If yourunderlying charge was a misdemeanor, your failure to appear is a misdemeanor. The bail amount for assault with a deadly weapon, other than a firearm is $30,000. Please keep in mind that very serious crimes, such as murder, attempted murder, and battery with intent to commit sexual assault do not . The bail amount for sodomy, if victim is under age 14 and defendant is more than 10 years older than victim, is $100,000. The bail amount for battery on non-inmate by prison inmate is $25,000. However, most of the time, bail is required. If youviolated paroleorviolated probation, bail will not be set in most cases. How much is bail for marijuana, possession for sale, of a person 21 years or over while knowingly hiring, employing, or using a person 20 years or younger to cultivate, transport, carry, sell, etc. Another noteworthy scenario is if a person is arrested, and on the first court appearance the district attorney has not filed any charges. How much is bail for violation of (or attempt) HS 11379.6 OR 11383, when child under 16 suffers G.B.I. Felony $3,000 - $20,000. How much is bail for possession of materials with intent to make a destructive device or explosive (PC18720)? How much is bail for the manufacture of any controlled substance (HS 11379.6(a))? Aplaintiffis the person or party who brings the case against the defendant to the court. The bail amount for a person 18 years or over using a minor in the sale, transportation, or giving to a minor certain specific or classified controlled substances, up to 1 kilogram, is $50,000. The bail amount for aggravated sexual assault of a child under 14 years is $250,000. How much is bail for embezzlement by carrier or individual transporting property for hire, if amount stolen is over $1,000,000 (PC 505)? The bail amount for the possession or purchase for sale of certain specific or classified controlled substances, if over 40 kilograms, is $2,000,000. The bail amount for receiving stolen property, if amount of theft is over $50,000, is $45,000. How much is bail for false personation of another (PC 529)? The bail amount for hit and run with personal injury is $20,000. Our law firm handles misdemeanor and felony criminal cases throughout Ventura County. The bail amount for vehicular manslaughter operating a vessel, DUI without gross negligence is $50,000. Base Bail (see Felony Bail Schedule at pages 5-22) AMOUNT Of the offenses listed in 2, which carries the highest bail schedule amount? The list below is not exhaustive, but should provide you with a clearer idea of the general bail amount ranges you may expect to encounter. The bail amount for a concealed weapon on person or in vehicle is $35,000. How much is bail for bringing stolen property into the state (PC 470)? The bail amount for discharge of firearm with gross negligence is $35,000. If the offense is one that is relatively minor, such as aDUI with no accident injuriesor substantial property damage, then the jail will generally release the person after booking with no bail. How much is bail for forgery, counterfeiting drivers license or I.D. How much is bail for the conspiracy to violate sections 11351, 11351.5, OR 11352, up to 1 kilogram (HS 11370.4)? The state of California has virtually no say on the bail amount that a certain county settles on, so these bail amounts vary wildly. How much is bail for violation of a protective order (PC 273.6)? How much is bail for defrauding a housing program of a public housing authority, if amount of theft is over $50,000 (PC 487i)? For example, someone who gets arrested in Ventura County may be booked into the Ventura County Jail. The bail amount for extortion, obtaining signature by threats, is $50,000. The bail amount can be as much as a million dollars or more for the most severe crimes. The bail amount for criminal threats is $50,000. The bail amount for a person 18 years or over using a minor in the sale, transportation, or giving to a minor certain specific or classified controlled substances, if over 80 kilograms, is $5,000,000. The bail amount for kidnapping a child under age 14 to deprive custody is $150,000. The bail is the amount for the most serious criminal charge plus bail for any enhancements. How much is bail for conspiracy (PC 182)? I love this town and want to see the crime rates drop so . The bail amount for the possession or control of child pornography, more than 600 images (with at least 10 images involving a prepubescent minor) or images portraying sexual sadism or masochism is $40,000. After paying the bond amount, the bondsman will deliver it to the court to secure the defendants release. The bail amount for soliciting a minor, controlled substances, if 2,000 pills or less, is $50,000. The bail amount for computer-related crimes, Unlawful Access, Data Usage/Damage/Deletion/Alteration, Non-permitted Use, Denial of Service, is $25,000. How much is bail for rape in concert with another, by force or violence (PC 264.1)? Others may be more applicable to your case. The bail amount for soliciting a