Chelsea vs Arsenal. While the launch and subsequent improvements to the Arsenal Ticket Exchange have been welcomed providing, as it does, a safe and secure place for members to exchange and acquire tickets such is the excitement surrounding Mikel Artetas team that ticket holders, more often than not, are turning up week in, week out. Ticket availability, contact details and matchday information for disabled supporters, Arsenal Football Club Unfortunately, you will not be able to sell your tickets via this service. For Disabled members who wish to list their tickets on the Ticket Exchange please complete the online form here for Disability Access ONLY,and your tickets will be listed by the Disability Liaison Team, you can also contact the DLT on 0207 619 5000 (Option 2). A. Q. Can I post my seat on the Ticket Exchange for resell? How do I log into my account? The Exchange provides Season Ticket Holders with a secure and convenient platform to resell tickets to fellow Arsenal members. Nope! Arsenal Membership brings you closer to the club with access to match tickets, member events and a host of benefits across the season. The Ticket Exchange service is where season ticket holders who can no longer attend the game can post their tickets for resale so other members can purchase them. There is no additional charge over the standard booking fees that are in place for an online booking. Click Sell Tickets to use Ticket Exchange or Sell to a Friend to use Fan to Fan. Monday 26 September 12 noon until 1.30pm ONLINE ONLY: Members with The credit for the sale is deducted from the cost of your season ticket renewal less a 10 percent administrative charge. Anyone here having this issue? You receive a confirmation email containing the relevant seat information; simultaneously your card will be activated with the relevant fixture, unless stated otherwise. The Ticket Exchange service is where season ticket holders who can no longer attend the game can post their tickets for resale so other members can purchase them. Q. I am a Platinum/Gold Level Member can I buy a ticket using this service? At present, it is not possible to restrict your group to be sold in this way via the Arsenal Ticket Exchange. Yes No Q. Can I buy more than 1 ticket with my Q. Q. I have purchased a ticket via Ticket Exchange but am no longer able to attend the match can I get a refund? Arsenal Football Club Click View Tickets, and then click Manage Tickets for the game you wish to exchange. Premier League Sunday 6 November 2022 Kick-off 12 noon . Permission to use quotations from this article is granted subject to appropriate credit being given to as the source. Yes The Ticket Exchange service is where season ticket holders who can no longer attend the game can post their tickets for resale so other members can purchase them. If you're unable to find the answer to your query, you can call the Fan Services Team on on 020 7619 5000. WebTicketing : Arsenal Help Centre Ticketing My Account 5 How do I create a ticketing account? Im sure there are bots, thats inevitable, but they should be easy to spot with the right data from ticketmaster. Step 2 Scroll down to the game you wish to exchange your tickets for. Step 2 Scroll down to the game you wish to exchange your tickets for. Your browser does not support the video tag. For more information on error messages please click here. Full match replay - watch without score spoilers. Can I buy more than 1 ticket with my Yes, please ensure that if you are posting tickets on behalf of another season ticket holder that they are added to level 2 of your online network prior to the process. I saw like 8 tickets being posted simultaneously but couldnt get a single one of them, crazy. Please note that the disabled Ticket Exchange Service will not be available for reduced capacity matches. To open a menu item's submenu, press the space bar. This service assists us in our objectives of eradicating the unauthorised and illegal sale of tickets through touts. Ive been looking constantly no luck 2 6 comments Best Add a Comment YzbatBoy73 1 day ago Nope! This menu is keyboard accessible. The team also holds the record for the longest unbeaten period at 49 games. This menu is keyboard accessible. As you say it just goes :((. Are bots operating in ticket exchange at the moment? Highbury House Tickets should be bought through the site and only discussed for Face Value. Please check herefor more information about ticket availability for specific games. Members based outside of the UKshould allow 21 working days. Copyright 2023 The Arsenal Football Club plc. Step 4: Select the relevant fixture and click Find Tickets. Step 6: Any block with availability will be highlighted in blue and any block without availability in will be greyed out. A. To open a menu item's submenu, press the space bar. When can I put my seat up for sale? Welcome to The Arsenal Ticket Exchange, where Season Ticket Holders who are unable to attend a game can sell their tickets to fellow Arsenal Members. What is My Network? It is very random, for Liverpool it was very quick, against Forest almost gave up. If a fixture sells out, the Ticket Exchange service offers Members further