This cover page is for use in Union County, New Jersey only. Cover Sheet - County of Union - We're connected to you! Provides that certain government records shall be made available to the public for inspection, examination and copying. The Cape May County Clerk's Office may not provide legal advice or prepare legal documents. Office of the Essex County Register of Deeds and Mortgages Hall of Records-Room 130 465 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Gloucester County Recording Data Page Honorable James N. Hogan Gloucester County Clerk Official Use Only - Barcode Official Use Only - Record & Return Official Use Only - Realty Transfer Fee Date of Document: Type of Document: First Party Name: Second Party Name: Additional Parties: THE FOLLOWING SECTION IS REQUIRED FOR DEEDS ONLY Block: 2756, website: May 1, 2017 will be the last day for every county recording officer to effect the necessary change within the County system to comply with the cover- sheet requirement. Failure to submit a paper cover sheet with all paper land recordings will result in a $20.00 indexing charge per N.J.S.A.46:26A-5. hbbd```b``"@$^)T"/H6&0L30D2H0;D dTzf F`pe$)H?t\JQr&9fg`` VI If the mortgagees are individuals, all mortgagees can sign the endorsement stating that the mortgage is paid in full. Data Recording. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES. Contact. Welcome to the Bergen County Clerk's Land Records Public Search Page. Our Land Records team can be reached at (201) 336-7036 to assist you during business hours. Type text, add images, blackout confidential details, add comments, highlights and more. Edit your form online. N.J.S.A. The entire process is fast and simple. Hudson County Recording Data Page Official Use Only-Barcode Diane Coleman. 2011, c. 217 (NJSA 46:26A-5) a cover sheet or an electronic synopsis will be required with all . Monmouth County Clerk's Office Tel: 732 431 7324 x:8909 Fax: 732-761-9371 Email: You can send an email by filling out information as specified below * To . COVER SHEET) County D urn Name a mitting Com ument Type ument Date of Pages of luding the c Forms available at This cover page is for use in Union County, New Jersey only. The cover sheet is part of submitted land record and is included in calculation of recording fees for documents with booking and paging fees ONLY. The Cape May County Clerks online records database extends back to August 2000 with deeds back to January 1996. If the Notice of Settlement is signed by anyone other than a New Jersey attorney, the signature must be acknowledged. County Clerk - 201-336-7000 Constituent Hotline - 201-336-7330. The advanced search is currently compatible with Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox or Google . [D+];*R%B^3q?~\>w.b8y{(h?ppuq{:q|B0:pdTtL,f)6KqYR\,e).KqYR|,g)>KYR|,%d)!K YJRB,%f)1KYJRb,%f)1K;"_/8GN>WFD{?o!$mp>=V Cumberland County Cover Sheet. Share your form with others. You need not make an appointment; just appear between 8:30 . Bergen County Recording Data Page Honorable John S. Hogan Bergen County Clerk Official Use Only - Barcode Official Use Only - Realty Transfer Fee Date of Document: Type of Document: First Party Name: Second Party Name: Additional Parties: THE FOLLOWING SECTION IS REQUIRED FOR DEEDS ONLY . 25-00 Broadway, PO Box 2525 Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 Fax: 201-791-9050. CONTACT US. /Tx BMC * For transfers of real property upon which there is new construction, the words "NEW CONSTRUCTION" in upper case letters should be printed or typed clearly at the top of the first page, and an affidavit by the grantor stating that the transfer is of property upon which there is new construction should be included with the deed. Hudson County Clerk's Office, Hudson Co. Plaza, 4th Floor, 257 Cornelison Avenue, Jersey City, NJ 07302, tel. Checks will not be accepted with a date over 90 days. Please check each departments webpage for detailed information. 