best time to vote on gurushots

The 30 All-Star finishes and the 5 Guru Picks I got in just a few days. Its actually kind of disappointing, been playing for a while now, by no means a great photographer but its been fun but definitely a bit odd how I accumulated so many votes, wish I knew about this sooner! 3. Are you an upcoming photographer looking for avenues to make extra cash? By the time they figure out the algorithms and win (if they are smart and lucky enough), they would have wasted A LOT of money and time. Dont give them any. In the Georgia primaries in June, predominantly black areas had an average wait time of 51 minutes. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Step in GuruShots, the Israeli startup that's created an online platform for budding photographers. No matter what i do, guru decides. Going from Elite to an All-Star level in a challenge requires many more votes than before, making it harder to reach the top level. I have a feeling that the Gurus with their voting impact play a big part of who does and does not win these challenges. You may be ranking high at 10 minutes before the end and go downhill in the last few minutes. GuruShots, The first-of-its-kind photo app for photographers of any level, reinvents the way people interact with their photos, making it more fun, exciting and rewarding. Teams are divided up into leagues based on the score they achieve each Season. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Thus, the best time to use the boost is to join during the stated period and swap a lot. That is when the higher voting power users are voting. I have a couple of questions: You need to fill up your vote-meter to . In that case, is the right platform for you. Its human nature for a guru to be looking at the start of his/her challenge. Its a blast. Then open a boost on that photo. Once your image is back in, hit the auto-fill button and watch the results. Ensure the subject is in good focus. From full to empty level it will take about 12-24 hours, and it varies across challenges (four-photos challenges take longer than only one-photo challenges). If your picture gets selected, you earn 50 votes just for this and you increase your achievements as it takes five Guru picks to become a Guru. Click To Tweet. Five fills can expose all contest submissions to thousands of viewers at $1.99. If your picture gets selected, it earns 50 votes, increasing your chances of becoming a guru. One per day. Once complete, you can easily view the results of your free online voting system to make any additions or edit your . It is built on the premise that contestants have to pay to win. I have tried facebook login, my email login. Long-lasting challenges (a week or more) are much less frequent than they used to be. You can create your team or join an existing one. While voting for the images of other users in each challenge you are participating in is a great way to boost the exposure level for your own challenge-submitted images, you dont want to just start voting willy-nilly and hope for the best. Have you joined GuruShots with the sole intention of winning big? Photographs with strong, bold, natural (or close to natural) colours draw . Apply to as many contests as possible, I would actually try and apply to ALL of them. Time to vote for best of Nac. Also make sure to join our Community Discord server: If you become one in GuruShots, you have the privilege of running challenges and are in a position to issue Gurus picks and Gurus top picks. There is a maximum of 20 members in a team. Youll also have answer to your question: Is GuruShots worth it? My guess is that those in the know join either just before the last 24 hours so as not to cost a key to enter, or in the last hour, so there's time to receive the full number of views before the challenge ends, but you only have to vote once. Thus, the best time to use the boost is to join during the stated period and swap a lot. I got to master in 8 days without spending any money BUT I did spend a LOT of time playing. Playing on the bigger screen would allow for better image visualization. You dont have to pay to play at all. The iPad still lacks a native app, which is sad and tells a lot about the lack of attention to the art form. I am in CET time zone. It is a worldwide photo contest, and its an interesting way to challenge yourself, to step up your photography game, get exposure, and meet like-minded folks in this community. It is by far the most complicated aspect of the game. . GuruShots wants engagement at all costs. After I told the truth about Gurushots, number of people they are able to fool declined drastically. Some also call it a Guru Shots photo game. Writing about Apple, Photography, Privacy and Climate Change. GuruShots goal is to suck away the maximum of your life and probably of your money in return for meaningless and empty fame. This game is about having fun. ! Vote on other players' photos, collect votes and see how you rank compared to others. We hope you are inspired and have fun with them! To move the needle, I would have to create a support request, then maybe Ill get some attention, and maybe theyll approve some of them. With voter turnout already showing an increase over previous elections, and with concerns over mail-in voting, voters can expect to see long