minor, controlled substances, if 2,0015,000 pills, is $75,000. The bail amount for administering drugs to aid felony is $20,000. or 105 gallons (HS 11379.6(c))? How much is bail for the possession of controlled substances for sale, if over 80 kilograms (HS 11378)? How much is bail for soliciting a minor, controlled substances, if 2,0015,000 pills (HS 11380)? How much is bail for sodomy, if victim is unconscious of nature of act/incapable of consent (PC286(f)(g))? How much is bail for the sale of PCP, if over 3 gallons liquid or 1 lbs. How much is bail for assault with intent to commit mayhem, rape, sodomy, oral copulation, or any violation of P.C. My husband was released on or for a misdemeanor. The defendant, in police custody, won't be seeing a judge for up to 48 hours, or . How much is bail for marijuana, transportation, sale, or furnishing (HS 11360(a))? Bail Amount The bail amount in case of restraining court orders starts from $15000. The bail amount for the possession of controlled substances for sale, if over 10 kilograms, is $500,000. Because bail amounts differ from location to location, defendants loved ones should be sure to refer to the bail schedule for the appropriate county. How much is bail for a person under 18 years using a minor in the sale, transportation, or giving to a minor certain specific or classified substances, if over 80 kilograms (HS 11354)? Misdemeanors include violation of a domestic violence restraining order, but bail may be increased to protect family members from further domestic violence. The bail amount for bringing or distributing obscene matter within the state is $40,000. Failing to appear in courtcan be a serious offense. How much is bail for sodomy, if with force or fear, upon a minor victim age 14 or over (PC286(d)(3))? The bail amount for defrauding a housing program of a public housing authority of value exceeding $950 or with qualifying prior conviction(s) if value does not exceed $950, is $20,000. How much is bail for receiving stolen property, if amount of theft is over $1,000,000 (PC 496)? The bail amount for the possession or purchase for sale of certain specific or classified controlled substances, up to 1 kilogram, is $30,000. How much is bail for arson during a state of emergency (PC 454)? The bail amount for oral copulation, if defendant compelled another by force, duress, or threats of great bodily injury, is $100,000. How much is bail for corporal injury to specified persons, with prior conviction under P.C. The bail amount for conspiracy is the same as the substantive offense. Suite 805 The bail amount for engaging in specified sex acts with a person confined in a public or private detention facility is $50,000. In some cases, the person may not get a bail amount and has to stay in custody until their court date. The bail amount for dog fighting is $20,000. How much is bail for battery upon a custodial officer in performance of duties (PC 243.1)? The bail amount for recklessly causing fire of an inhabited structure is $25,000. The bail amount for a person under 18 years using a minor in the sale, transportation, or giving to a minor certain specific or classified substances, if over 10 kilograms, is $500,000. How much is bail for unlawful sexual intercourse with person under 18 (PC 261.5(c))? The bail fee, or premium, is a non-refundable percentage of the total amount of the bail. Should the defendant flee the jurisdiction or simply not appear at the next date, the bond company will first attempt to find the defendant. The bail amount for church/cemetery vandalism is $50,000. "Special Bail Amounts" section. The amount of bail varies depending on the crime involved. How much is bail for the possession or purchase for sale of PCP, if over 3 gallons liquid or 1 lbs. How much is bail for sodomy, if with force or fear (PC 286(d)(1))? The bail amount for oral copulation, if in concert with force or fear, upon a minor victim age 14 or over, is $250,000. The bail amount for possession of destructive devices or explosives in public places is $500,000. Bounty hunters are paid a percentage of the bond but only if the defendant is apprehended. powder, is $1,000,000. How much is bail for battery with serious bodily injury (PC 243(d))? powder, is $250,000. Which are the most common and frequent crimes in the state of California? The bail amounts in the Uniform Bail and Penalty Schedules are calculated by using the maximum county and emergency medical . How much is bail for violation of & S 11379.6, if over 44 lbs. How much is bail for a person 18 years or over using a minor in the sale, transportation, or giving to a minor certain specific or classified controlled substances, if over 10 kilograms (HS 11353)? How much is bail for grand theft of copper materials, if amount of theft is over $250,000 (PC 487j)? The bail amount is set by the judge, who has a few options. The bill provides for the elimination of cash bail and for it to be replaced by a system of judicial discretion for felonies while no misdemeanors will require