ticket availability to purchase from Season Ticket holders who are unable to attend the game. Step 7: Select the desired seats individually and click Addto add these to your basket. The first, and most reliable way to get your hands on tickets is to become a Red Member. Season ticket holders unable to attend a game can make their ticket available once the match is sold out via the Ticket Exchange Service. A: We would always recommend that you visit your online account for confirmation on the status of your seat once the service has closed. WebTICKET EXCHANGE PURCHASING GUIDE C Step 5: To view available seats via the Ticket Exchange, you will need to toggle on Include Tickets Posted on Ticket Exchange from the left-hand side menu. The Cashback Service Anyone know why? Scroll down to the game you wish to exchange your tickets for. WebTicket Exchange : Arsenal Help Centre Ticket Exchange What is Ticket Exchange? Q. If you do not have a season ticket, you can become a member which costs 39 a year with around 3,500 tickets given out each month for every Premier League game. Ticket sales for this match will be as follows: Monday 26 September from 10am until 11.30am ONLINE ONLY: Members with 21 loyalty points or more can purchase one ticket per person. Permission to use quotations from this article is granted subject to appropriate credit being given to as the source. Each seat will be posted individually for resell once successfully posted. Highbury House This service assists us in our objectives of eradicating the unauthorised and illegal sale of tickets through touts. WebPLEASE BE AWARE I DO NOT KNOW EVERYONE IN THIS GROUP. The first, and most reliable way to get your hands on tickets is to become a Red Member. Step 9: When assigned correctly, click on Proceed To Checkout. Click Confirm. Yes No Click here to login and use this service for any sold out home fixtures. If you post and sell your ticket on Ticket Exchange within 24 hours of it opening, youll earn an additional 25 My Arsenal Rewards points. Under the Account History section select Ticket Exchange and you view a full Ticket Exchange history. Two to three refreshes and the map stops being shown to you, forcing a log-out or even a restart of the computer. Is there something that i am missing? Web The Exchange provides Season Ticket Holders with a secure and convenient platform to resell tickets to fellow Arsenal members. Q. Unfortunately you will not be able to use this facility online, however, please contact the Disability Team on 020 7619 5000 Option 2 for more details. A. Did you find it helpful? Platinum Season Ticket holders will be able to select up to 2 additional ticketsto purchase on their season ticket via the Ticket Exchange. Ticket exchange toggle only appears when there are tickets for sale on the ticket exchange (or have been recently). (Please check for availability). Unfortunately you will not be able to use this facility online, however, please telephone our Fan Services Team on 020 7619 5000 for more details. Step 2: Then, click on Match Tickets at the top of the page. The ticket exchange toggle doesnt appear for me, is anyone else experiencing this issue? Note, the ticket must be sold for points to be allocated. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. No. How do I log into my account? Find out more Join now Ticket Information Ticket Prices Match Categories Season Ticket Composition & Pricing Ticket Exchange Ticket Transfer Contact the Box Office Arsenal Women This form is not for ticket requests or for non disability access members. Ticket Transfer is the Clubsticketing facility which gives Gold and Platinum Members the ability to electronically transfer their ticket to a game they cannot attend to a family member or friend. Have seen 1 or 2 pop-up in last 24hrs but gone as soon as you see them. A. Protecting both the seller and buyer. Unfortunately not. How much will I be charged for the Service? Step 4: Select the relevant fixture and click Find Tickets. Season ticket holders that are unable to attend a game can sell their tickets to fellow Arsenal members or transfer them to family or friends. A No unfortunately due to the number of exchanges that are likely to take place and the need for automation this is an online service only available through If you do decide to purchase it would be appreciated if you went through the above links as this ensures that we can track any sales and offer free advice to more people online. Q. Find out more Join now Ticket Information Ticket Prices Match Categories Season Ticket Composition & Pricing Ticket Exchange Ticket Transfer Contact the Box Office Arsenal Women If you post and sell your ticket on Ticket Exchange within 24 hours of it opening, youll earn an additional 25 My Arsenal Rewards points. Q. I am a Silver / Red Member can I sell my ticket using this service? 3: There are four official ways to get hold of tickets, either online, over the phone on 03442773625, the official ticket exchange or the ticket transfer portal. Step 4: Select the relevant fixture and click Find Tickets. 