apex specialist superbadge step 5

According to the latest Glassdoor report on jobs with the best career opportunities, Salesforce Developer is second from the top! Apex Specialist Superbadge. This article is about the current district formerly a county-controlled city. Thanks Priyanka, Vasilina & Prafull - some how Challenge Completed Added below code for OrderTest @isTest (seeAllData=false) private class OrderTests In the Certifications section (under Accomplishments), you can list out individual Badges or Superbadges you've completed, for example the Security Specialist Superbadge, and include your Trailhead profile link as the 'Certification URL' for proof. Most Taiwanese aborigines in the city live in Fuxing District, with most of them belonging to the Atayal people. }. The stadium has a capacity of 30,000 spectators. Test.stopTest(); { Make sure you create the Custom metadata records with the exact same names given (that matches the product families) In the constants apex class, declare all the properties as public static. Taoyuan is one of the Taiwan's top industrial and technological cities. The callouts JSON response returns the equipment records that you upsert in Salesforce. The followings are the challenges to earn this badge: Automate record creation using Apex triggers. @isTest Recent major sporting events held by Taoyuan include: The rapid transit system of the city is Taoyuan Metro and is operational since April 2017. if(Trigger.isUpdate && Trigger.isAfter) Copyright 2000-2022 Salesforce, Inc. All rights reserved. Without routine maintenance checks, the rental fleet is susceptible to avoidable breakdowns. Grab a pen and paper. This completely separate system needs to sync on a regular basis with Salesforce. } Taoyuan Arts Center; Taoyuan Arts Center is the main performance center in Taoyuan, . Click the' Select Tests' button. Architect Engineer Planner and Azusa Sekkei[ja]. , Can we call one trigger from another trigger in Salesforce? Design the code to work for both single and bulk maintenance requests. Tags ~1 hr 30 mins +1,500 points. Origin='Phone'+i, Equipment__c=equipment.Id, Vehicle__c=vehicle.Id); updateCase.Date_Due__c=date.Today().addDays(Integer.valueOf(equipment.Maintenance_Cycle__c)); Database.SaveResult[] updateEquipment = Database.update(closedMaintenanceList); for(Database.SaveResult sa:updateEquipment){, public with sharing class WarehouseCalloutService {. Change the CodesGo to Developer console and edit the Apex class and related triggers for below: Issue with Superbadge Apex Specialist Step 2? Map shortestCycle = calculateShortestCycle(closedRequestIds); Write a class that makes a REST callout to an external warehouse system to get a list of equipment that needs to be updated. Once the largest water conservancy project in Southeast Asia, visitors may find many restaurants open near the reservoir serving fresh reservoir fish delicacies. private static final String WAREHOUSE_URL = 'https://th-superbadge-apex.herokuapp.com/equipment'; // complete this method to make the callout (using @future) to the. Let the universe renounce some goodness to you . It was designed by T.C.K. This new request's Type should be set as Routine Maintenance. , Automate record creation using Apex triggers, Synchronize Salesforce data with an external system using asynchronous REST callouts, Test automation logic to confirm Apex trigger side effects, Test integration logic using callout mocks, Test scheduling logic to confirm action gets queued. You will not be allowed to obtain Salesforce credentials in the future. Challenge 5: Test callout logic. request.setMethod(GET); Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. 5 Comments on Apex Superbadge (part-1) Scenario:- Automate record creation. , Can we call future method from scheduled apex? A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Update the new product Visualforce page, #6. List wpNewRequests = [SELECT Id, Equipment__c, Equipment__r.Maintenance_Cycle__c FROM Work_Part__c WHERE Maintenance_Request__c = :newRequest.Id]; I've found a couple of posts with sample code for this challenge and with a few small differences, mine matches from what I can tell. List equipments = TestDataFactory.createEquipments(2); In 2022 Taoyuan City mayoral election, Chang San-cheng of the KMT was elected as the new mayor. } [12][13] EVA Air maintains its headquarters in Luzhu District. { Refer to the Apex Specialist Superbadge: Trailhead Challenge Help document for detailed resources and documentation. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. MaintenanceRequestHelper.updateWorkOrders(); cycle = Integer.valueOf(equipments.get(1).Maintenance_Cycle__c); Date expectedDueDate = System.today().addDays(cycle); When we are using the Batch Apex, we must implement the Salesforce-provided interface Database. To add this class as a job on the queue, call this method: ID jobID = System. There are no extra costs based on the number of APEX apps, workspaces, developer accounts, or application end users. [19][20][21] The city government is located within Taoyuan District. Your class maps the following fields: Use the warehouse SKU as the external ID to identify which equipment records to update within Salesforce. Steps - equipment.Maintenance_Cycle__c = (Double)updatedEquipment.get(maintenanceperiod); Therefore, all maintenance requests are processed during HQs normal business hours. String jobID=System.schedule('Warehouse Time To Schedule to Test', scheduleTime, new WarehouseSyncSchedule()); //Contains schedule information for a scheduled job. Apex triggers