bail. How much is bail for computer-related crimes, Government Computer System or Public Safety Infrastructure (PC 502(c)(10)-(14))? For instance, Los Angeles County requires a person to pay $1,000 dollars and have a court appearance, while San Luis Obispo County has bail amounts ranging from $5,000 to $30,000 dollars, depending on the circumstances. The bail amount for grand theft of cargo, if amount of theft is over $1,000,000, is $120,000. The bail amount for the possession or purchase for sale of cocaine base, if over 20 kilograms, is $1,000,000. How much is bail for arson of an inhabited structure (PC 451(b))? Gross misdemeanors $2,000 - $5,000. How much is bail for vehicular manslaughter driving vehicle with gross negligence (PC 192(c)(1))? The bail amount for the filing of false evidence by prosecuting attorney is $50,000. How much is bail for the sale of controlled substances, if over 1 kilogram (HS 11379)? Bail for embezzlement is $20,000, but abuse of an elder through theft or embezzlement is $10,000 bail. How much is bail for burglary, all others (PC 459)? How much is bail for the possession or purchase for sale of PCP, if over 8 oz. Continue reading to see examples of felony and misdemeanor Ventura County bail amounts for 2017. California Penal Code 1269b (c) - It is the duty of the superior court judges in each county to prepare, adopt, and annually revise a uniform countywide schedule of bail for all bailable felony offenses and for all misdemeanor and infraction offenses except Vehicle Code infractions. Your defense attorney can also suggest conditions if trying to convince a judge to set bail or to decrease it. Mr. Nice Guy Bail Bonds is a local company based in Santa Ana, California that is ready to help you 24/7 with all your bail bond needs. The Courtroom One aspect of the courtroom environment is proper attire. The bail amount for escape or attempted escape from prison with or without force or violence is $250,000. The bail amount for the illegal transportation, sale, or furnishing of certain specific or classified controlled substances, if over 40 kilograms, is $2,000,000. For a simple assault, you could be charged with a second-degree misdemeanor, which can come with a bail of up to $250. The bail amount for defrauding a housing program of a public housing authority, if amount of theft is over $1,000,000, is $120,000. The bail amount for kidnapping is $100,000. The bail amount for arson of an inhabited structure is $250,000. In California, the cost of a bail bond is set at 10% of the total bail amount. What Are The Standard Bail Amounts By Crime In Las Vegas? How much is bail for theft of automobile (PC 487(d)(1))? How much is bail for false imprisonment of an elder or dependent person (PC 237(b))? How much is bail for bribe, offering or accepting, by judge, juror, or referee (PC 92, 93)? How much is bail for embezzlement, misappropriation by trustee, contractor, if amount stolen is over $50,000 (PC 506)? The bail amount for controlled substances, prescribing, administering, or furnishing, is $20,000. How much is bail for possession of any assault weapon (PC 30605)? How much is bail for grand theft, if amount of theft is over $1,000,000 (PC 487(a)(b))? How much is bail for the possession or control of child pornography, more than 600 images (with at least 10 images involving a prepubescent minor) or images portraying sexual sadism or masochism (PC311.11(c))? The bail amount for bringing stolen property into the state, if amount stolen is over $1,000,000, is $120,000. The bail amount for an adult preparing to sell to a minor drugs or narcotics, if over 10 kilograms, is $500,000. How much is bail for recklessly causing fire of an inhabited structure (PC 452(b))? The bondsman then becomes legally entitled to keep or seize any collateral. We do this to better understand how visitors use our site and to offer you a more personal experience. How much is bail for grand theft or conversion of real property, if value exceeds $950 or with qualifying prior conviction(s) if value does not exceed $950 (PC 487b)? California Superior Court Judgespost standard bail amounts, which are increased at the discretion of the magistrate upon request by law enforcement officers based on the facts of the specific crime. How much is bail for the use of information disclosed on a sex offender internet website to commit a felony (PC 290.46(j)(2))? Call Avolevan Bail Bonds Pomona 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. powder (HS 11379.5)? How much is bail for embezzlement of proceeds from the sale of secured property, if amount stolen is over $1,000,000 (PC 504b)? The bail amount for owning or operating a chop shop is $50,000. How much is bail for defrauding insurer (PC 548)? The bail amount for the possession or purchase for sale of certain specific or classified controlled substances, if over 4 kilograms, is $250,000. powder, is $75,000. Battery against a police officer is $2,500 bail to $100,000 bail.
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