0000013624 00000 n 0000268204 00000 n 0000206667 00000 n Payment by Direct Debit. E-billing required. BritBox is for your personal, non-commercial use. If the kit is not returned, you may be liable for a charge. Device limitations apply. You can re-activate at any time but you will need to add all of your settings again. 0000263664 00000 n The guarantee only applies when your Smart Hub2 is connected to the fixed broadband network and it does not cover broadband faults. BT Virus Protect works on compatible PC/MACs. Asian Mix:Available for a monthly minimum term for 5 a month. Nuisance call blocking functionality blocks up to 100% of nuisance/unwanted calls. Payment by Direct Debit. 0000205347 00000 n Keep Connected Promise: Youll need to contact us to report the fault. 0800 numbers and calls to voicemail included. You can only watch/record one sport channel at any given time. begin 084,087, 09 and 118 have access charge of 31.35p per minute plus a service charge set by the company you call. Compatible line required otherwise 49.99 connection charge may apply. For new Full Fibre 900 with Halo 3+ customers that sign up for 24 months, 95.99 a month from month 25. As of 13 December 2019, we own all BT Broadband Hubs (Hub 4, Smart Hub, and Smart Hub 2) and TV Boxes (Z4, G4 and G5) sent out to customers. 25.05 a month. Price from month 25 currently 84.99 a month. 62.10 a month. Not all lines in an ultrafast Fibre area can support this service, call today to see if you are eligible. Pop your email address below and well let you know when this item is back in stock: Express delivery available on selected items, The latest technology from the biggest brands, Our people are on hand Mon to Fri 9am - 5pm, Trusted by customers for over two decades, TP LINK AV600 Nano Powerline Adapter Starter Kit. 10-04-2020 This doesnt include any changes as a result of annual percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rate of inflation plus 3.9%. If you have mobile from BT on the same account (or have shared your Halo benefits with other BT Mobile customers living in your home), well also activate Broadband Backup within a hour of you reporting the fault. Includes BT Virus Protect and a BT Home Hub (unless BT has already provided you with one). Connect to our 4G mobile network and browse, stream and download on a faster connection. Also included when you opt in are: BT Privacy Caller Display, Anonymous Call Reject, and Free 1471 call return. Simply plug into your wall socket and you are ready to enjoy a complete broadband experience. All calls or texts charged as per your BT Mobile plan. Price from month 25 currently 41.99 a month. Payment by Direct Debit. Wireless & Ethernet Hub/Switch. 30-08-2019 Watch the video to find out how to set up BT Mini Connectors.For further help and support visit: http://www.bt.com/helpSubscribe now: https://bit.ly/2qIe9W3T. We dont want you to miss out though so heres some of our best selling products which are similar to what you are looking for. As a result, it will work with any broadband connection. BT Virus Protect works on compatible PC/MACs. Freeview channels will also continue to work on your BT TV set top box during a fault. For new Fibre 100 with Halo3 customers that sign up for 24 months. Check your speed using the MyBT app, online or by calling 0800 800 150. BT Sport with BT TV:18.00 a month. (So if you buy a 500MB Add-On 10 days before the date of your next bill, it'll cover the data you use for those days and the previous 20). Compatible device required to stream content see, 5.99 pm a month. 18+. Speeds vary by location, coverage, and demand. For new Fibre 250 with Halo3+ customers that sign up for 24 months. To block nuisance calls you need the Caller Display service to be active on your account. Price from month 25 currently 35.99 a month. PayPal Credit and PayPal Pay in 3 are trading names of PayPal (Europe) S. r.l. Includes BT Virus Protect and a BT Home Hub (unless BT has already provided you with one). Toate produsele se livreaza din stoc la cele mai mici preturi. Your upload speed is the speed that you can upload things to the internet (for example, posting photos to social media). The original BT Whole Home Wi-Fi was one of my favourite mesh systems, as it was a . Supersize . Requires minimum 400kbps line speed or good Wi-Fi/3G/4G and a compatible device. 13h04. 