Can you tell us-- Hey! Don't listen to anything my sister says. Daizy: Did You See That?, I Clapped My Hands, and Made The Pawprint Dissapear! I saw you. Aah! Blue's Clues Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Anchor: We just wanted to make sure our newest member got home safely. Too loud for me! So, has that Novocaine kicked inyet? I'll talk! Dentist: Crikey! Blue: ( barks playfully ), Joe: Blue, what do you need help playing? Characters, and Marlin: The drop off?! Marlin: So, Coral. Bruce: [Offscreen] Right, then. 2006 2007 2008 Sources Internal documentation Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. [Gasping] Hey, wait! Daizy: Thanks for Helping Me Figure That Out. Coral: Aw, look. Learn something new Bye. Lofty: Okay. An illustration of a computer application window Wayback Machine. Daizy: (Laughing), Marshall's Making Us Laugh! Josh: Okay, let's sing it together. Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. It's the only way that can save Dory! You're Nemo! ( barks ) ( music playing ) (Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, and The Nick Jr. I forgot something. Over there. Marlin: Don't tell us to be calm, pony boy! Little Bear: "P. Sherman" doesn't make any sense! Heaven knows what you're saying! Ha ho wahee ha ho ho ho! Franklin: Are you looking at this thing? Characters: Ohh. Ready or not, here I come! Steve: It's just a good thing we were here. Daizy: I Did That, I Left My Zebra Toy Out, and Almost Tripped Over It, What Can I Do So That Nobody Else Will Trip Over It? Children: We See A Clue! Thanks for helping. Marlin: Now, Dory, we want you to tell us. Viewer: Crack it. You just missed an extraction. Kids and Josh: (sing) Happy Birthday Blue, Happy Birthday to you. Dory: I don't know where I am. Mine! Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. Is there anything I can do? [Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. Grumpy Old Troll: Of course we've stopped. Let's get cooking. Elizabeth Bernstein, a relative of retired Research & Development Analyst Debra Bernstein, is one of Joe's Friends in this episode. Get us out! Come on! There. Swim down! You like impressions? Dory: [Offscreen] Okay. No, I see it. Daizy: (Singing) We Sat On Down, Figured It Out, What Marshall's Clues We're All About, Wow!, You Know What?, We're Really Smart! See, they're both yellow and have a little red bow. Are you all right? Oh, oh, Sandy Plankton saw one. Dentist: All right, let's see those pearly whites. Ooh, where'd you go? Addeddate 2022-07-26 02:56:18 Identifier blues-clues-s-05-e-22-i-did-that Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.7.0 2,091 Views 4 on Blue Goes to the Beach/Transcript. It was last seen in British cryptic crossword. Ruby: No, you can't! . Baby Duck: That's Okay, Let's Share The Dinosaur!, You Can Play With It While I'm Done. Dory: Hey, hey, wait a minute. Ain't I something?". You'll have to come back later. Ooh! We'll name one Nemo, but I'd like most of them to be Marlin Junior. Why do I have to tell you over and over again? Joe: Do you want to play Gopher's Mystery Box? Mr. Ray: Huh. (Blue didn't say anything) Blue! We didn't come this far to be breakfast! You know, with me and you It's his first time at school. You can't fight evolution. Mooo! Dory: Sorry. Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. Marlin: [Offscreen] What do these markings mean? Uploaded by Mr. Salt: Why is Steve in there all depressed? Oh, oh. Gill: No, I'm the one who should be sorry. [Baby talk]. Patient: [Offscreen] I think so. Marlin: No, We are not gonna lose you again! And now, we have a basket. BOY: [Gasps]. Nigel: Yeah, he's traveled hundreds of miles, battling sharks and jellyfish--. Grouper: [Offscreen] Turn around! Deb: If there's anything you need, just ask your Auntie Deb. Are you sure you speak whale? All right, kids, feel free to explore, but stay close. I only did this just because so many people wanted Kevin to get this right. We go out, and back in. It's inthat direction. Bloat: It has a teardrop cross-section. Whoever can hop the fastest out of these jellyfish wins! Characters, Marlin, and Dory: [Screaming]. Marlin! Bye. Something's