lines. Other features like fill can assist in filling up your exposure level. The main advantage of entering late is that you don't have to bother with multiple voting sessions to keep your exposure up, and you don't have to feel bad watching your top ten photo plunge to #500 with hours to go. . Same for long-lasting challenges, most of the activity happens at the end. Interesting math: for any given challenge youre in, dividing the current number of points by the number of voters (use the notifications drop-down menu on the website to see how many voters youve got), you get the average voting power of the voters15. Swapping is encouraged by GuruShots for underperforming photos as they require a voting session to expose your newly swapped photo. Blogging about things related to Apple, photography, Privacy and Climate Change. The guru said and I quote: I will teach you how to be a multi-winner. The top photo was garbage. An update was published later in 2019, that you should read too. Again, its all about maximizing players engagements. Does this also apply if the swapped in photo out performes the swapped out photo? I ran a challenge and gave out 700 Guru picks and as a result had my privileges of running challenges taken away. Win a challenge 4. Swapping at a specific time is the key to gaming and gaining the highest ranking. I will be gratefull for the answer. It's a place where photographers and GS enthusiasts can communicate naturally - a place where fun and photos matter! For example, an image of a cat playing with a ball of string is not considered artistic still life. A picture of your grandmother knitting a sweater is not a mans world. A sky filled with hot air balloons is not minimalism in nature. Your daughter holding a kitten is not animals only. And anything with color is not black and white anything. No, this app is legit. Done! Running a challenge requires attention from the guru behind them, so they needed to scale and extend the game by naming other gurus10. It does not keep the 'Exposure Meter' up for the entire challenge.. Thanks for your comment. Dont miss part 2 where I give two examples to explain how much time you should expect to play in order to be successful. Im just one win away from Guru, but dont seem to be able to get that one win! Like anything else in life, you are rewarded for the effort and time that you put in. So far, as I play, I have used swaps only for poorly performing photos in a challenge. Hi, If I have a free swap available I may swap to a new photo towards the end of the challenge. I joined exactly 2 hr before close. You get to meet new people and can chat with them. Is nice to read about Gurushots. There is one or more team leader who decides which challenge the team enters as a whole. Whereas in another currently running challenge (500 guru picks) The photo had stopped receiving exposure but the boost window was open as soon as I joined, so I used the free boost and that photo received over 550 votes extra. I think you have to be lucky to some extent and swapping often gives a huge advantage to finding that luck. Please do share with us What this means is that you need to use your voting power or auto-fill at times of the day when the most users are likely going to be looking at and voting on images in the Gurushots photo challenges. The one I put in rose rapidly through the voting into the 1400s and then came to a virtual standstill. (LogOut/ The question is: why would anyone want to do all that? While many challenges ask for images that arent exactly worthy of framing and hanging in a gallery somewhere, there are several challenges that do ask for great photography. In my own experience (I'm at champion level), the biggest influence on my scores is not when I join but the quality of the photos and their relevance to the theme. Generally: Guru Picks = Early, High Votes = last 4-6 hours of a speed contest. In retaliation they took away my gurus right to run challenges. Most of the time all the photos I enter receive vote counts in a close range without any one of them performing markedly poorly. One of the biggest questions that users seem to have about using Gurushots is how to get more votes for the images they submit to various photo challenges. There are not only important for you to progress in the game, but they are also an indication of the Gurus taste. DerekatCharnwood 4 yr. ago. Work your way up from Newbie to Guru status by receiving peer votes, points and achievements. Lets see why Im being so severe here. The one with the most votes becomes the winner of a prize worth $300 or more. Many of the original gurus9 are still there and run challenges from time to time. Its another trick to maximize players engagement. fernywood 4 yr. ago. Track your progress in real-time throughout the game. Level requirements can change from one challenge to the other. First-time voters who did not register in person or show ID before must show identification. If you want to play GuruShots and be successful, read on and youll thank me later. Fill>boost>Swap or Boost>Fill>Swap? Best of all, many GuruShots contests are free to enter. Start with one then add the other, one by one during the challenge. The reason the quality matters is that a lot of people have figured out the best time to use a swap (usually around 4 hours to closing