west valley middle school staff

Main: 781-596-8800. West Valley Middle School is committed to fostering a workplace culture that values employee contributions, equips employees to meet their professional goals and supports employees in the work of teaching and learning. Send Email 7505 Zier Rd. GoBound. Knox County Schools is committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of technology or ability. We want every Wildcat to succeed and welcome your involvement to make that happen. Some students just need an adult in their lives to listen to them and help them advocate to get their needs met. Those of us who teach are here for the students; however, being paid helps pay the bills! Our services span 214 square miles with a population base of over 135,000. We want every Wildcat to succeed and welcome your involvement to make that happen. Staff - North Fayette Valley Community Schools. In the event that the part in need of replacement is less than $20, you will only be charged that amount and it will be documented as your FIRST INCIDENT. Teaching English as a Second/Foreign Language, University of San Francisco (2003), Teaching Experience - 10yearsteachingJr. katAction Day Favorite Quote: It is important to me to be a positive role model for young people. She has been teaching for seven years.Her degree is in Cognitive Science and Education from Cal Berkeley, and additionally holds her Multiple Subject Teaching Credential from SJSU. I want them to have plenty of choices for what they do for their work or career when they are older and the ability to keep on learning for their entire lives. - WVMS-volleyball Coach My experience ranges from first grade to tenth grade English. West Valley School District Staff Directory. Schwenksville Elementary, Evergreen Elementary, Schwenksville Elementary, Skippack Elementary, Operations/Food Service Administrative Assistant, Schwenksville Elementary, Skippack Elementary, South Elementary, Skippack Elementary, Schwenksville Elementary, Supervisor of Communication & Technology Systems, MS West, Schwenksville Elementary, Skippack Elementary, Data, Quality & Assessment Program Administrator, English Language Arts / Social Studies Teacher, MS East, MS West, PV High School, Evergreen Elementary, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent/Board Secretary, Coordinator of Equity, Inclusion & Community Engagement, Community Education/Curriculum & Instruction Administrative Assistant, HR Assistant/Curriculum & Instruction Secretary. Frank Sharbono Staff Email. 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Children are our future. 5th grade Language Arts, 5th and 6th StudentSupportandLifeSkills, Education Centennial; City School; Grant Implementation; Learning Centers. I take pride in knowing I am helping to change the future. For up to date school news follow VMS on Facebook at Valley Middle School and Twitter @vms_principal. . As such, we offer a variety of electives designed to suit each students individual interests and strengths. Biography. B.S. I enjoy seeing students discover things about themselves that they did not know they were capable of doing. He brings with him 7 years of experience teaching both Middle and High School Math. Staff Directory. Staff Information. Close Menu. Staff Email/Website Directory. Goals for the School Year VMS Lions, we are proud of you! OBOS is 15! Jennifer graduated from Pike County High School in Zebulon, Georgia, and studied journalism at Georgia Southern University in Statesboro. Favorite Quote Biography. -Benjamin Franklin, Grade/Teaching Subject Cafeteria Manager Biography. TREND Meeting. Instructional Assistant I always want to be that teacher that the students can go back and think who was that teacher that made an impact on my life? One of my favorite college Professors told me, "That inside everyone, there is a desire, big or small, to change the world." They were taught, and I wasn't. Don't settle. Science Math Certified in Structured English Immersion. This website endeavors to comply with best practices and standards as defined by Section 508 of the U. S. Rehabilitation Act. -DirectorofWest Valley Basketball Clubs Boysprograms. Edu-MaDonna University, Livonia, MI MA in Early Childhood / MA in Counseling Spring Arbor Univ, MI, Thirty-five years in education which includes early childhood, teaching art, admin, and counseling. I work with students and educators to make sure every child has the skills and knowledge to have choices in life that will bring them joy and success. This is my 11th year in education and my fifth year teaching. WebLink. - To help students develop effective learning habits they can take with them beyond the classroom, Favorite Quote I started school in first grade. 1500 S 75th Ave Yakima, WA 98908 Phone: (509) 972-5700 Fax: (509) 972-5718 West Valley Middle School Our Learning Environment Students have a right to: Experience a rich and appropriate education. Ten years in Education. Throughout my 16 years of teaching, the Lord has allowed me to teach grades K-5, serve teachers, and support principals in a variety of ways. Second year teaching and second year here at Western Valley. - Minor in Sociology - CoachedCompetitiveSoccerandHighSchoolSoccer BS Elementary Education Minnesota State University-Mankato; MA Educational Leadership and Policy Studies University of Texas-Arlington. Delivered each week during the school year, the Hall Pass Newsletter gives you the inside stories of our students, teachers and schools. BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (WBRC/Gray News) - Multiple students at a school in Alabama complained of illness after they reportedly ate some candy. Science If the loss is due to theft, burglary, robbery, or vandalism, notify local law enforcement and present the official police report to school administration in the main office to assist