4G speeds vary by location, coverage and demand. That's absurdly cheap for a bona fide mesh setup . Consumer plans only. Features: Dual-Band. For Broadband Unlimited customers, taking Essential or Sport: as you will not have sufficient line quality and speed, content is only available in standard definition. We'll always offer the best available speed on your line. Compatible equipment required to cast content to your TV. Terms apply. Applies for the duration of your fault or home move only. Review Price: 74.99. I have run into the same issue with my Mini 600. Thick-walled stone cottage. You will be charged for a full month of content to your payment method, which will be added to your next BT bill, unless you cancel your NOW Membership before the end of the free trial. Then verify the Wi-Fi password and name of the phone. Compatible device required to stream content see www.britbox.co.uk/help. 25 offers from 38.59. Smart Hub 2: available to Halo 3+ customers who dont already have one. Offer excludes existing BT Sport Second Box customers. Learn all about our Wi-Fi Home Hotspot 500 broadband home network extender. Line Rental included in monthly cost. This is because calling 1571 may lead to a chargeable call. These are the basics to what your hub lights mean. On the device that you want to connect to, go to Settings > Cellular > Personal Hotspot or Settings > Personal Hotspot and make sure that it's on. Britbox is for your personal, non-commercial use. These errors occur because of the Smart Setup enabled on these routers for BT broadband customers. A Netflix Standard plan, watch unlimited movies and TV shows on 2 screens at the same time in Full HD. 24 month contract. 15h47, I turned off "smart setup" in the hub interface. To connect your Hub to the internet wirelessly: This is how you change the Wi-Fi network name on your Hub and set it up as a Wi-Fi hotspot: If you want to avoid interference from neighbouring networks, you can change the Wi-Fi channel on your Hub: Just so you know, most Wi-Fi routers in the UK use channels 1, 6 and 11 as these are the default channels for 2.4GHz Wi-Fi networks. It is not possible to watch recordings made in Internet mode if you switch to aerial mode. 3907 Mini Wi-Fi Home Hotspot 600 Kit quick start guide, Mini Wi-Fi Home Hotspot 600 Kit specification sheet, 3907 Mini Wi-Fi Home Hotspot 600 Multi Kit quick start guide, Mini Wi-Fi Home Hotspot 600 Multi Kit specification sheet, Mini Wi-Fi Home Hotspot 600 CE Declaration of Conformity, You will need Adobe Reader to view PDF documents, If your product is out of warranty, please call the Technical Help and Support Desk on 0800 980 899, Uses your home electrical wiring to extend your broadband network anywhere in the house, Link with other HomePlug AV powerline adaptors, AV600 powerline & N150 wireless technology, Compatible with AV200 and AV500 technology devices, Uses latest AV600 technology for smooth multiple HD / 3D streaming, Secure wireless network - no configuration necessary, Simple push-button Wi-Fi connection set-up with hotspot, Two Ethernet ports for multiple wired devices. Speeds vary by location, coverage and demand. Available to customers on BT consumer broadband plan UK residents only. (the hotspots are in outhouses connected on same mains electricity etc.). Maximum of 2 devices may be used simultaneously. Payment by Direct Debit. 31-08-2019 BT Virus Protect works on compatible PC/MACs. BT Virus Protect works on compatible PC/MACs. I see all other devices on the network. The extender is/was hard-wired to the Hub4 router and the two hotspots are in different rooms. Theyre small (120 x 120 x 50mm), so should be relatively easy to find a home for around your house. Learn more. NOW account required andterms apply. For residential customers on a BT Calling Plan. Terms apply. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for BT 4G halo mini hub - Mobile Broadband at the best online prices at eBay! You can cancel the offer at any time. Early termination charge may apply if you stop your service in the first 24 months, see bt.com/terms, Prices may change at any time during the contract. 0000014051 00000 n Requires 50 activation fee upfront. Founded in 2004, Trusted Reviews exists to give our readers thorough, unbiased Service is on demand content only. BT Virus Protect works on compatible PC/MACs. You can cancel the offer at any time. You'll soon be . BT Halo Mobile benefits 4G connection required. a. install and connect your BT Hub and connect a device to the BT Broadband service; b.. demonstrate a working product and test your Wi-Fi signal; c. connect any additional kit for other BT products and services such as Complete Wi-Fi; d. connect your BT TV to the BT Broadband, including any multi-room boxes where applicable; and. Full HD & Dolby 5.1 on selected content only. It uses fibre optic technology to deliver superfast broadband with average speeds of 67Mb which lets you do more online, with everyone online together. 