142 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[118 59]/Info 117 0 R/Length 108/Prev 289578/Root 119 0 R/Size 177/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream 46:26A-5.b. The original mortgage presented for cancellation is the mortgage as it was recorded. Your survey is given to you at the time of your deed closing. To be compliant, there are several options: eRecord your Document on our site, Ocean County Clerk's Office P.O. Phone: (908) 475-6211. Archive Research Request. (@ . 401 Grand Street Room 130 Paterson, NJ 07505 (973) 225-3690 (973) 754-1920 Fax Email. >] q= 0 Effective May 1, 2017, a cover sheet or an electronic synopsis will be required with all land documents submitted for recording. 46:26A), effective May 1, 2017 all Land recordings submitted in paper format must be accompanied by a paper cover sheet. and it must be included as part of the deed when submitted to the County Clerk or Registrar for recording (Rev. hYmo8+~jqWS Nl}I$K._IYq&5>jXpXbV3H51Ao@BbkKXI-XaEt$' 7Yv01T%)kY1H7.$*"\)/70t&TD8 "VW*E4nHa"J:"R8uLN3ioH:b0|K:>lqH YGr Ppp@Uao,CIe%]"A[BVw$X]wn> ?>k>CCc1.xDsz~C~{O?Y3fA5 hY>]=k/lazl6s% uVl`=% 0K)rOY$&A>Hn#5v1]yU7-y.Py?Jm8 q|!?btvw,orlnkW' 8=qX||@Mw{{oh|cF=+iv)CB.!Jp! p-d[mg:-$d8{DPUgJXIel@4%MLSvUjlHOY" \A)Mz1li/r^2{=;X}Lb:r?>]pdig'&]uSp*/1Y^=(-#:^,GWahd"](|@\#g1yaQIq~/qtxx4rLtY=i"hWqL781xnp4:|g9B Md|z"qs*&S-'Ji q!jb2i&2SuF 5Sw#9" qM,Ea~psr*HHf::j^:tM7(!%NEs+/='j!8f={UgDQefA ir?Ucxf/["~hZ&/`*yjb~[? Deeds/Mortgages/Records. You should not expect to receive your certificates on the same day. Hours of Operation: 8:00am - 4:30pm 257 Cornelison Avenue - 2nd Floor Jersey City NJ 07302 201-369-3470 New Jersey Realty Transfer Tax, if due (Check made payable to Morris County Clerk), Non-resident Tax payment, if due (Check made payable to NJ Division of Taxation), Mansion Tax if, due (Check made payable to Morris County Clerk), Affidavit of Consideration for use by the Seller for exemptions or commercial property in excess of one million dollars, Affidavit of Consideration for use by the Buyer for deeds in excess of one million dollars, Seller Residency Certification or Non-Resident Declaration, whichever is applicable, Grantors signature and acknowledgement of, Prepared by with name of the person preparing the deed, Reference to recorded mortgage (foreclosure only), Names appear typed or printed under each signature(s), Recording reference to the original mortgage, Name(s) appear typed or printed under each signature(s), Recording reference to original mortgage/tax sale certificate, if referring to foreclosure, At least two Mylar copies of each unique sheet of the map must be submitted for the County Clerks Office to keep on file, There must be an on or before date written on the map (This normally includes wording to the effect of This map must be submitted to the Morris County Clerks Office on or before March 10, 2015), The date of the survey must be written on the map, The surveyor must have their license number, seal and signature on the map, The Municipal Clerk must sign and seal the maporthe Municipal Planning Board must sign (Please note that both are not required, just one), The Municipal Engineer must sign and seal the map, The Morris County Planning Board must sign the map (No seal is required), Name(s) appear typed or printed under all signatures, Signature(s) of all parties or legal representative, Signature(s) acknowledged, if other than an attorney, Name(s) appear typed or printed beneath signature(s). Bergen County Libraries Bergen Community College 257 Cornelison Avenue - 2nd Floor. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Union County Clerk Union County, New Jersey Recording Data Cover Page Pursuant to N.J.S.A. Record requestors are required to complete this form and submit the same to the custodian of records. endstream endobj 123 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream Cancellation of Mortgage- The original recorded mortgage must be presented and properly endorsed for cancellation. Online document research is available 24/7. It may also be appropriate to seek the advice of an attorney, accountant, or other professionals to help guide you through the probate procedures. Official County Cover Sheet is required on all documents OR an additional $20 per document without cover sheet. . 