the district in providing a permanent replacement. School News West Valley School Staff Search. She is committed to the philosophy and the goals of the school, empowered by the passion of the faculty, and inspired by the students that she has had the privilege of interacting with. 5th Grade -- 8th Grade Spanish, Education Brigham Young University, M.Ed. With small class sizes, dedicated teachers, and fulfilling, onsite enrichment opportunities, it's easy to understand how our students consistently outperform others at grade . Matthew Wellner Faculty and Staff Open subnavigation. Seventeen years in teaching. We are continually striving to improve the accessibility standards of our website. a Glee Club with many performance opportunities. Nor in any of the CTE programs offered (Industrial Technology, Agriculture, Business, Health Occupations, and Family Consumer Science) by the district. #PLVCares. My goalsfor this yeararetomake sureP.Eis enjoyablefor the kids. Iwould likethemtoleaveP.Eattheendoftheyear withloveforexerciseanda mentalandphysicalappetitefor hardwork. If a device cannot be repaired, a replacement of the districts choosing will be provided. Involve me and I learn. Wildcat Live Stream. 1+ years teaching Science to 5th and 6th Grade. At West Valley Middle School, it all adds up. Teachers, principals and support staff are the driving force behind our educational mission. I love the interaction with the students and try to help give them the academic support and emotional support that they may need. Principal Send Email Biography, BA in Spec. Building Usage Request . I believe that children are the future, and by working with them, I am able to create a positive impact in the world and hopefully leave an everlasting memory. Vice Principal, Student Council Advisor, Education For students to meet our learning expectations, they are responsible for the following: Flash Alerts and School Closure Information. Collegeville, PA 19426. Phone: 716-942-3100. Child Development, San Diego State University I appreciate working in the teaching environment and the focus on mastery of specific skills. Valley Elementary Remote Learning Information. Math Interventionist BAinPsychology minor in Sociology fromNotre DameDe NamurUniversity Mrs. Tadena is excited to join the faculty at West Valley Middle School. teachers, and fulfilling, onsite enrichment opportunities, its easy to understand how our students consistently outperform others at grade-level. The positive relationships that are built, helping students understand concepts and being a caring adult that students know will be there each day. Over the course of five minutes of that trip, Jake would become a hero. Students in 6th through 8th grades attend these schools. "Smart is something you become, not something you are.". And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. "Nothing can dim the light which shines from within." 8+ years of teaching in the elementary and middle school setting, Goals for the School Year Melinda has over 20 years experience working in before and after-school programs. 600 N Pine St, West Union, IA 563-422-3851 x1 563-422-3854, Social Studies Teacher, Leader in Me Advisor, Head Girls Basketball Coach, Social Studies & Special Education Teacher, Preschool Coordinator & 3 yr old Preschool Paraeducator, Family Consumer Sciences Teacher and Downtown Academy Special Education Teacher, Social Studies Teacher, Digital Literacy Teacher & Leader in Me Advisor, Downtown Academy Special Education Teacher, Junior Kindergarten/TigerHawk Preschool Teacher, 4th & 5th Grade Teacher & Valley Campus TAG Teacher, Principal's Secretary West Union Elementary, HS Assistant Principal and Activities Director, Special Education Intensive Behavior Program, Technology Director & Performing Arts Center Manager, It is the policy of the North Fayette Valley Community School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age (for employment), marital status (for programs), sexual orientation, gender identity and socioeconomic status (for programs) in its educational programs and its employment practices. About 600 elementary and middle school students from Orange County's Irvine Unified School District were unable to return home last Friday from class trips to outdoor education camps in the San Bernardino Mountains due to closed and impassible roads from heavy snowfall, according to Los Angeles ABC station KABC-TV. Elite Performances (211) Results below have been formatted by MileSplit. Top 20 PA Boys Week 4 Outdoor Rankings By Event Apr 17, 2022. Treat others with dignity and respect, and not treat others differently because of their race, ethnicity, religion, age, appearance, gender, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status. - Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Grade/Teaching Subject About 600 elementary and middle school students from Orange County's Irvine Unified School District were unable to return home last Friday from class trips to outdoor education camps in the San Bernardino Mountains due . Damage to loaner Chromebooks will result in a charge in the amount of the parts needed or a device replacement cost of $250. Half days, the time is 10:00 a.m. DURING The School Day. Goals for the School Year Farragut High School Parent Night, 9:00 AM - 10:40 AM I believe education is one of the most important things, and knowledge is something that no one can ever take away from you. Clear. Please select the staff member you would like to contact. When I was a kid, I would play school in my playroom with my friends. If you have questions or a grievance related to this policy please contact the districts Equity Coordinator, Lori Westhoff, High School Principal 600 N. Pine St., 563-422-3851, lwesthoff@nfv.k12.ia.us or Director of the Office for Civil Rights U.S. Department of Education, Citigroup Center, 500 