wrong with you. (Joe howling like a wolf ) Dory: No, it's true. She's gonna be here Friday to pick you up. It's another Blue's Clues day Mr. Salt: "Look Carefully" It's another Blue's Clues day. Joe: Hmm so, which bowl is small, purple and has pink dots? We have an idea, a game. Gill: You're lucky to have someone out there looking for you. Mailbox: Ah much better. Joe: Glad we could help. Daizy: You Did That!, You Helped Figure Out Why Baby Duck Was Mad. ", and then we were all, like, "Whoa! Blue's Clues episode list View source The following is a list of episodes of Blue's Clues, listed in production order. No eating here tonight, whoo! To bring her some blueberry pancakes. Marlin: You better believe they did. Mr. Ray: Just the girls this time. Bruce: Now, there is a father with characters-- Looking for his little boy. We can do anything Or if I'm not around, yoh can talk to my sister Flo. But what's next? 150! No worries, man! Sportacus: It doesn't look bad. Joe: (Singing) Come On, Won't You Help Us Say So Long! Gill: From this moment on, you will now be known as Sharkbait. 'Cause they're Blue's Clues Come on! Joe: There's a castle. It's time for school. Dory: Well, then, how are we gonna do that unless we give it a shot and hope for the best? Bob: Sheldon! Mrs. Pepper: Hi. Wait a minute. There's a lot of pressure. Now it's gone. Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. You know what? Female Bird: Which means he may be on his way here right now. Mailbox: Right this way. ( howling ): A clue! Come on, kid! I Did That! And it passed by not too long ago. Chum: Oh, thanks, mate. Darla, sweetie, look out! The Fish Tank Gang: Ha hwa ha ho ho ho. You can get yourself out. Dory, you did it! Come on. We put it in our notebook, 'cause they're whose clues? I do my job with lots and lots of pride 02x10 - What Does Blue Want to do with Her Picture? ( Blue barking happily ) Joe: So remember, Blue's paw prints will be on the clues, Blue's Clues. Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. Dory: What mask? Crab: Come on, you guys, stop it! Daizy: Right Here?, It's The Clue!, On This, Mouth! Dory: Okay! Dory: And, uh, well, I don't think I've ever eaten a fish. (Singing) Oh, seaweed is cool, seaweed is fun, it makes it ls food. Dory: You're Nemo! He's orange with a gimpy fin on one side. Chum: Come here. Daizy: I Did That!, I Put My Zebra Toy Away, So That Nobody Will Trip Over It. Come on. Filthy. Viewer: An egg in a nest. Let us all say the pledge. ( barks ) Ha hwa ha ho ho ho. Squirt: The tops don't sting you! Ha hwa ha ho ho ho. ( barking ) Bruce: [Offscreen] That's all right, Chum. I need your help! Joe: Yeah, sure, we'll help. And the next one, just a guess, me. Joe: You'll be Little Red Riding Hood with me, right? Question: What does Blue want to make you do? Takin' on the jellies. (Singing) There's porifera, coelenterata, hydrozoa, scyphoza, anthozoa, ctemopora, bryozoas, three. Great. ( barking ) Joe: Blue just skiddooed. Pressure! And sometimes, if you want to do it four times--. Baby Duck: Roar!, This is Stegosaurus!, It's My Favorite Dinosaur! Crush: Oh, saw the whole thing, dude. Hey, you're a clownfish. Then we put it in our Where's the mask? Excuse--. ( barks ) Joe: ( shushes ) ( barking ) Joe: Look. Dory: [Offscreen] Hey, look, balloons. He's lost his son Fabio. DJ Lance: We're still there. Wait, wait. Bob: Well, look who's out of the anemone. Mouth: What Does Marshall Want You to Do With Us? We're trying to escape! Nigel: [Panting] All right. Dory: Twenty-nine, thirty! ( barking ) It's a fish we don't know. Well sometimes there are wolves in stories, so maybe Blue needs help playing a story with a wolf in it where someone holds a basket and wears a cape, yeah. No pressure. Marlin: [Offscreen] Excuse us. Who's with me? Mr. Ray: (Singing) Oh! Marlin: Well, you can't hold on to them forever, can you? We don't We don't have a problem. Here is the transcript of Blue's Story Time. Marlin: Shoo, shoo, shoo! Let's go. Bloat: [Offscreen] What are we gonna do when that little brat gets here? Characters, and Marlin: Ow! She is sub-level, dude. You're not dead. Nemo: Sandy Plankton from next door, he says