0000305151 00000 n BT Virus Protect works on compatible PC/MACs. Saturday 9.00am to 2.00pm. If you've shared your Halo benefits with any other BT Mobile customers living in your home, they'll get free data too. Stay on this screen until you've connected your other device to the Wi-Fi network. 44.99 a month from month 25. Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.30pm. For new Fibre with Halo3+ customers that sign up for 24 months. Includes BT Virus Protect and a BT Smart Hub. For new Full Fibre 300 customers that sign up for 12 months. This means there'll be no charge for your data until your fault is fixed. You can make a claim up to four times a year. Generally, green and blue are considered to be good, whilst red, orange and purple aren't so good. The monthly price for your broadband plan will increase each year from March 2024 by the rate of inflation (the Consumer Price Index rate, published in January each year) plus 3.9%. Offer subject to change. Our Price Promise: annual price changes still apply. Using AV600 powerline technology and N150 Wi-Fi technology, BT's Mini Wi-Fi Home Hotspot 600 Kit works straight out of the box. BT Mini Wi-Fi Home Hotspot 500 Add-on powerline adapter, 2 ports and WiFi (#314281749433) Available via BT.com only. A 12-month minimum term applies for new line rental contracts. Pay in 3 is a form of credit, may not be suitable for everyone. Prime Video:Amazon.com, Inc. and its affiliates are not sponsors of this promotion. Mobile network coverage required. Once you've reported an eligible fault, we'll send you a Mini Hub straight away at no extra cost. Connect your Hub to your computer via a cable or Wi-Fi connection, Launch a web browser and in the address bar, enter, Enter your username and password then click. Connect all your devices anywhere in your home - no need to be within range of your existing Wi-Fi router. Plus, watch allBT Sport channels with exclusive Premier League games and every match of the UEFA Champions League with the best world-class sport from football to UFC and much more from BT. You can watch iPlayer with less interruption and HD video with less buffering. We no longer sell the BT Mini Hub. If Britbox is removed from your account at any point during the six-month period, youll be unable to get this offer again. You can pay for Line Rental Plus by any method unless you take another service that requires payment by Direct Debit. Compatible line required otherwise 49.99 connection charge may apply. Freeview channels will also continue to work on your BT TV set top box during a fault. For new Fibre 100 customers that sign up for 24 months. Specs for this product are basic, with the BT Mini Whole Home Wi-Fi running the Wi-Fi 5 standard. 0000298749 00000 n 0000355640 00000 n y}@h$Ux? '&X$ddT< >)Db20HBh5n2qP67;2,a8"xw i6`L35@ t- endstream endobj 736 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[104 513]/Length 40/Size 617/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream One downside is it wasn . At the end of the offer period, youll be automatically charged the standard monthly price for BritBox (currently 5.99 pm) and data used will decrement from any plan allowances depending on how you access the content. If there is a delay in performing the service for reasons outside of our control then we will let you know and take steps to reduce the delay. Discounted price for BT broadband homes (excludes business). on The Mini Hub comes with a SIM that will provide unlimited data while we fix your fault. BT Virus Protect works on compatible PC/MACs. 0000268053 00000 n Since it has the main hub and two separate extenders you really can spread these around. The 4G Mini Hub from BT can be used to connect up to 20 devices, although bear in mind . Includes BT Virus Protect and a BT Home Hub (unless BT has already provided you with one). One minute minimum call charge. HD: HD on demand requires suitable HDMI cable, a HD ready TV and 5Mbps minimum line speed for streaming. Payment by Direct Debit. 