brittany commisso lying

Around November 2019, when she started to assist Mr. Cuomo at the Executive Mansion, the governor would comment on her appearance, the attorney generals report said. If you are entering into this agreement on behalf of a business or other legal entity, you represent that you have the authority to bind such entity to this agreement, in which case the terms User, you or your shall refer to such entity. Commisso says she is the woman who is referred to as "Executive Assistant #1" in last week's report commissioned by New York Attorney General Letitia James. Brittany Commisso, one of the women accusing ex-Gov. Commisso also explained that she wanted to protect her daughter, saying, "I didn't want her to have to deal with anything that came along with this. Most notable is Stephanie Bentons testimony: Commisso told Cuomo in or around November that because she was going through a divorce she needed a different work schedule. Brittany Commisso, going on camera for the first time, said Cuomo is lying. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, Andrew M. Cuomo of groping her in the Executive Mansion and filed a criminal complaint against him, forcefully rebutted the. He replied I dont care, slammed the door shut, slid his hand under her blouse, and grabbed her breast over her bra. Rita Glavin, an attorney for the governor,said Fridaythat emails allegedly undermining Commissos story were not included in James' investigation. Acceptance of this disclaimer: You acknowledge that you have read this Disclaimer and agree to all its terms and conditions. The report fails to mention that Commisso wore a long winter coat while allegedly being groped. The governor of New York is presently facing the most severe charges of sexual misconduct. She then gave another date to the Times Union which proved impossible. She was identified only as "Executive Assistant. According to her testimony, the door was open, so she said Youre going to get us in trouble. ", Cuomo has denied this accusation as well, saying, "to touch a woman's breasts, who I hardly know, in the mansion with 10 staff around, with my family in the mansion, to say, 'I don't care who sees us.' Cuomo then, according to Commisso, suggested the two try again on the couch. Commisso is one of the 11 women who Cuomo was accused of sexually harassing in a damning report by New York State Attorney General Letitia James. This disclaimer was created with the disclaimer generator. Brittany Commisso, who filed a criminal complaint against Gov. By accessing and using the Website and Services you agree to be bound by this Disclaimer. Brittany Commisso spoke out for the first time in a pre-taped interview that was previewed on Sunday and aired in part on Monday morning. "It was not welcomed. Legal Statement. "After multiple women made accusations that Governor Cuomo sexually harassed them, the governor, himself, requested that Attorney General James oversee an independent investigation," Levy said in a statement. Brittany Commisso is one of 11 girls named in a classified report by New York State Attorney General Letitia James, who claims Cuomo sexually harassed a number of women and violated state and federal laws. Brittany Commisso began working as an executive assistant in the governor's office in 2017. However, before joining the office of Governor Cuomo, she used to work with the Albany County Department of Law. Commisso stated that the incident happened around the day she was tasked to take a photo of the document. She spoke in late 2020 and early 2021 to her supervisors about having to leave early,. You've successfully subscribed to this newsletter! Cuomo has denied any wrongdoing following the state AGs report and has refused widespread calls to resign. Brittany Commisso has been married to Frank Commisso Jr. since 2016. I remember I walked out and he walked back into his office. Commisso testified that she wore a coat and specifically points out that she didnt take it off because she was going back to the office. Get the latest updates from the 2024 campaign trail, exclusive interviews and more Fox News politics content. According to an April 2021 interview with the Albany Times-Union, Commisso worked for a top official at a state agency during the start of her time with the governors office, and then returned to work closer to Cuomo in June 2019 as executive assistant to one of his top advisors. Both her and Cuomos forehead wrinkles are clearly smoothened out / significantly reduced and his hairline moved back by doing so. Brittany Commissos allegations of being groped are not credible. Powered by. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. She provided different versions on different occasions, which were inconsistent with the evidence and other witness statements, and she contradicted herself repeatedly. And my understanding is thats how she got her job, he said. Commisso has accused Cuomo of groping her.. It was not normal, it was not welcome, and it was certainly not consensual.. Was it buttoned up? He said: I dont care and slammed the door shut. I don't believe his family was there that day. Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers in #Albany! Commisso sent the selfie to her friend McGrath when still next to Cuomo. Executive Assistant Who Accused Cuomo of Groping Says It Was Not Normal,, Brittany Commisso, left, answering questions during an interview with correspondent Jericka Duncan on CBS This Morning., CBS This Morning and Albany Times Union, via Associated Press. Commisso worked for Cuomo starting 2019 and her estranged husband and family are Democrats who are involved in public in the Albany area. I remember that is when I put it back on but I didnt zipper it back up. Maybe he had a letter or dictation that he wanted to do, and he said no, thats it. She also said that she did not come forward publicly because she was fearful of retaliation. Commisso, now 32, alleges that the governor groped her for the first time on December 31, 2019. Brittany Commisso was identified as "Executive Assistant #1" in James report accusing Cuomo of sexually harassing 11 women, including current and former state employees, from 2013 to 2020 in violation of state and federal law. Brian Premo, the attorney representing Brittany Commisso, did not respond to a request for comment. After completing high school she got admission into the University of Albany of the United States. ", CUOMO EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT COMES FORWARD, ALLEGES NY GOVERNOR 'BROKE THE LAW'. In her testimony on May 17, 