75 Drayton Park A. These tickets usually go on sale exactly 1 month before the game and can be purchased online (and iirc over the phone). Arsenal and ticketmaster should have the data of how fast tickets get sold and not rely on ST holders telling how fast it sold. This menu is keyboard accessible. Q. Help us improve this article with your feedback. A. WebTicket Exchange : Arsenal Help Centre Ticket Exchange What is Ticket Exchange? Tickets seem to come and go so quickly without a chance for people to get one. The Ticket Exchange service will only be made available for certain fixtures once all tickets have sold. Step 5: Click Proceed To Payment on the following page. I presume when Im getting the error message that my time expired and seats were released, means that I missed them? While the launch and subsequent improvements to the Arsenal Ticket Exchange have been welcomed providing, as it does, a safe and secure place for members to exchange and acquire tickets such is the excitement surrounding Mikel Artetas team that ticket holders, more often than not, are turning up week in, week out. If you have forgotten your password click Forgot Your Login Details and enter your membership number to reset password. Web The Exchange provides Season Ticket Holders with a secure and convenient platform to resell tickets to fellow Arsenal members. By posting your seat on Ticket Exchange, you will earn an attendance stamp which will count towards you earning your Attendance Trophy - meaning. Two to three refreshes and the map stops being shown to you, forcing a log-out or even a restart of the computer. Perhaps, it becomes available ~2 weeks before the game? How do I buy a ticket next to my friend? New fans coming to England with the hopes of catching a game may well pay over the odds for tickets, making it even more pricier to get access to a match. Highbury House Highbury House Been looking for 2 months on and off. fcGabiz 1 day ago Click on the required blockto view specific available seats. Is there a limit to how many times that I can post aseat in a season? Click on the required block to view By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. A. To open a menu item's submenu, press the space bar. The credit for the sale is deducted from the cost of your season ticket renewal less a 10 percent administrative charge. Ticket sales for this match will be as follows: Monday 26 September from 10am until 11.30am ONLINE ONLY: Members with 21 loyalty points or more can purchase one ticket per person. Q. Make a note of your confirmation details in case you need to refer to them later. If you are looking for a ticket on the exchange our advice would be to login to your account, For more information on error messages please click. Platinum andGold Members who cannot attend a game now have the ability to sell their ticket electronically to a Member once a fixture has officially sold out. Q. WebYou can view your Ticket Exchange account entering your membership number & password into the Online Box Office. A full step-by-step guide to this service is available here . Step 6:Review the seats being posted for re-sale before accepting T&Csand clicking on Complete Purchase. Unfortunately I would highly doubt you'd get two together now, may be worth looking for two on their own if thats an option. Web1: Arsenal FC is the only English Premier League team to finish an entire season unbeaten (2003/04) giving rise to the nickname The Invincibles. Monday 26 September 12 noon until 1.30pm ONLINE ONLY: Members with WebWelcome to The Arsenal Ticket Exchange service, where disabled season ticket holders that are unable to attend a game can sell their tickets to fellow Purple members. Step 2: Then, click on Match Tickets at the top of the page. A. Sorry we couldn't be helpful. Web The Exchange provides Season Ticket Holders with a secure and convenient platform to resell tickets to fellow Arsenal members. The team also holds the record for the longest unbeaten period at 49 games. WebTicket forwarding will be available from 11am Tuesday 11 April 2023. The Cashback service will be available throughout each season during designated periods. Can I use Ticket Exchange for any Arsenal home fixture? Check out our exclusive Wallpapers for desktop and mobile today! WebTickets purchased via the Ticket Exchange are subject to the Home Match Ticket / Electronic Entry Card Terms and Conditions. Sorry we couldn't be helpful. Q. I actually managed to get one last night around midnight refreshing ticket exchange and about 8 tickets came out at once and managed to secure one! Q. How do I log into my account? Step 3: Click on All Matches. Press J to jump to the feed. You can view your Ticket Exchange account entering your membership number & password into the Online Box Office. Step 4: Ensure the box is ticked next to the desired seat to post for sale and click on Sell On Ticket Exchangeunder Ticket Actions. Ticket Exchange is basically completely broken. WebTICKET EXCHANGE PURCHASING GUIDE C Step 5: To view available seats via the Ticket Exchange, you will need to toggle on Include Tickets Posted on Ticket Exchange from the left-hand side menu. A. Two to three refreshes and the map stops being shown to you, forcing a log-out or even a restart of the computer. Click View