0000237758 00000 n Payment by Direct Debit. VIP for those who want everything TV has to offer and more. Maximum of 150 calls to 0845 and 0870 numbers. Payment by Direct Debit. BT Sport on Sky TV requires Sky box, active viewing card and 12-month BT Sport contract. To do this: Turn on your BT Mobile Hotspot and connect it to your PC via a USB cable or wi-fi. Now we have fibre optic and upgraded to a HomeHub6 - so i RE-CLONED the 2 x Hotspot plugs to the new HomeHub router, and although the wifi devices (various phones) can see the network being pumped out from the plugs it cannot obtain an IP address anymore so does not connect. Price from month 13 currently 60.99 a month. The TV Box Mini only connects using Internet Mode. How is the Mini Hub different to Broadband Backup? A quick way to get help, all day and every day. BT Virus Protect works on compatible PC/MACs. 21.99 a month. The first satellite you connect must be wired, with the remaining satellites connecting via wireless. How can I find out what broadband speed I could get? 12-month minimum term. 500 Minutes: 30 day minimum term. Early termination charge may apply if you stop your service in the first 24 months, seebt.com/legalstuff. 700 inclusive anytime minutes to UK landlines, UK mobiles and 0845 and 0870 numbers excluding the Channel Islands. 11ac Wi-Fi Home Hotspot Plus 1000. An upgraded version of the company's original mesh system, the BT Mini Whole Home Wi-Fi has smaller discs making it easier to place. 64.99 a month from month 25. oPOnx2^CozJr"~?&r4MMfdkVp?t=7%NCYVs];R-z ]2h:SBoD:1oB>-?4H|KMMK :G5%K,%. Access to content outside of the UK and the ability to watch on other devices are subject to the terms and conditions of Britbox. New 2023 Nissan Rogue Platinum Crossover Gun Metallic for sale - only $40,700. Pack your Mini Hub with all cables and instructions into the original box. A 12-month minimum term applies for new line rental contracts. Payment by Direct Debit. BT's Mini Wi-Fi Home Hotspot 500 Multi Kit is easy to use. Price from month 13 currently 50.99 a month. 0000347569 00000 n Dedicated UK and Ireland-based Support: we may route your call outside the UK and Ireland under certain circumstances. 0000005946 00000 n To change any of the SSID, wi-fi or admin passwords you'll first need to log in to the BT Mobile Hotspot admin page. Includes BT Virus Protect and a BT Smart Hub. Includes BT Virus Protect and a BT Home Hub (unless BT has already provided you with one). The minimum download speed is the lowest speed we think you should get with this package. Please note that Reward cards can also be referred to as BT Reward cards they are the same thing. 20h34. EE 4GEE OSPREY 2 MINI WIFI HOTSPOT MODEM NEVER USED COMPETE WITH PASSWORD ALL CABLES 16. UK calls to UK landlines (starting 01,02,03) and UK mobiles, standard UK texts and data within the UK. Now we have fibre optic and upgraded to a HomeHub6 - so i RE-CLONED the 2 x Hotspot plugs to the new HomeHub router, and although the wifi devices (various phones) can see the network . The BT Mini Whole Home Wi-Fi system currently costs only 75 for a three-node pack. Payment by Direct Debit. AirSlim. For new Full Fibre 500 customers that sign up for 24 months. For new Full Fibre 900 customers that sign up for 24 months. Personal use only. Payment by Direct Debit. Our team of specialists will contact you to confirm what additional work is needed and how long this will take, usually within four weeks from the date your order was placed. It connects you to our 4G mobile network, so you could get faster speeds than with your standard broadband connection with one of our great 4G broadband deals. Service is on demand content only. Well done. Does anyone know if these are the same thing bar the colour, the one I've received is white whereas the Mini Hub matches the black Smart H. The exchange list and dates are subject to change. Sky box and active viewing card required. Works with all broadband providers. 4G coverage required. Can I cancel the BT Package that I've ordered? 0000267741 00000 n 0000267972 00000 n Compatible line required otherwise 49.99 connection charge may apply. Netflix Basic plan RRP 6.99. (You can still carry on using it until the date of your next bill and we won't charge you again). 9. 0000343966 00000 n These hotspots can cause conflicts on certain other routers which use as their default gateway, as they can cause the network to lock up when the hotspots are first turned on. You can cancel at any time within the free 7-day trial period, and youll still be able to enjoy your NOW Membership for free for the full 7 days. For more information seeLearn about Broadband Backup>, Learn about the 4G Mini Hub for BT Halo customers. Checkout now. Price from month 25 currently 69.99 a month. Wi-Fi Calling also available on iPhone 5S and above - Wi-Fi connection required. BT Virus Protect works on compatible PC/MACs. 0000264445 00000 n Only available on Fibre Broadband plans, minimum speed threshold of35Mbps apply for TV Box Mini, speeds of under 35Mbps (but above 23Mbps) may be offered an alternative. Unlimited Minutes:30 day minimum term. 0000264362 00000 n With BTs Mini Wi-Fi Home Hotspot 600 Kit, you are able to connect any wired or wireless devices wherever and whenever you like. Payment by Direct Debit. Netflix Basic plan RRP 6.99. No hayu and limited Kids content available. Find out all about the Wi-Fi Home Hotspot Plus 600, a broadband home network extender. Average speeds based on speed available to at least 50% of customers at peak time (8-10pm). Here is a quick look at the BT 4G Mini Hub which you get sent if your BT Plus Broadband goes down for a long time and is expected to take some time to repair. 