2021, she claimed she deleted them because she didnt want Cuomo to see how shaky and nervous she was. He said take your coat off. Testimony according to AG Report:It was around the day she was was tasked with taking a photo of a document. Cuomo has denied touching women inappropriately, but apologized if his behavior was misinterpreted, while his attorneys have questioned the fairness and impartiality of the attorney generals investigation. Josh Solomon, a capitol bureau reporter. Heres what you need to know about Brittany Commisso and her accusations against Cuomo: Cuomo is accused in the report of engaging in a pattern of inappropriate conduct with Commisso since about late 2019, according to the attorney generals report. In essence she has accused Governor Cuomo of sexual assault. Now my hives are coming out. X in the Position Statement, but she has since revealed her identity. "And, yes, you did. And he said, 'Oh, those aren't those aren't good.'". More information:https://ag.ny. His father is Frank Commisso Sr., a Democratic member of the Albany County Legislature since 1983. The fact that she wore a long winter coat when she was in the office which was omitted by AG James is exculpatory evidence and disproves her story. She was already thin, but has lost significant weight, is emotionally fragile, and as the mother of a young child remains concerned about job security. But everything changed a few months later when she saw Cuomo deny accusations of sexual harassment during a press conference in March 2021 and heard him say that he "never touched anyone inappropriately. Commisso has a financial motive, and the timing of her allegations is connected with her divorce and financial issues. On the recording her husband, who filed for divorce in January, implied that he knows that we had an affair, Commisso said. "I hope that the other women understand and that I've seen them and I support them. Brittany Commisso, an executive assistant on Cuomo's staff, detailed her interactions with the Democrat in a joint interview with CBS and The Times Union of Albany that was broadcast Monday as a key New York legislative committee met behind closed doors to discuss potential impeachment hearings. Former Cuomo assistant Brittany Commisso said Sunday on CBS's "Face the Nation" in a preview clip from "CBS This Morning" that what Gov. Gov. Commisso was hired by the Executive Chamber as a $62,000-a-year administrative assistant in fiscal 2019 and previously worked as a . Was it a blouse that had buttons up the front or just no buttons and he came up from underneath?A. What he did to me was a crime. Commisso whose groping allegationled to a misdemeanor criminal complaint being filedagainstthe former governor last month implied that her estranged husband may have been manipulated by Cuomo insiders into erroneously believing she and Cuomo had a consensual affair. We have no control over the nature, content and availability of those sites. Her selfie story is incongruent with facts and is nonsensical. She said, Youre crazy. Content and postings: You may print or copy any part of the Website and Services for your personal or non-commercial use. I would never on my own get up and initiate a hug with the governor, Ms. Commisso said in a joint interview with CBS This Morning and the Albany Times Union. Commisso alleges that on New Years Eve 2019, the governor groped her behind after she helped him with his State of the State speech. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Im officially jealous!!! To attack this investigation and attempt to undermine and politicize this process takes away from the bravery displayed by these women., The statement added, There will be a rolling production of interview transcripts made available to the state Assembly, which will be redacted as needed. That never happened.. She began working in the governors office as an executive assistant in December 2017. Cuomo has denied that he ever touched Commisso inappropriately, including when they took the selfie. Asked if Cuomo was lying, Commisso replied, "Yes. Neither she nor her hubby appear to currently use social media. He also stated that the photo had been taken at her request and that he had asked her not to share it. Cuomo has denied any impropriety on his part. They ignored that the selfie was photoshopped. Brittany Commisso, the executive assistant who accused Gov. It was definitely a blouse that it wasnt low cut, but I could definitely see his hand underneath it.[]Q. ", Commisso described Cuomo's behavior that night as "almost as if he was in a sexually aggressive state of mind. We may also provide notice to you in other ways at our discretion, such as through the contact information you have provided. I feel as though that Beth Garvey was asking about my relationship status to see if that was a route they could take to try to meddle in my divorce, she testified. Cuomo of groping her speaks publicly for the first time: "What he did to me was a crime," Brittany Commisso tells @CBSThisMorning & @timesunion. Watch Monday at 7a, only on CBS. Rita Glavin, Cuomos lawyer, in a letter last month demanding that Albany Sheriff Craig Apple, preserve all records in the criminal probe, asked that any communications involving Commisso and his son be retained. Heres what you need to know about Commisso, who filed a criminal complaint against the governor last week. Premo asked whether Cuomo would also take a polygraph exam. He testified that it was Commisso who wanted to send it to McGrath to make her jealous. Commisso has been married since 2016 to Frank Commisso Jr., 37, a former Albany Common Council member who works for the New York State and Local Retirement System. She told Cuomo in late 2020 she was going through a divorce which created financial pressure. Did it have a zipper or wrap or buttons, how was it fastened?A. During her testimony, the investigators discuss the issue with her in detail and try to lead her to resolve this discrepancy. According to the New York state record; the married couple is currently going through a contested divorce, apparently. She stepped away and said youre going to get us in trouble (because the door was open). She and the investigators realize that this makes her story even more incredible, and Commisso is led (unsuccessfully) by the investigators in an attempt to fix it and make the narrative work. Nonetheless, Acting Counsel referred the matter to the Albany Police Department on March 10., CBS This Morning (@CBSThisMorning) August 8, 2021.

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