time). Again, maximize user engagement. Gurushots has invented a new smart way to involve people : they create Events twice a week, like contests of contests in small groups, involving 100 photographers of the same level at a time.. After a bunch of them where I finished 1st 2nd or 3rd, here's what I found : When an Event stops, stop (or slow down) posting pictures in the new challenges, keep them to get fast points at the . It comes down to the judges vote and then the crowds votes. Im sorry but I dont do support for them. PRO version of the script? So many people might abuse this, and vote yes just for the sake of voting and having their own photos exposed. That is ok! If you dont have a picture t. Thanks for that, good to know. Surely there must be times when gurushots users are more active. Does anybody know why my better performing photos always end up with really lacklustre boosts. The Fill allows you to skip voting by automatically filling your 'Exposure Meter' in all of the challenges you are participating in. . It is much harder to compete in generic themes as you compete against everyone. You can find a useful FAQ on Reddit about Gurus picks. Since you can't predict that optimal time, it gives a huge advantage to people who have enough photos (or duplicates of one a frequently broken rule that's hardly ever enforced) and spare swaps to be able to seek out the hot times during the final day. Press J to jump to the feed. You will undoubtedly find posts and articles online that explain how swapping at certain times is the ultimate key to gaming the game and getting the highest rankings (and most votes) on Gurushots. Utilize your auto-fill feature during the day when competitors are looking at voting on photos on the platform. in the last year or so and I dont like it. Boosting a photo. Funny enough, I entered a challenge entitled Rusty & worn. Its one of the most time-consuming parts of the game, it is crazier than playing in a team. However by then the leading images have usually already scored a couple of thousand votes so it is impossible to catch them up or overtake! The reason seems to be related to the visual space they occupy on the photo wall during your voting session. Make your photography more fun, exciting and rewarding! To that effect, this platform hosts at least five real-life exhibitions for its users each month. Challenges are redundant because too many people can create one. Usually, they are locked during the challenge and only open randomly once during the challenge. What is the order for swapping? For a two photos challenge, dividing the result by two is required. This way seems to get you much more votes all along the process. Track your progress in real-time throughout the game. Late afternoon and early evening are great times during the week, because people have come home from work, eaten dinner, and are settling in at home and checking all their programs, apps, platforms, and networks. GURUSHOTS - The "World's Greatest Live Photo Challenges. You have to wait for the next match. Also, what happens if I swap my best performing image (after votes have stabilized) when the exposure meter is high and it has boost? Lastly, if one of your photos is not receiving enough exposure, you can use swap. By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. I have spent money on this game but I am not going to play it anymore. Also, the app does not require any sort of membership fees to use. A good photo has factor 3. The free boost only unlocks for members who have joined the challenge before 25% of the challenge time has erupted or before the first 24 hours have ended. Pick a competition, upload your photo and share your entry to grow your votes. If you want to see my profile, follow this link. Today, I would like to give you a user review of an online photography website called, "". Thus, while downloading and joining the platform is free, it will cost you some dollars depending on how much exposure you want for your work and if you are looking forward to winning big. Some challenges have the winner locked 10-20 hours ahead of time while other challenges swap leaders during the final hour. I used to watermark my photos too but know now it doesnt make sense . your photo will be showed in the top of the pool for voters. Those things are: (1) selective use of the auto-fill option (or your voting ability); (2) advantageous use of swaps; (3) reading (and complying with) the challenge guidelines; and (4) submitting great photos. And has also nothing to do with time in challenge. Get 150000 Points 2. Just that when they vote on an image, it is a Guru Pick. The same small group of people wins most challenges, because they learned how to manipulate the rigged system best and when exactly to enter, boost, swap and fill. The problem is that voting takes time. ), Before reading this post, make sure you read my short and sweet guide-slash-tutorial on Gurushots to learn more about the app and how to use it. If at all possible, however, you want to keep your exposure level meter filled at all times so that when the exposure for everyone elses images starts leveling out, your images will be primed to start rotating through the top spots in the voting feeds. When playing within a team, you dont need a key to enter a challenge near the end. The privilege