2/19/07). In compliance with P.L. Draw your signature, type it, upload its image, or use your mobile device as a signature pad. N COUNTY C ARKET ST N NJ 08102 itting Comp ent Date (m ent Type Pages of th ding the cov deration Am Party r or Mortgago r) p to five name d Party e or Mortgage e) p to five name l Informatio p to three entr ence Inform p to three entr CUMENT SUM Camde Docum LERK Ret any m/dd/yyyy e Original S er sheet) ount (If app r or s) Nam e or s) Nam n . NOTICE. endstream endobj 129 0 obj <>stream 118 0 obj <> endobj All instruments must be in English, legible, and properly acknowledged. Danielle Ireland-Imhof Passaic County Clerk. /Tx BMC 2011, c. 217 (N.J.S.A. Surveys are not recorded in The Passaic County Clerk's Office or any recording office. If the deed is conveying real property, include the lot and block number of the property or the account number for the property, the grantee's mailing address, and the amount of consideration. Request Form (Atlantic County Clerks Office-ONLY), Claim for Refund of Estimated Gross Income Tax Payment, Nonresident Sellers Tax Prepayment Receipt, Sellers Residency Certification/Exemption, Waiver of Sellers Filing Requirement of GIT/REP, Waiver of Sellers Filing Requirement of GIT/REP-No Consideration, Affidavit of Consideration for Use by Seller, Affidavit of Consideration for Use by Buyers, Filing of Protest of Realty Transfer Fee Assessment, Gross Income Tax (GIT) Forms Required For Sale or Transfer of Real Property in New Jersey, County Tax Appeals-Frequently Asked Questions, General Tax Rates by County and Municipality, Atlantic County Tax Assessors and Collectors. endstream endobj 128 0 obj <>stream If the person submitting the document does not include a cover sheet or electronic synopsis, the recording office will charge an additional fee of $20 for indexing. * The mailing address of the grantee must be included on the deed. Procedures For Filing A Trade Name in PDF Format, Information regarding Name Change, Data Correction, Limited Replacement, Statement of consent by non-applying parent or guardian when he or she will not be present at the time the applying parent or guardian submits the childs application, Information Regarding a Lost or Stolen Passport, Application for Vote by Mail Ballot must be sent to: Christine Giordano Hanlon, County Clerk, County of Monmouth Election Office 300 Halls Mill Road Freehold, NJ 07728, Requests a copy/certified copy of the DD-214 Veterans Discharge papers, recorded in the Office of the Monmouth County Clerk (N.J.S.A. Please make sure that all documents are also accompanied by a cover letter that includes the name and address of the submitter. There is no additional fee when recording flat fee instruments. 10 Court Street Step 1: Complete the documents required to file a petition for dissolution of marriage or civil union in Cook County (1) Domestic Relations Cover Sheet (2) Petition This data is presented as a service to the public. Send it via email, link, or fax. If the mortgage was assigned, the last assignee of record, If the mortgagee is a corporation or other entity, the name and signature of that person authorized by that entity can endorse the mortgage for cancellation. The fee is calculated based on the consideration stated in the deed. Title Search and Deed Retrieval; . Request Form (Atlantic County Clerk's Office-ONLY) A-3128. Courthouse, Suite 306 520 Market Street Camden, New Jersey 08102; 1-866-CAMDENCOUNTY (1-866-226-3362) Burlington County Cover Sheet (PDF) Notary Public Commissions. Email: # # # #. GIT/REP-2. Cover Sheet for All Documents.xlsx Author: sophia Created Date: 12/18/2019 1:15:32 PM . Our Office. Courthouse - 413 Second St, Belvidere, New Jersey 07823 . Recording of wills and estate inventories at the county level began in 1804. * Corresponding names should be printed below all signatures in the document. 