Tickets, and then click Manage Tickets for the game you wish to exchange. Virtually nothing appears even for games against the smallest clubs, and when you do click on a ticket, 90% of the time an error message pops up. This service assists us in our objectives of eradicating the unauthorised and illegal sale of tickets through touts. WebStep 1 Visit the Online Box Office and log in. I listed 3 tickets yesterday evening (Leicester, Fulham and Villa). Meanwhile, other tickets for the upcoming match are being sold for over 400 on selected ticket resale sites, ripping off fans. The Ticket Exchange is open once the fixture has been announced as sold out and will close 3 hours prior to kick off. WebTicket Exchange is the Clubs official online resale platform which gives Season Ticket Holders and Premium Members the ability to sell their designated seat at face value to a One Hotspur Member to buy (or other supporters if the game goes on General Sale) for any Premier League home fixture they are unable to attend. If there is no toggle there, it is likely there have been no tickets on the ticket exchange for a while (no clue the exact timing but would assume somewhere between 5-30 mins). Find out more Join now Ticket Information Ticket Prices Match Categories Season Ticket Composition & Pricing Ticket Exchange Ticket Transfer Contact the Box Office Arsenal Women The team also holds the record for the longest unbeaten period at 49 games. Please note the fee will be deducted from the Season Ticket match day ticket price and not the advertised members price. Step 1: To access Ticket Exchange, visit and click the Log In button in the top right-hand side of the screen. The credit for the ticket sale (less a 10% administrative charge) will be deducted from the cost of your season ticket renewal or the funds can be withdrawn throughout the season using the Cashback service. The Arsenal Ticket Exchange service offers season ticket holders the opportunity to sell their tickets to members, family or friends if they are unable to attend a game. WebArsenal Tickets Exchange. fcGabiz 1 day ago Buy at your own risk, if you're unsure, or something is off, please don't buy. A. Felt like Id won the lottery Not sure if theyre potentially testing the release of exchange tickets in batches rather than instantly when they become available but perhaps this method gives us more of a chance Vs the bots until something is done about it! Timings of these cashback windows can be found below. Season Ticket Holders who are unable to attend a game can make their ticket available on the Ticket Exchange once the match is sold out (subject to restrictions). BE VIGILANT WHEN BUYING TICKETS OFF OF STRANGERS. 3: If you are looking for a ticket on the exchange our advice would be to login to your account hereas often as you can to check for availability. However, you may not recieve the full amount once your ticket has sold until we have progress further in the competition. Please note that the disabled Ticket Exchange Service will not be available for reduced capacity matches. WebThe Arsenal Ticket Exchange service is where season ticket holders that are unable to attend a game can sell their tickets to fellow Arsenal members or transfer them to family or friends once a match is sold out. Can I buy more than 1 ticket with my Ticket Exchange gives Silver, Red, Cannon and Junior Gunner Members even greater chance of attending games they want. Copyright 2023 The Arsenal Football Club plc. The group is designed to be a forum where regular attendees of Arsenal are prominent and can discuss: memberships, tickets, chants (new and old), travel and more. A list of commonly asked questions about Ticket Exchange. Premier League Sunday 6 November 2022 Kick-off 12 noon . Your browser does not support the video tag. When the Club is permitted to return to full capacity matches, the terms set out Q. Ticket Exchange Supporters can purchase their seats on the Ticket Exchange, while Season Ticket Holders who cannot make this match can also relist their seat , allowing fellow fans the chance to be at the game and fill London Stadium with the Claret and Blue Army. If you have forgotten your password click Forgot Your Login Details and enter your membership number to reset password. Ticket availability is much better than those limited to Red members. To close a submenu press the escape key. There are four official ways to get hold of tickets, either online, over the phone on 03442773625, the official ticket exchange or the ticket transfer portal. Q.I have more than one season ticket seat within my network that I wish to post via the Ticket Exchange. Permission to use quotations from this article is granted subject to appropriate credit being given to as the source. Tickets exchange is not helping. If you submit incorrect details, the funds will return to your account to be withdrawn at a future window. Help us improve this article with your feedback. The Ticket Exchange service opens once the fixture has sold out and will close 3 hours prior to kick-off. Q. Copyright 2023 The Arsenal Football Club plc. A group for Arsenal fans who attend either home or away matches. Step 8: Should they