bluestar and oakheart in starclan

Bluestar soon became pregnant, and had her and Patchpelt's kits. Thrushpelt padded over to her. When the night falls, Bluestar goes to Oakheart like they always didwhen they werewarriors. Approximate individual price is $12.99 USD, and the three-pack bundle is $38.97 USD. Bluestar started to pad off letting Redtail be alone. Bluekit: I will run away because I do not care if my Clan rises. i think bluestar did love thrushpelt- but just as a friend. You'll see Moonflower, Snowfur, Oakheart, Sweetpaw. Bluestar hissed. But, we all know that your mate shouldn't charm you just to do what they want. "WindClan!" And what was probably more real to him than either; the gifted leader who had done what she felt was best and borne the pain of it alone. (Cast away). Be happy with Bluestar and always love her" Stormtail meowed "and tell Bluestar to come here" Moonflower added "thank you Stormtail and I will" Oakheart meowed and goes off "Bluestar" Oakheart called "what is it?" Also included in a three-pack bundle with Firestar and Tigerstar. Oakheart said. Don't worry we're in Starclan nothing will happen bad" Bluestar meowed "fine if that's your choice then we're happy for you as long as you're happy" Moonflower meowed back and they hugged each other. It is for the best. Even the most powerful flames can be destroyed by water. "I should've been told the truth!" I slowly floated back to StarClan, now knowing Fireheart had helped everyone. I eat a lot every day to do my lazy work! Redtail trotted over to the two and Bluestar turned her head away. "Me?!" Bluestar ignored them and saw Oakheart come over. 2010-10-18 22:57:46. Stormtail: (sees Husky) Ah, what? "Why have you given up on your Clan" She whispered. Bluekit: You apologize for ME?! All the cats got ready and finally when Firestar was there at the Moonstone we went to give him his nine lives. It is noted that they are mates in StarClan . Stormtail showed grief in his eyes. In Forest of Secrets, Bluestar confesses to Fireheart that she had kits with a RiverClan cat. "Bluestar," Spottedleaf started. "Leafpool," Bluestar meowed taking a step forward. After becoming a warrior, Bluefur raised Whitekit, Snowfur's kit, as her own after the death of her sister, and Bluefur fell for a RiverClan warrior, Oakheart, becoming pregnant with his kits. [2] They are responsible for sending signs and omens to the living cats. I kept telling myself he'll be okay, but then my mother's voice was in my ears. Snowkit: Let's count the elders for stories! Let your jaw do the work. He yowled. Read 44. Oakheart shook his head. Who could he be? "Brambleclaw needs you Bluestar, about the new territory." "Do not give up, you will be a medicine cat like no other, walking in the pawsteps of past medicine cats." I let my scent wrap near my children. "Those were my thoughts on it," Bluefur said as she purred in laughter. are bluestar and oakheart mates in starclan moline school district calendar 2022-2023 July 7, 2022 | 0 moline school district calendar 2022-2023 July 7, 2022 | 0 That makes them witchcraft! I'm sorry Redtail, but I can't give faith or hope. "It's left in better paws." *******Bluestar looked down at Dovepaw. How many times have we told them that they must face the future together? Bluestar turned to Oakheart "it's ok I'll go to Stonefur and Crookedstar" Oakheart replied and padded to his son and his brother, then Bluestar and Mosskit goes to Snowfur "hey Snowfur" greeted Bluestar "oh hey Bluestar and hello Mosskit" Snowfur meowed "hello Snowfur" said Mosskit "can you teach me some hunting tricks?" "Clear all of that from your mind, and replace it, with life, happiness, bright skies, and hope." We use cookies to optimize our website and our service. "There's nothing I can do but look at my Clan being torn from the paths of strengh and loyalty." Mumblefoot let out a yowl as Snowfur stepped on his tail. Oh Piiinestar? "Hey, my tail isn't moss or something to play with!" "I know that! "Not really, Thrushpelt. It ended in a sigh. (T)Bluefur/Bluestar: A Russian blue she-cat. Mumblefoot: Easy! They late get their warrior names, Mistyfoot and Stonefur. And then there is Bluestar (left) and Oakheart (right). (Oakheart ends up with Graypool) However Patchpelt confesses his feelings for Bluefur and they fall in love. "Stonefur, my kit. "Everyone forgives you" She meowed quietly. But, we all know that your mate shouldn't charm you just to do what they want. Pinestar: Ok, Leopardkit and Patchkit, go ahead. This answer is: I watched Mistyfoot and Stonefur sharing tongues with my body. (He dismisses her). the white she-cat called over her shoulder. Larksong: I'm going to teach you gibberish! Oakheart's whiskers twitched. Bluestar is a lithe blueish-gray she-cat with light blue eyes. Stormtail: Anyway, look at what I'm holding! "Stormtail? She sighed. Yellowfang spoke. "Moonflower? Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Stonepelt: It's Stonepelt, do you want a father who doesn't care? "He doesn't care about me does he?" Yes, Oaskheart did love Blestar but I don't know if he did when she gave away the kits to him. We send omens and dreams to the medicine cats. from the story Warriors: The Return Of The Greatest Heroes by CrazyFlamefur (Flamefur) with 2,660 reads. Bluestar smiled. She recognised many familiar faces as she looked. The Darkest Hour [] Lionheart is among the StarClan cats who appear to give Fireheart his nine lives during his leadership ceremony . A red, tawny shape flew out of the pool and dashed to Crookedstar. "I missed you too" She purred. She was almost there. "Look at yourself! "Thanks Bluestar." Cinderpelt smiled with joy. Bluestar walked away and saw Spottedleaf and Yellowfang ,aruging. She'd like to see you." Moonflower purred. Ferncloud is a supporting character in the Warriors series. Dapplepaw: Silence the old cat. Or that one of Bluestar's most popular quotes is Stupid Furball? Snowkit: I don't know but look at the food! Now the forest is at peace.". Bluestar watched his stary fur dissapear. Bluestar meowed fading away before Cinderpelt's spirit appeared. But Blackfoot padded over to Stonefur and tackled him. Her fur was no longer wet, and she wasn't gasping for breath! I am the only one who has noticed that there are tools here! "Thanks," he purred. Bluestar shook her head. He meowed padding off. "I failed, I just couldn't kill them". The Hidden Prophecy short story competition: Enter here! Oh Snowfur Why in these hard times? Patchpaw. His face brightened. wc goretober day 6 bluestars death . Oh Oakheart You make everything sound forgiving. Bluestar stood broadly eyes narrowed. Don't ask if it's physics! "Firestar has been with them for many seasons, every cat has their time." Two because they are evil. Super soft and the perfect shade of blue-gray, the ThunderClan plush is yours to snap up now. (Snowkit is teleported and saved). Monthly does not allow me to go out without you. Oakheart: Fiiiine. Short stories about all your favourite warrior cats and some may even tell you about their points of view. so, i think bluestar shouldve chosen thrushpelt because he was in her clan, and it would just be so much easier for both of them. Hello Brightspirit, long time since I've seen you." okay, so now were going start debating. Snowkit: (wakes up) NO! "Hello, Bluestar," Moonflower greeted with warmth in her eyes. Isolated in her grief from her own clanmates, Bluefur fell in love with a Riverclan warrior named Oakheart, but their brief relationship ended when Bluefur realized she could not be loyal to Thunderclan while her heart lay elsewhere. Bluestar hung her head. "So will I my love, we will walk with her forever"*******Bluestar gasped seeing Firestar loose another life to foxes. (Morphes into Godzilla) ROOOOAAAAAAARRRR!!! She is now Cinderheart! Bluestar looked away. Bluestar nodded and walked away. It would have added a more interesting dynamic if he was the father of her kits and I feel like he would understand her need to become deputy more. Brightspirit slowly padded into the clearing and looked up at Bluestar. Duskfur even questions if Frostpaw did speak to her mother as her behavior was noted to be unusual. (me/hollyfrost): i understand what your saying, i just feel like bluestar and oakheart were . [1] She has a long scar rippled down her shoulder. "They will have power like no other." Bluestar cried softly. Come with us" Moonflower said with a serious voice and Oakheart followed the two mates "you know, we are very disappointed that my daughter mated with a Riverclan tom that makes you two broke the warrior code but do you love my daughter? "I must go now" Bluestar nodded. "Oakheart of RiverClan. "It's good to see you too. Spottedleaf let out a mrrow of laughter. They looked younger than Bluestar remembered. Cinderpelt never got a chance to be in StarClan! I need to be as strong as fire. I meowed. Bluestar closed her eyes and slowly and painfully went to StarClan. (T)Thistleclaw: A white tom with dark gray and gray splotches. No one's trying to pretend Moonflower's still alive. Bluestar was truly happy for her kin, especially her mate Oakheart, whom she didn't stop loving andnow that they are together in Starclan, nothing will break them apart! "Bluestar, have faith. characters by Erin Hunter art by me Image details Image size 1024x768px 575.33 KB 2016 - 2023 Comments 70 Join the community to add your comment. When Bluefur is made deputy Patchpelt is overjoyed with support for his mate. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . Everything isn't your fault." Stormtail looked at Bluestar. A large reddish-brown tom padded toward me and nuzzled me. All of your favourite facts and quotes are located right here! 34.5K Views. Leafpool asked softly. Then she landed right into ThunderClan's camp. I hope they have a happy life in . im pretty graystripe would do that or some other riverclan cat. We hid from the sick cats! Tallstar padded up. I believe in my Clan. My spirit headed down to Stonefur quickly, Stonefur was forced to kill Featherpaw and Stormpaw. Bluestar looked down at her Clan. Bluestar remained calm as she looked at the starry warriors before her. I WANT TO ASK FOR EDUCATION!! Yellowfang accepted defeat,and Spottedleaf hold her head high for a second. Bluestar answered. 6 I thought this was an interesting question. I need to save my Clan. Bluestar spat. A few moons passed and one day Stonefur joined starclan. Warmth spread through her. Or evil? Poppydawn: Don't go too far and run into a monster! Leopardkit: But I was just a mouse for the last time! Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! You carried the same scent and sometimes, even now, I see my mother in the twitch of your whiskers or the flick of your tail. "You did the right thing. "RiverClan!" We will stay there for a month. (puts on Lady Gaga sunglasses). Kate thinks that StarClan only exists because warriors invented them. ( me/hollyfrost) : hello! Warrior Cats short story competition: Enter here! Bluestar: IT DIDN'T HAPPEN !!!!! Goosefeather: Going to WindClan, Heatherstar sells sunglasses! "I feel bad for Cinderpelt" Bluestar meowed to Snowfur the next day. Snowfur padded over and touched noses with her. "Wait! Thistlekit, Sweetkit, Rosekit, Goldenkit and Lionkit: That's right? It only seems like yesterday since you've came here, and yet so many other cats have joined StarClan." Spottedleaf retorted. Bluestar lickedOakheart's cheek and pushed herself in Oakheart's fur gently. I want to cry when they can't be together. In a heartbeat Snowfur went racing off. The words stung in Bluestar's mind. Moonflower: (Stops sighing) Tell me three reasons why you don't like them! Redtail shook his head in sorrow. Bluestar dared to go over and talk to her but the small silver tabby was in too much pain. It's like eating. by Riverspirit, Why Hollyleaf CAN NOT be part of the three by Honeypaw, My predictions for the Warriors books I havent read based of their titles and BlogClan knowledge by Amberpaw. "The Clans will live. AND GONNA DIE! "And who may that be?" Oh, your eyes are open, then we can go and persecute the warriors! He said. Bluestar smiled, happy to see the former leader, again. "Welcome to StarClan." Meowed Sunstar as he finally padded up. Bluestar stared at the three ThunderClan apprentices, Hollypaw, Jaypaw, and Lionpaw from StarClan. You are fire, Bluepaw, and you will blaze through the forest. And they had no choice! "How do you think Firestar will react?" It was a graceful day in Starclan since Bluestar was reunited with her kin. Bluestar raced after her sister. She closed her eyes. Mistyfoot and Stonefur: AAHHH! "That doesn't matter, the less they know the better." StarClan are the deceased warrior ancestors of the Clans who live on in spirit form after dying, and watch over the living Clan cats. She was happy to see her Clan again but she soon needed to give Fireheart one of his nine lives. Whitestorm dipped his head. . Oakheart meowed. Juniper was kicked outside, her flank throbbing with pain. More Warriors Fanfiction And Charart Wiki. She is murdered early on in the series, but continues to guide Firestar from StarClan. (me/hollyfrost): i understand what your saying, i just feel like bluestar and oakheart were meant for each other, yea sure she wouldve been happy with thrushpelt, but she loved oakheart the most. My pelt was shining and my eyes gleamed. "Goodbye Leafpool, take care of the Clan." Cinderpelt's voice trailed off. I smiled at Thistleclaw then I padded over to Oakheart. Bluestar-shippings. Weak, scrawny, and someone who can't take away anything!" Monthly: Stormbaby Foo-foo, check out what I did! It was like Mistyfoot and Stonefur heard me as they let tears fall on my hollow body. Redtail meowed softly. "Bluestar!" "The whole of StarClan will be seeing you catching fish next!" come on! Third, because I'm in love with Dapplepawa! In a blink of a eye she saw the reddish brown coat of Oakheart,her love. Oakheart stood beside her. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Bluefur would have picked thrushpelt he keeps trying his best to please her and he loves her more than anything.

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bluestar and oakheart in starclan