10. TP-Link LS1005G 5-Port Desktop/Wallmount Gigabit Ethernet Switch/Hub, Network Splitter, Plug and play, Plastic Case . Game catalogue varies over time, by region and by device. You can only have one data and one minutes Add-On at any one time. Our 4G broadband and 4G Home Hub could help. We work with Openreach to provide installation services if you require a new phone line, and for specific technology changes that require work outside of your property (e.g. Announcements, Guides & Community Updates. HDMI connection required. NOW Entertainment RRP 9.99 per month, NOW Cinema RRP 9.99 per month, and NOW Sports RRP 34.99 per month. For new Full Fibre 900 customers that sign up for 12 months. Prices and BT Sport content subject to change at any time. The new BT Mini Whole Home Wi-Fi is bought in packs of discs. UA75BU8000SXNZ. Your download speed is the speed at which you can download or stream things from the internet. Package includes BT line rental and unlimited calls to UK* landlines for up to an hour. Excludes outages, connection faults and home wiring outside of BTs control. That increase is based on the Consumer Price Index Rate of inflation which is published in January each year plus 3.9%. Average speeds based on speed available to at least 50% of customers at peak time (8-10pm). Compatible line required otherwise 49.99 connection charge may apply. Compatible equipment required to cast content to your TV. 28 day minimum term. Terms apply. BT Business Hub 5 Type A BT Business Hub 5 Type A The only difference between the Business Hub 5 and the Home Hub 5 is that the Business Hub 5 is able to be used with public static IP ranges, whereas the home hub can't. BT and PlusNet sell and. NOW Membership will only be available to watch via the app on your set-top-box and compatible devices and not through the electronic programme guide. Britbox terms apply. With up to 500 Mbps for smooth HD/3D streaming, online gaming or faster downloads, BT's Mini Wi-Fi Home Hotspot 600 Kit supports all your online needs. Payment is by direct debit and subject to credit status. Compatible device required to stream content see www.britbox.co.uk/help. If you need to change or cancel any appointment date, you must tell BT at least one working day prior to the scheduled appointment or we may charge the equivalent of the installation charge. A Netflix Basic plan, watch unlimited movies and TV shows on 1 screen at a time in HD. You can cancel the offer at any time. Available to new and existing BT customers that sign up for an 18 month minimum term. Price from month 13 currently 40.99 a month. Minimum 1 month term. Simple to use. 0000204756 00000 n It's great for downloading or streaming movies, TV shows and music. You must not attempt to share, edit or adapt the content made available to you. Check Coverage checker before buying. Prices and BT Sport content subject to change at any time. The Account Holder needs to set up and maintain this service. 0000263428 00000 n 0000268363 00000 n SeeBT Halo terms. For new Broadband Unlimited customers that sign up for 24 months. 30-08-2019 Your actual speed will depend on your location, phone line, home wiring, Wi-Fi connection and time of day. Terms and conditions - EE and BT are part of the BT group. BT Virus Protect works on compatible PC/MACs. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for BT Wi-Fi Home Hotspot Flex 600 Kit with wired AV600 Powerline, N150 Wi-F at the best online prices at eBay! If your line won't support our top speed, we'll offer the best speed available. If you can replace your existing router and have the cash, Netgears system is a better choice. All calls or texts charged as per your BT Mobile plan. TP-Link 4G LTE Travel Mobile Mi-Fi Hotspot, Connection with Up to 10 Devices, Compatible with Most of the Network, With Long Lasting and Rechargeable Battery, Easy Management with tpMiFi App (M7000) 4.2 out of 5 stars. 22.84p per minute for all UK landlines, UK mobiles and 0845 and 0870 numbers excluding the Channel Islands. 0000206997 00000 n Service numbers beginning 084, 087, 09 and 118 have an access charge of 31.35p per minute plus a service charge set by the company you call.