3/22), (RTF-1) Required affidavit to file with deeds when full or partial exception from Realty Transfer Tax is declared. Reduced rates apply to senior citizens, blind or disabled persons and on property that is low/moderate-income housing. 176 0 obj <>stream Jersey City NJ 07302. Z=)3 HWZTydCobqM#S,i.Z>R.&]r'o!gw}4U^'Okn\sQ);iMG$`$)~KpVye0q&JtEBuET v_ITs|wR:h+K)Pw-\}O8GivS0P]YQDymU%]*xTvszNu0K2;|>~[-5 ~m Learn more about how your heating system works. Portions of old Bergen County became present-day Passaic (1837) and Hudson (1840) counties. Email Telephone 973-621-4960. New Jersey County Recording Program Office. (Rev. Office Notary Services. Title Search and Deed Retrieval; . The Clerk's office ensures that public records are retained, archived, and made accessible to the public in accordance with all laws and regulations. Courthouse, Suite 306 520 Market Street Camden, New Jersey 08102; 1-866-CAMDENCOUNTY (1-866-226-3362) Newark, NJ 07102. Office of the Bergen County Clerk, John S. Hogan. Hudson County was formed from the southern portion of Bergen County on 22 February 1840. 973-285-6120 Email and staff list. 0U&4X/=W@QgCY(,7Q~r,:9^G\19H@LJ>qUf/9W7#xSE~4G?eHUtWWUMnzih_.,Unpnfa*pL ~Z1Y(CLFe(._Ilp~BK }Lr;dP ;aVi", B73kC4[ 0MRwL@Y F`Wg]Q6K_.tCZHHCBjh+QY^G$=TzJK41$,bM@/0EUdk(vL)=do8. The RTF Calculator will calculate the RTF up to and including a one million dollar consideration. Nothing on this website should be considered a substitute for the advice of an attorney. The County Clerk's Office shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for any damages in connection with the use Dear Recorder. %%EOF * A document, including a corrected document submitted for re-recording must be acknowledged or proved as required by law. HTMO1WqPW*T.zn,-Q^oyz. and print a Document Summary Sheet to attach to the original document for mail and recording. CN: 10159. Submitted for all new clients or trips where the request is not entered directly into the computer database. 2011, c. 217 (N.J.S.A. The original mortgage, with the receipt given by the county recording officer at the time it was recorded, must be presented for cancellation. "Any check for the amount of $10,000 or over must be certified or money order. Record and Return Address is required on all recorded documents. Sussex County's cover sheet can be found here: Recording Cover Sheet . In Bergen County, an individual can probate a decedent's Last Will & Testament in the Surrogate's Court, with or without the assistance of a lawyer, in usually under an hour. The Passaic County Clerk's Office does not perform Title Searches. Each marginal notation on a document is $10. the names of the parties to the document and any other names by which the document is to be indexed; if the document is a deed conveying title to real property: the lot and block number or other real property tax designation of the real property conveyed or a statement that the information is not available; if the document is an assignment, release or satisfaction of a mortgage or an agreement respecting a mortgage, it states the book and page number or the document identifying number of the mortgage to which it relates if the mortgage has been given such a number. Orphans Courts were established in 1785. A cover sheet (PDF, 330KB) is required with all land documents submitted for recording. /Tx BMC We work to ensure that the information is accurate but make no warranty . Phone: 973-310-8100 (RTF-1EE) To be used by grantees for real property transfers zoned for residential use, whether improved or not, for consideration in excess of $1,000,000 recited in the deed for an amount equal to 1 percent of the entire consideration amount. Morris County Clerk Hall of Records Administration Building 0 Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. Cover Sheet or Electronic Synopsis Requirement Effective May 1, 2017 In compliance with P.L. %PDF-1.7 % The officer taking the acknowledgment or proof shall sign a certificate stating the acknowledgment or proof. Gather details about the office notary services offered in the community. Morristown, NJ 07963-0315, Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 4:30pm Please call PSE&G's heating experts 24 hours a day at 1-800-539-7734 to schedule a free in-home boiler and furnace replacement estimate. 