wish to be reassigned to another Season Ticket holder, simple click re-assign, where the My Network list will pop up to select from. Arsenal Football Club Under the Account History section select Ticket Exchange and you view a full Ticket Exchange history. To close a submenu press the escape key. Arsenal Fixture and Ticket Alerts Step 3 WebThe Arsenal Ticket Exchange service is where season ticket holders that are unable to attend a game can sell their tickets to fellow Arsenal members or transfer them to family or friends once a match is sold out. London, N5 1BU, Explore ourHelp Centrefor answers to common questions, For all other enquiries please use ourNew Enquiryform. If a fixture sells out, the Ticket Exchange service offers Members further ticket availability to purchase from Season Ticket holders who are unable to attend the game. Step 2 Scroll down to the game you wish to exchange your tickets for. How to activate online account Purchasing Tickets 9 How do I buy a ticket? A. A full step-by-step guide to this service is available here. It seems they are in the dark in this se22gunner 4 mo. Step 4: Select the relevant fixture and click Find Tickets. Meanwhile, other tickets for the upcoming match are being sold for over 400 on selected ticket resale sites, ripping off fans. Can I post them so they can only be sold as a group? BE VIGILANT WHEN BUYING TICKETS OFF OF STRANGERS. Buy at your own risk, if you're unsure, or something is off, please don't buy. A full step-by-step guide to this service is available here . By selling a ticket on the Ticket Exchange, you can earn 50 My Arsenal Rewards points. A. Have seen 1 or 2 pop-up in last 24hrs but gone as soon as you see them. The Ticke Sun, 22 May, 2022 at 1:40 PM How to Use Ticket Exchange - Posting and Buying A. Arsenal ticket exchange : r/GunnersatGames Arsenal ticket exchange Hey has anyone had any luck with the Bournemouth tickets yet? Yes Wish I had your luck! How to activate online account Purchasing Tickets 9 How do I buy a ticket? These tickets usually go on sale exactly 1 month before the game and can be purchased online (and iirc over the phone). Protecting both the seller and buyer. Step 5:To view available seats via the Ticket Exchange, you will need to toggle on Include Tickets Posted on Ticket Exchangefrom the left-hand side menu. A group for Arsenal fans who attend either home or away matches. To close a submenu press the escape key. Copyright 2023 The Arsenal Football Club plc. London, N5 1BU, Explore ourHelp Centrefor answers to common questions, For all other enquiries please use ourNew Enquiryform. Web1: Arsenal FC is the only English Premier League team to finish an entire season unbeaten (2003/04) giving rise to the nickname The Invincibles. If a seller posts their ticket on Ticket Exchange to be sold through the Club a nominal fee of approximately 10% will be applied. Cashbackcan be used by Platinum and Gold members and provides a way of reimbursing Members who have accrued monies via Ticket Exchange by withdrawing the proceedsof successful seats sold via Ticket Exchange and transferred in to your chosen bank account. I can't see the ticket exchange toggle on my screen. It is the responsibility of all supporters to check these details for every game purchased. Posts about merchandise, memes, transfer gossip, will be removed According to, Red Members get access to, on average, 3,500 tickets for every home game. Click View Tickets, and then click Manage Tickets for the game you wish to exchange. If you do not have a season ticket, you can become a member which costs 39 a year with around 3,500 tickets given out each month for every Premier League game. Press J to jump to the feed. Having the same issue and came here hoping for an answer :/ every now and then the toggle pops up, but most of the time it's not there.. Click on the required block to view Season ticket holders that are unable to attend a game can sell their tickets to fellow Arsenal members or transfer them to family or friends. especially for popular fixtures where you may receive error messages online due to other members purchasing seat(s) that you are attempting to buy. London, N5 1BU, Explore ourHelp Centrefor answers to common questions, For all other enquiries please use ourNew Enquiryform. Step 10: Select the card typeto pay on and enter the card details, followed by review order, in order to complete the purchase. Welcome to The Arsenal Ticket Exchange, where Season Ticket Holders who are unable to attend a game can sell their tickets to fellow Arsenal Members. Season ticket holders that are unable to attend a game can sell their tickets to fellow Arsenal members or transfer them to family or friends. 3: did yours get sorted? Step 3 According to, Red Members get access to, on average, 3,500 tickets for every home game. Season ticket holders that are unable to attend a game can sell their tickets to fellow Arsenal members or transfer them to family or friends. WebWelcome to The Arsenal Ticket Exchange service, where disabled season ticket holders that are unable to attend a game can sell their tickets to fellow Purple members.
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