of running themed challenges comes with great responsibility for the community. They do that to people they dont like. A Quick Overview of GuruShots . In the first part, I covered all the basics but sprinkled in some tips & tricks as well. May I suggest that you register for the blog Newsletter that is being sent every saturfay morning! Not only it is a scam, it has nothing to do with photography. Not everyone feels positively about it though. On the first day of early voting, nearly 13,000 people went to the polls in Davidson County. Fill has nothing to do with stopping the votes. While those posts are not 100% true, there is some truth to them. For white areas, the wait time was only six minutes. No, it is not. What I found was they were swapping and boosting a new image then, filling the meter around 5-10 minutes before they game. Git gud, as the kids say! Win a challenge 4. Why? GuruShots users include both males and females. Not for me. Algorithms play a big role in GuruShots, a much bigger role than the quality of your pictures or your talent. Shoot to play and join the race for votes from anywhere in the world. Early voting data shows best times to avoid long lines and polling place crowds. In a 4 photo Challenge you have the choice to choose one photo per Challenge and give it a boost.. For this you will use a key. I noticed that watermarks are not favourite for Guru picks, which of course is understandable. Either way, the only way to find out whether youll like it or not, is to trying it and seeing it for yourself! The time left in the Season is displayed in each leaderboard. The voting system is relatively simple. Hope this helps. Generally: Guru Picks = Early, High Votes = last 4-6 hours of a speed contest. Gurushots is a gaming platform, not an art contest site. My friend won twice and doesnt know what to do to get the money. I am in the camp that this whole thing is basically a rigged system. It takes a combination of triggers (keys, swaps and fills) to win a challenge. We have chosen the 20 best contests to enter each year. The equal opportunity that each participant receives makes this game reliable and legit. Change). ==> Click here to SUBSCRIBE to my new channel for video-based content! I enter most challenges at the . GuruShots Survival Guide (Part III) April 27, 2021 by Frithjof Moritzen. And use your Boost near the end of a challenge and apply it on the best performing photo. Basically, your images get equal exposure time along with the images of all other users who have submitted photos to that particular challenge, based on the exposure level for each user. GuruShots is a newly launched service that turns photography into a game with a real-time online photo competition system. and over time people vote on it and it has now 312 votes. "GuruShots is the leading social game targeting this growing demographic, which enjoys entering peer competitions with their high-quality photos and the ability to vote for the winners. Once registered on Gurushots you will have the status "Newbie", the goal of the game will be to pass GURU with good results on the challenges but for that you will need (a lot) of time (there are 9 ranks) and beautiful pictures ! This is a place where discussion about the game GuruShots can happen naturally. This is the second article on GuruShots, the photography game. Unfortunately, I dont know as I never won the first prize ! GuruShots 5.24.8 APK download for Android. The concept behind is a bit different than other photography-based websites (that hold contests). Up above, Mike B. mentions swapping the highest performing photo out and later swapping it back in. Its a trick, so you feel the need to spend more time in voting sessions13. Im not done with this guide yet. Best photos never win. We covered the monetary aspect of playing on Gurushots, but there is also the time aspect. Get 5 Guru Picks Some tips to get there: 1. The total number of users voting multiple times a month on this platform is 4 million. It is all about being opportunistic for the currently running or future challenges. This post assumes you already know the basics of using Gurushots, so things like swaps and auto-fills will not be explained here. This doesnt mean, however, that you can start a swap avalanche and flood a challenge with swap after swap and expect it to be successful in terms of votes. 20 Best Photography Contests to Enter in 2023. Guru picks a little star icon that appears on your photo. I do have a challenge waiting in review called Rusty places which never passed the review process. If you want to create your profile, follow this link. Here is what I found out5,6. A winning photo could be awarded anything, including: (Learn More), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), How to Become a Guru at the GuruShots Game, #079 Fotominuten Der Fotografen Luciano Bonacini und Bouldern in Daone | Portrait Foto Kunst, News Tips and Updates About GuruShots Game | Numeric Citizen, A Message to my Readers & Followers on, The Craft Story Continues The Year 2022 in Review And Looking Ahead, My Photo Processing Workflow As Of 2022-11, GuruShots Tips and Tricks Guide The 2021 Edition Part I, A Few Notes on my Experience with Photomyne, How To Become A Guru At GuruShots, The Photography Game, When War in Ukraine Influences My Application