14 0 obj <> endobj Cover Sheet or Electronic Synopsis Requirement Effective May 1, 2017 In compliance with P.L. A cover page (when properly prepared that reflects your transaction) may be used when presenting the document for recording (ORS 205.234)(2) for an additional $5.00 fee in order to avoid the "non-standard" fee. A deed that states "One dollar and love and affection" as a statement of consideration must have an affidavit of true consideration annexed to the deed that sets forth the true and actual consideration paid or to be paid for the transfer. . $3.35 per $500 of consideration not in excess of $150,000 but not more than $200,000; Political Party Declaration Form should be mailed to: Mary DeSarno, Superintendent of Elections, 300 Halls Mill Road, Freehold, NJ 07728, Voter registration forms for Monmouth County residents must be sent to: Voter Registration, 300 Halls Mill Road, Freehold, NJ 07728, Added and Omitted Assessment Appeal Form. Saturday - Sunday:Closed. The Passaic County Clerk's Office does not perform Title Searches. 8:00am to 4:30pm M-F. Surveys are not recorded in The Passaic County Clerk's Office or any recording office. * A document or its image should be legibly printed on white paper that is no larger than 8.5 x 14 inches. Clerks also support the elections process and provide a variety of . Do not detach this page from the original document as it contains important recording information and is part of the permanent record. An additional fee of $20.00 will be charged for documents submitted without it. Aa CC Pa#CGr 2Z;D9?t{L30}u3\4Pp (Rev. All deeds must contain the words "Prepared by" followed by the name of the person who drafted the document. The user is advised to search on all %%EOF Effective May 1, 2017 - Cover Sheets are Required for Recording. You may contact an Independent Title Searcher at 973-881-4769. Wyckoff New Jersey. ?h 2co (1 vol. Online document research is available 24/7. 2023 Info Quick Solutions, Inc. Password Forgot your password? Union County Clerk Union County, New Jersey Recording Data Cover Page Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 1753 : The Cape May County Clerk's online records database extends back to August 2000 with deeds back to January 1996. Public Search ( . View Gloucester County Clerk's cover sheet (PDF). The original mortgage must be endorsed for cancellation, authorizing the recording officer to cancel the mortgage of record. The Cape May County Clerk's online records database extends back to August 2000 with deeds back to January 1996. The realty transfer tax fees must be paid at the time of recording and are as follows: The Cape May County Clerks online records database extends back to August 2000 with deeds back to January 1996. Begin signing osego county clerk cover sheet with our solution and become one of the millions of happy users who've previously experienced the benefits of in-mail signing. provides in pertinent part: The cover sheet or electronic synopsis shall include: A related provision, N.J.S.A. The County Clerk's Office is the place for recording and maintenance of property records in Bergen County. Memorial Town Hall, 340 Franklin Avenue, Scott Plaza, Wyckoff, NJ 07481-1907 | Ph: (201) 891-7000 | Fax: (201) 891-9359 Town Hall Office Hours: M-F: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm 0 Access details about the notary public commissions and how to join. County Cover Sheet (Warren County Document) Affidavit of Consideration for Seller / RTF-1 (Warren County Document) Y[%uKP~KGeh?\*[ W+(X'sZ ]3]Tu!VErl, The Cape May County Clerk also accepts documents submitted via e-Recording fee for service vendors. Username. /Tx BMC Nonresident Seller's Tax Prepayment Receipt. . endstream endobj 15 0 obj <> endobj 16 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Tabs/W/Type/Page>> endobj 17 0 obj <>stream
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