently started showing my rabbits as well. Only reason Im seeking her is because I have a cat that keeps trying to harm her and I dont want her hurt.Buy Now, Beautiful loving bunnies raised by children to make the perfect pets in your home. I frequently update my facebook page so for the most recent pictures please look there! Located in Perry county. Holland Lop, Netherland Dwarfs, Lion Lops fancysrabbitry@live.com, John A. Spence Rabbits for Sale. Blue Colored English Angora Junior Doe. These adorable rabbits are two months old and looking for a new home. Sugar Hill Rabbit Farm We specialize in a variety of Lop breeds such as Holland Lops, Mini Lops, French Lops, Velveteen Lops, English Spot, Lionhead & Dutch rabbits. 724-475-4318, BREE MOSGRAVE We love these gentle giants. I am hoping to get into showing soon as well! My doe has never seen a show table but my buck for an older fella has bee doing very well. criadorabbitry@gmail.com, Denise & Dan Sehlmeyer for sale. 24karatrabbits@gmail.com, Robin Hessler Silver Fox Philadelphia Suburb, Pennsylvania Were also looking to eventually offer rabbit as dog food since we both feed our dogs a raw diet and rabbit is not always easy to find. refresh results with search filters open search menu. All of our rabbits and bunnies are handled with TLC. -ToysBuy Now, One white rex and one brown rex. for sale. Mt. farm & garden 50; general for sale 8; wanted 2; auto parts 1 + show 41 more + hide 41 more. Or find me on facebook at Our rabbits are indoors and we generally only have 102 litters at a time to maximize the time we have to spend with the babies. K & R Rabbit Farm kzd90@yahoo.com JRS Rabbitry ashandannsbunnies@yahoo.com, Robin Merrick TM Rabbitry Cheyennes Rabbitry On 3/9/2020 I searched for meat rabbits for Sale craigslist. The Farm at Fort Mill - Holland Lops in SC. We offer purebred Holland lops and netherland dwarfs. horse98girl@aol.com At the moment I have eleven bunnies for sale in total. We are a small hobby farm located in southwestern Pennsylvania. We are always happy to answer any questions owners have. sacramento for sale "RABBITS" - craigslist. I do it mainly for a hobby. mlsemple1@gmail.com julie@inchbunny.com no favorites. Our website is updated as often as possible. mkesler.mary.kesler@gmail.com, Melaina Hutzler kurt2013@gmail.com They require a diet of hay, fresh vegetables, and a small amount of pellets. Ive dabbled in raising rabbits now for over twenty years Ive done my fair show of trying different breeds from New Zealand whites and reds, beverns , giant chins, champagnes, Rex , lops, just to name a few. We are an ARBA certified rabbitry, and are members of the ARBA #CHESSAS00, National Silver Fox Breeders Club, the American Chinchilla Breeders Asso., as well as Pennsylvania State Rabbit Breeders Asso. Whipkey S Hutch Coffee Creek Hello, My name is Amy and we have a rabbitry located outside of Lancaster PA. We raise New Zealand Reds, Flemish Giants & English Spots. Each and every one of our rabbits are fed a quality feed and given excellent hay. Tenneys Angoras Rex, Flemish Giants If the buyer is purchasing a show or brood prospect, it is the responsibility of the buyer to confirm that the animal meets the buyers expectations at the time of purchase and that the animal is free from disqualifications. Check out our website for further information on colors we work with, shows we plan on attending, and what we have for sale! Jersey Wooly, Mini Rex, Dwarf Muncy, Pennsylvania Sandy Lake, Pennsylvania We do not ship. 1 Cranberry Township flemish giant rabbits. Please feel free to email me i will get back to you as soon as possible. We have rabbits for meat, show, and wool. Lionhead buck rabbit with nice hutch top opens 3 doors 2 slide out trays ramp to go in and out and a sliding door. They are house kept and use to all noises and smells. Hi All, He is a black otter. Pennsauken, New Jersey alexshannon11@gmail.com I think he needs to build me a barn of my own for my ever growing rabbitry. We are a small rabbitry located in southern New Jersey. Our rabbits are kept in a climate controlled building and handled daily. Without them, I wouldnt have the rabbitry I have. The are all spoiled rotten and get a lot of attention and treats. Our Rabbitry awaits your message Dave125C@yahoo.com (412)224-9865, Celina Eschleman I am a small ARBA registered rabbitry raising Silver Martens in Black and Blue and Standard Chinchillas. I raise and show quality English Angora, Mini Lops and Jersey Woolies in northeast, Pennsylvania. refresh results with search filters open search menu. Gallagher Farms And Rabbitry I am a 16 year old Rabbit breeder involved in my countys fair. Californian Rabbit New Zealand Reds They are started on litter box training and doing. mocamorgan@yahoo.com Rob and Dana Californian, New Zealand At this time we have 10 females and 5 males as breeding stock. 570-855-2924, Samantha Sessamen flying_foxfarm@yahoo.com Jefferson County, PA None of my rabbits are pedigreed but hey are purebred and well taken care of. We are a small hobby rabbitry located in Eastern Somerset/ Bedford County. no hidden. Breeding Silver Fox and Silver Fox mixes. Our rabbits are handled on a daily basis. I am located in South Eastern PA. 10 min from Newark DE and 15 min from the MD border. Genesee, Pennsylvania We have adult rabbits and baby rabbits for sale. ralph.steven.foote@gmail.com, Dominic Delbiondo (Odenville, AL) Sweet little bunnies are ready for new homes. no hidden. Mini Rex account. thegallagherfarm@hotmail.com, Dennis Zerby SilverValleyFarms@netzero.com, Michelle Kocher We have invested heavily in quality stock to be able to offer you top quality German Angoras, English angoras and hybrids. maplespringsrabbitry@7mcs.com, Clarence Gallagher Louisemarvin@gmail.com Peaches was born on 5/13/21 and is ready for her new home now. We specialize in unique colored mini rex, dwarf, jersey wooly, and petite rabbits which are 2 pounds or under. Satins (black and blue ) , Champagne DArgent and Lop 2 bunnies for sale $20 each. Srhollandlops@gmail.com, Michelle Potter I dont like to see the animals I spent a lot of blood sweat and money to raise, being Coatesville, Pennsylvania In addition to rabbits, we raise chinchillas (the rodent) that are from show lines, various poultry and gamebirds. Friedens, Pennsylvania Click to reveal Bkg_Rabbits@Live.com RobisonRabbitry@yahoo.com Daylight Rabbitry Blue eyes light brown with white belly Washington, PA -hair brush PennMar Farms Blue Bunny Rabbitry We raise pedigreed New Zealand Whites and Californians for show, pets, breeding stock, and all natural nourishment. Four Words Rabbitry Keywords: rabbit, bunny.View Detail, Im moving and sadly cannot take him with me. All of our rabbits are very well cared for and very loved. When you agree to a pickup place, date, and time and do not show the rabbit will become available again and your deposit will not be refunded. Hello, PMI is a small breeding system, and I mainly show my rabbits at fairs. Greenville, Pennsylvania

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bunnies for sale in pa craigslist