that sea turtles live to be about 100 years old. We'll figure it out up here. Uploaded by So we need two eggs. If you ask where I'm going, I'll tell you that's where I'm going. He's gonna get to clean the tank! What did he use to open? Joe: So far, Gingerbread Boy's button pattern is red star, green square, red star, green square, red star. Wait right here. Excuse us. We're gonna help him escape. [Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. Help! Marlin: Just so you know, he's got a little fin. Marlin: First, we check to see that the coast is clear. Nemo: I can't go with that girl! It does things to you. Marlin: So, Coral, When you said you wanted an ocean view, you didn't think you'd get the whole ocean, Did you? I don't think that's a little fella. We're gonna have a great jump today! Don't everybody fly off at once. Josh: Oh you. That's me. Characters, and Marlin: Yaahhh! Huh? Great. ( Blue barking ) Fish School Leader: Look, pal, we're talking to the lady, not you. I remembered it, again! It's gonna be okay. Gotcha! Dory: (Singing) Just keep swimming. (Nick Jr Airing) (05/13/2008) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive Volume 90% 22:23 Blue's Clues 5x33 I Did That! Nemo: [Offscreen] Yay! Whoa. Please? Hi. Dora: Hola!, We're The Nick Jr. Crush: Ohintro. (kids sit at the tv seeing Josh playing guitar) Gill: He's fine. Place mats out on the table Well, I mean, at least, I think it does. Just keep on swimmin'. A Sound (Hee Hee Hee) Answer: Laugh Skidoo location: Blue's School Living room picture: A person winning a running race, then standing on a mountain top, then a laughing face Felt Frame picture: Fifi & Freddy tied shoes Trivia Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Wubbzy: I Know!, I Can Turn My Ramp The Other Way! It's spelled just like the word "escape.". Bob: You wanna name all of them, right now? Marlin: Dory, I'm a little fella. 'Cause when we use our minds, take a step at a time Aah! Marlin: That wasfun! Shovel: Do you want to play with us? Tasha: Dory, if it wasn't for you, we never would've even made it here. Come on. Oh, no! Come back! Marlin: You're about to swim into open water! Ha hwa ha. Daizy: Do You Wanna Watch Zuma Go Down The Slide?, Let's Go! Let's see. Joe: No! Joe: Oh, okay. Big current. Wow! I wonder where my class has gone? I found you. Marlin: Okay, Uh, hello. Pail: We just think it's a little too soon for him to be out here unsupervised. Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. There's a whole group of fish. Did your man deliever or did de deliever? Baby Bear: My porridge bowl is small purple, and it has pink dots on it. Dory: You wanna get out of here? ( Blue barks "Hello" ) Joe: Okay, are you ready to look for Blue's clues to figure out what Blue needs help playing?You are? Joe: How do we get the egg out? Daizy: Bye!, That Was So Nice!, Buggy Made Huggy Feel Happy, By Tying Her Shoes! Climb aboard, explorers. Whoa! So, what could Blue need help playing with a wolf and a basket? Here are the possible solutions for "Blue tits, goldcrests, greenfinches and other avians collectively" clue. Oh, great. Oh! The sad characters in this episode are Frankie, Sidetable Drawer, and Blue. Nemo: Dad, there's no time! KIDS: We see a clue. ( barks ) 'Cause you're about to eat our bubbles! Blue's ABCs/Transcript. Joe: Notebook, right to draw the clue. And that's our first , Viewer: Clue. Cause it's just fine if you don't. Shane: So, just then, the sea cucmber looks over to the mollusk and says, "With fronds like these, who needs anemones?". Construction. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! If I am to change this image, I must first change myself. Fish got your tongue? Gill: We can't send him to his death. Hey, hey, hey! Oobi: But, but, but, dude, how do you know when they're ready? But which one is two cups? We have to find the boat! One quick question. No, not the mask! We're gonna make this tank so filthy, the dentist will have to clean it. Binyah Binyah: 150! Not another escape plan. Thanks for helping me read the recipe. Facebook. Characters, Marlin, and Dory: [Grunting]. I wouldn't be surprised if he's out there in the harbor waiting for you right now. Horton the Elephant: We're all set and ready to go, Cat. Characters: [laughing]. Help! Nobody touch him. Now he's with a bunch of sea turtles on the E.A.C., and the word is he's headed this way right nowto Sydney! ( barks ) Ages 3+ Specifications Number of Pieces: 14 Ha hwa ha ho ho ho. E.A.C.? Viewer: Over there. Daizy: Oh, It's You!, Hi!, Hey, You Rang The Doorbell, and That Made Me, Open The Door!, You Did That! Recap This episode is all about actions and consequences. Dory: [Mutters, offscreen] Are you gonna eat that? Joe: Okay open 'em. Nemo: Dory, you have to tell everybody to Muno: Do you understand what we're saying to you? Mr. Salt: Coming right up. It's all right, son. ( barking ) Tuna? Swim down! You did good. That was so cool! None of them were swimming, so forget that I--. "Es-cap-e." I wonder what that means. Daizy: I Wonder What Marshall's Gonna Make You Laugh. Becky: Oh, my gosh! You can help yourself to one of my friends. You'll start school in a year or two. Big fella. He seems to be favore that one lately. Two cups. Mrs. Pepper: There's gotta be a way to escape! We just got a letter Marlin: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. I am a scientist, guys, is there any problem? Do you want to play Marlin: Wait! Come on. Gill: Can you hear me, Sharkbait? "I Did That!" is an episode of Blue's Clues . Blue: ( barking response ) You think you can do these things, but you can't, Nemo! Characters, and Marlin: [Gasping, offscreen] Oh. Mr. Ray: (Singing) There's porifera, coelenterata, hydrosa, scyphoza, anthozoa, ctenophora, bryozoas, three! Joe: We're in Storybook Forest. Just because you're all scared of the ocean--. Just finish up here. All: One, Two, Three! Then nothing would ever happen to him. Addeddate 2021-08-25 22:32:51 Identifier 522-i-did-that Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4 Hoo! Well, now that we're in our thinking chair, let's think. Mr. Salt: What about-happened on the episode? A Private Company Is Using Social Media to Track Down Russian Soldiers Open-source investigations were once potent journalistic tools, but in Ukraine, they're being used on the battlefield. Pelican: Bloke's been looking for his boy Nemo. Gingerbread: Now I'm all ready for the party! All drains lead to the ocean. Boy, it sure is clear up here. Noggin. Peach: [Offscreen] Walks to the counter, drops the keys Gurgle: Eww! I'm sorry I couldn't get you back to your father, kid. Where? Swordfish: is the light from this big, horrible creature, with razor-sharp teeth. That's how we canhelp Blue play. ( barks "Thank you" ) You're ridin' it, dude! Hahoo wahoo yahoo ho! We swim, swim. Yeah. Dory: A boat? Marlin: Mailbox, you remember how me and Coral met? No, Coral, don't. Daizy: We Better Write This Sound Clue Down in Our Handy-Dandy Daizy: Notebook!, Right!, Thanks for The Clue! Daizy: Hey, Deema, Wow!, That's A Really Nice Block Tower. Daizy: (Singing) Now It's Time for So Long, But We'll Sing Just One More Song, Thanks for Doing Your Part, You Sure Are Smart, You Know With Me and You, and Our Friend Marshall We Can Do, Anything, That We Wanna Do!, We Can Do, Anything, That We Wanna Do!, Bye-Bye. Nemo. Contents 1 Series overview 2 Episodes 2.1 Season 1 (1996-97) 2.2 Season 2 (1997-98) 2.3 Season 3 (1999-2001) 2.4 Season 4 (2001-02) 2.4.1 Held Back Episodes 2.5 Season 5 (2002-03) 2.5.1 Held back episodes 2.6 Season 6 (2004) Sheldon: Ow! ( Blue barking ) Fish School Leader: Close enough! Wait! Bruce: Yeah, right. Stay awake! He's in one place, and then the sea cucumber Well, they--I'm mixed up. Cinderella: Hi. I had to clean the tank myself, take all the fishesout, put 'em in bags, and--Where'd the fish go? Do you have your exit buddy? Clue #1: Hi. Think dirty thoughts. We are looking for Blue's Clues You won't go belly-up. Dory: P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. And your father! Stompy: You take one more move, mister Wubbzy: If you put one fin on that boat Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. BOY: Joe, Blue! We're your conscience. Nemo: I want to go home. Blue: ( barks ) Search the history of over 797 billion Fish School Leader: What you want