Choices, My Updated Blogger Workflow as of 2020-11, My Review Of Flighty And Comments On Flight Trackers In General. Also, you are a guiding light of inspiration that ensures all members earn the same amount of exposure and experience. None others than the ones already on the blog post Im afraid, Thank you for your much appreciated tips and tricks! This exposure diminishes by, I don't know, let's say 20% per day. The depletion of exposure bonus is faster than it used to be to maximize users engagement with the platform. When you dont have one, youll need to buy one. And so on for four photos challenges. Part II coming up this week where Ill explain, mathematically, how much time you can expect to spend on GuruShots if you want to thrive. Before swapping one of your pictures, wait for voting to stabilize. Let the meter run all the way down and swap your winning image back in about 30 7 minutes before end of the challenge (this depends on the exposure algorithm of the challenge you are playing, they are different, fast and slow. Thats a positive change. Still on the subject of notifications: expect a lot of promotional popups while using the games website or the smartphone application. The game puts pressure on players to vote as much as possible. As a reader, you have an opportunity to get the Creative Photography Cookbook for 80% OFF. However, the maximum views are dynamic and change as the challenge progresses. The voting view is the number of times a photo has been viewed in a specific challenge. What other photography game have you ended up joining? Vote on other players' photos, collect votes and see how you rank compared to others. One of the best ways to do this is with colour and contrast. Of course there could be even more lower level users joining then as well, it's hard to tell. I'm stuck on veteran because i can't get top 20% or any guru picks and I'm wondering if you guys have noticed entering as soon as it opens or maybe 1 or 2 days before the contest ends is best? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. GuruShots photography competitions can be a fun way to gain experience and exposure while networking with photo-lovers from around the world. From this simple calculation, we can infer that voters are experienced players. ==> Here are the 10 ways to make money with photography. A few, more competitive contests do require users to spend money on a key to enter, however. Each player has a voting score, Gurus have 9 votes per photo they select while Newbies get 1 vote per selection. When is the best point in time to fill and . How do you get guru picks? I know it is all about timing, so I am asking for the precise time! July 9, 2021. But Your best shot is a way more general theme and it is difficult to get a good score in these challenges because you are competing with very talented photographers. Check out how yo. How To Use Gurushots Auto Vote and Boost This script uses Nodemon to restart if it crashes. Its a great way to discover a new talented photographer. The more one-photo challenges you join, the more time it will take to keep your exposure level up. 12,899 people voted early on Wednesday, the first day of early voting in Davidson County. Your voting power increases with every level. Can you help please. You will get the same number of views whether you enter early or late, but one possible difference might be the rank of the voters. Ive played in two different teams for a while to experience the feature. How it works. The COVID-19 pandemic brought me back to the game for a while. I observed that the final issue of a challenge always flip in the last few minutes. Any advice for that specifically? For this guide, I played many challenges and tried all the new features to see how GuruShots has evolved. Some would argue (and shared their feelings) that it is just an illusion of space, and your photography work means nothing outside this URL. Hey, my name is Zarinaand I am the founder of Digital World Beauty. Exposure Bonus depletion seems faster than it used to be. Some of this is just getting more experience of what people like to vote for. They dont have any photographs worth mentioning. June 11, 2022 Posted by: grady county, ga zoning map . As such, you cannot sell nor can the site buy any photos. Get more Points 2. Whe a challenge closes, you get to see your score. To calculate the factor, here is the formula Factor = POINTS / (Total_visitors -initial_visitors) 7) Respecting the times indicated . Are you looking for an online space where you can gauge your photography artwork skills with another artist for fun? Occasionally you may not have time to vote but still, want to receive maximum exposure boost. Just try searching on Google by entering the word GuruShots and wait for keywords suggestions. (Which is not exactly fair.). I led up until 2 minutes remaining, then someone took me over. Youll need a key for this. I've really taken my time to vote only for shots that respect the challenge theme and are well photographed. Now I see those names as investors, but what makes you think they are the mafia group? Thanks for the Tips. Gurushots has a consumer rating of 1.66 stars from 68 reviews indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases.

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best time to vote on gurushots