W. Madison Street, Suite 1475, Chicago, IL 60661-7204, Telephone: 312-730-1560 Facsimile: 312-730-1576, Email: OCR.Chicago@ed.gov. Twenty-six years in education, with 17 of those years teaching all subjects to intermediate grades and the others teacher mentoring, academic coaching, and being a school administrator. Education Staff | West Valley School West Valley School Staff Select Departments Jeff Nelson Food Service Aide 406-755-7239 jnelson@westvalleyschool.com Lisa Bell Assistant Clerk 406-755-7239 lbell@westvalleyschool.com Joe Sova Paraprofessional 406-755-7239 jsova@westvalleyschool.com Alexa Dubois Paraprofessional 406-755-7239 adubois@westvalleyschool.com Activities. Accessibility Contact. - To help students have fun with reading and writing Biography, BA Education, Highly Qualified in math and science. - Workedinyouthdevelopment for over 7 years. Teaching, for me, is a vocation, and this is my passion. Biography, William Gonzales Send Email Two years teaching composition at SJSU, Goals for the School Year The District The Lompoc Unified School District offers an outstanding educational program for its approximately 9,800 students. . Before this, I worked as a business administrator for 23 years for different companies in Mexico, Germany, and the U.S. Our coaches enforce a WVMS ideal: that active minds benefit from active bodies. Please report all incidents promptly. Send Email Every child needs to know that they can achieve every goal they set their minds on achieving, regardless of race, socio-economic status, or academic ability. BA in Liberal Arts and has a Multiple Subject Teaching Credential from SJSU. - Growand Developself-managementskills Maestra Renteria will be returning for her 2nd year here at WVMS. The District serves TK-12th grade students living in the City of Lompoc, Vandenberg Village, Mesa Oaks, Mission Hills, Vandenberg Air Force Base and rural areas adjacent to these communities. West Valley Middle School has a wonderful athletics program that runs concurrent with the fall/spring sports seasons. Biography. The last ten years, I have been a classroom teacher. Goals for the School Year Deanna Leighton Through learning, we can learn about ourselves and the world around us. Send Email By encouraging students to engage If you would like additional assistance or have accessibility concerns, please contact our Central Office at (865) 594-1800 or complete our Questions and Feedback Form. If a replacement is provided, all damage incidents will be charged the amount of the parts needed to repair or a $250 device replacement cost. Middle School Guidance Website Mrs. Nikki Williams, Library Mr. Mark Wilson, . 2 year MA in Special Education from GCU; Reading and ELL Endorsement from Chapman College. Grade/Subjects Teaching In compliance with Federal Law, the Northwest School District administers all education programs, employment activities and admissions without discrimination against any person on the basis of gender, race, color, religion, national origin, age or disability. Rosi Jimenez Secretary Send Email West Union Elementary / Fayette Elementary, Fayette Elementary / West Union Elementary. I have been teaching in Arizona for eight years. It is awesome to have students come back and tell me what they have accomplished in life. Every student has the potential to be successful. Send Email . Established in 1885, VUSD is the oldest school district in Tulare County. For two years, I was a paraeducator. Teaching Experience I like to teach students how to overcome obstacles that are part of life. Send Email Child, Youth, and Family Studies with a minor in Sociology, University of Nebraska (Lincoln, NE); M.A. Activities Calendar. DAIRY QUEEN GRILL & CHILL - 11 Photos & 58 Reviews - Food near 801 E Yakima, Yakima, WA - Yelp Restaurants Home Services Auto Services Dairy Queen Grill & Chill 58 reviews Claimed $ Burgers, Fast Food, Ice Cream & Frozen Yogurt Edit Closed 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM See hours See all 11 photos Write a review Add photo Share Save Menu Website menu Staff Directory | West Middle School Staff School Administrators Art Calisto Dean of Students acalisto@nsd131.org Drew Hellwege Assistant Principal ahellwege@nsd131.org Chance Whitmore Principal cwhitmore@nsd131.org Teachers Clarisa Alcantara 6th/7th Grade Math calcantara@nsd131.org Nicole Beckman Fusion nbeckman@nsd131.org The mission of the West Valley Middle School community is to inspire the students to be resourceful, respectful, and responsible citizens by providing a challenging and safe learning environment. Biography. Send Email Left as a Water Asset Manager. Geometry, Algebra 1, Pre-Algebra. I teach because children need help learning from a professional that has had the education and experience to do so adequately. Schools, businesses close as more snow arrives. Our students excel inside and outside the classroom, and West Valley Middle Schoolis committed to providing them with the instruction, resources and support they need to achieve their goals. West Valley, NY 14171. - Maya Angelou, "Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. TECHNOLOGY Science Art Biography. Coach Al runs flag football plays during his P.E. LEARNING is our #1 priority at West Valley Mid-Level campus! Last Name First Name Title Department Building Email Contact; Adducie: . Report Chromebook loss or damage to library staff or designee within five days. Social Studies Our educators and support team are passionate about what we do. Bluegrass & Northshore 5th grade visit, 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. I have taught in Washington state for two years prior to coming to Arizona. West Valley High School. Everyone has potential, and getting kids to realize and achieve theirs is amazing!

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west valley middle school staff