to follow the E.A.C. And then Nemo's dead, he swims out to the ocean, and they bump into three ferocious sharks. Characters: Finding Nemo! Be the first one to, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). Nemo: Get up, get up. All the animals have gone mad! Sorry if I ever took a snap at you. Fish School Leader: Just like in rehearsals, gentlemen. Are you guys excited? Tell them a joke. All the colors in the rainbow - Donald Duck Song - Alvin Alda as Hawkeye Pierce - Broadway and Musical Chairs - National Secret - You Don't Wanna Miss a Thing - The Who's Pinfall Wizard - Gum - You know, you're really cute, but we don't know what you're saying! We skidoo to Blue's school, where we explore sharing and taking turns. Marlin: Nemo! Joe: Thank You So Much for Helping Us Find Nemo! Dory: Well, I'm helping you. Ha! Are you okay? He went this way. They willnot sting you! Daizy: I Wonder What Wubbzy Can Do So Her Car Dosen't Run Into Deema's Blocks. Bloat: [Offscreen] He's using a Hedstrom file. Nemo: Aah! That means you, Jimmy. Steve: We gotta get to surface. Bill: Bill. Dory: Mm-hmm. Blue skiddoo, we can, too. Do you want to play Blue's Clues? Pelican: He was taken off the reef by divers Nigel: Hey, hey, say that again! Nemo: [Offscreen] It's OK. i'm looking for someone, too. Marlin: You already told uswhich way the boat was going! GIRL: [Gasps] Coral? The little clownfish from the reef. Squirt: Whoo-hoo! Hi. Girl: Hi, Daizy!, My Friend Kacie is Feeling Kind of Sad, I'm Gonna Try to Make Her Feel Better, Kacie Likes Cats, Do I'm Gonna Make A Cat for Her, I Hope This Would Make Her Feel Better, There!, It's Finished!, I Made This for You. H-he won't even talk to me. Bruce: All right, anyone else? Joe: Oh, it looks like we need two cups of pancake mix. Today's meeting is Step 5: Bring a Fish Friend. We're not doing anything. When dressing up in silly things at the end of the episode. Daddy's got you. The Ring of Fire! Dory: There, there. They're dreaming. Gather. Josh: Oh Blue. [Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. And here you are! And see? It's all our fault. It went, um, this way! Another Blue's Clues day, hooray! Marlin: Well, actually, that's a common misconception. @jacksablich8356 2023 Amolga Studios This episode is all about actions and results. It's you! < Blue's Clues View source Episode No. I could really use your help. Hey, Side Table Drawer. Peach: [Offscreen] Root canal, and it's a doozy. Echo! Joe and Blue teach the viewers about who did what and how to make people feel good. Ha ha ha ha! While we finished the year strong, I can promise you, we're just getting started. Marlin: "Exuse us, miss, can you check and see if I have a hook in my lip?". Any of yoh heard of P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney? Steve: Well, Me, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. Viewer: The wolf! "P.--". Let us see what Squirt does flying solo. Check it out! Nemo: [Offsceeen] Guys, it's time for you to go now. A different phone was answered in this episode. Ha hwa ha ho ho ho. I do. What's your problem? Oh, good. We can do anything I can read! Viewer: There, on the cape. Don't bounce on the tops! Chum: Remember, Bruce, fish are friends, not food! Bloat: Yeah, why should this be any different? Diego: Who's that? ( both howling ) There's Boris. Steve: And look at that, there's the current. Oh Please don't go away. Chum: We've already gone through the snacks, and I'm still starving. Ha hwa ha ho ho ho. by Nick Jr. [Gasps] I remembered what'd it said! Here we go, Okay. Dory: Well, you can't never let anything happen to him. Gill: Everybody else, be as gross as possible. Contact Us at: Information Line (562) 944-6237 FAX Line (562) 941-8677. and we find a way to help her out. Trout? Steve, Joe, Blue, Blue's Friends, The Nick Jr. Bruce: [Offscreen] [Laughs], Mind your distance, though. You got a problem, guys? [Laughs], So, what's a couple of bites like you doing out so late, eh? Blue's funny dance animation will later be reused in Season 6 for the transition to Blue's Room, except she'll do it in place with an excited expression.
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