are stored as metadata in the application under the object with which they are associated. Cancellation of upcoming and in progress certification exams. Hi Mayur, I have realised if you only have test method 'OrderUpdate_UnitTest' in test class OrderTests with proper declaration and access modifier - You will still get same error as above and to solve it , you need both method in class 'OrderUpdate_UnitTest' and 'OrderExtension_UnitTest' and it will work . @isTest static void negativeTest() Butokuden () were used to represent military systems, and the old Taoyuan City Office signified political systems. The Nankan River is Taoyuan's largest river, flowing from the southeast to the northwest. }. @isTest response.setHeader(Content-Type, application/json); Acts as a Resume Builder - Superbadges can be added to your resume to help you stand out among peers as well as demonstrate to recruiters and hiring managers that you have real-world experience using these skills. I'm also trying to get more comfortable with Visual Studio Code with the Salesforce extensions. newWorkPart.Maintenance_Request__c = parentChildMap.get(part.Maintenance_Request__c); Challenge 1: Automate record creation STEP 1: Create a new Trailhead Playground Install the unmanaged Package Rename Case to Maintenance Request and Product to Equipment STEP 2:. , Can we call future method from batch class? upsert(equipments); When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. Use the naming conventions specified in the requirements document to ensure a successful deployment. There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. Increase test coverage with unit tests, #7. With more than 785,000 Hakka people, Taoyuan hosts the largest Hakka population among all of Taiwan's administrative divisions. Create Test Data for Apex Tests || Apex Testing, Cincinnati Digital Marketing Agency | Search Engine Marketing Services, Prozessoptimierung: Mit Kontinuitt zu hherer Effizienz, Vancouver SEO Company - SEO Vancouver Consultants, How Much Traffic Does a Website Need to Make Money? 'peach orchard') since there used to be many peach blossoms in the area. Review the newly created records to get acquainted with the data model. Process Automation Superbadge unmanaged package Package ID: 04t46000001Zch4 Make . { public static void runWarehouseEquipmentSync() Case updatedRequest = [SELECT Id, Status, Date_Due__c, Date_Reported__c, Vehicle__c, Subject FROM Case WHERE Id=: request.Id]; Challenge 6: Test scheduling logic. 1. credential security quiz for all super badges, 2. Modify the Apex Classes as below, save and run all. To test this, include a positive use case for 300 maintenance requests and assert that your test ran as expected. Integer numOfRecords = 300; Taoyuan's old name was Toahong[1] (Chinese: ; pinyin: Tozyun; Peh-e-j: Th--hng; lit. Now, you'll have to map to what needs to done. link of super badge:https://trailhead.salesforce.com/en/content/learn/superbadges/superbadge_apex response.setBody(body); Click the 'Run' button. CronTrigger ct = [SELECT id, CronExpression, TimesTriggered, NextFireTime FROM CronTrigger WHERE Id= :jobId]; // Verify the schedule not yet run Salesforce Credentialing Program participants are prohibited from: Sharing, using, or requesting configured solutions, elements of solutions, metadata, or packages to solve any superbadge challenge. Primeiro conclua os pr-requisitos e o desafio para desbloquear Apex Specialist. like @priyanka suggested above: @isTest (seeAllData=false)private class OrderTests {, @isTest private static void orderUpdate_UnitTest() {}@isTest private static void orderExtension_UnitTest() {}}. Over 200 of Taiwan's top 500 manufacturing companies have factories in Taoyuan. ChangethelabelsforStandard Objectsand Fields in SalesforceGo to Setup -> Customize -> Tab Names andLabels->RenameTabs andLabels. Salesforce Interview Questions and Answers We Swear By! Not only do they help you stand apart, but they allow you to be confident in your advertised abilities. Taoyuan has a humid subtropical climate (Kppen climate classification: Cfa), with hot summers and mild winters. newWorkPart.Quantity__c = part.Quantity__c; enqueueJob(new AsyncExecutionExample()); After you submit your queueable class for execution, the job is added to the queue and will be processed when system resources become available. 1 and 3 are nearby and connect via local highways to the city itself. [14] Evergreen Airlines Services Corporation, Evergreen Aviation Technologies Corp., and Evergreen Air Cargo Services Corporation, subsidiaries of Evergreen Group, are headquartered in Dayuan. } You should definitely complete the task on your own and you can get all the help. link of super badge:https://trailhead.salesforce.com/en/content/learn/superbadges/superbadge_apex , How do I run a Queueable class from the developer console? This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. if(shortestCycle.size() > 0) HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest(); Search "Scheduled" in the quick find box. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Write Apex triggers to perform custom database actions. Work fast with our official CLI. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Advanced Apex Specialist superbadge is an upgrade on the Salesforce Apex Specialist Superbadge. Calculate the maintenance request due dates by using the maintenance cycle defined on the related equipment records. HttpRequest httpRequest = new HttpRequest(); HttpResponse httpResponse = http.send(httpRequest); if(httpResponse.getStatusCode() == 200) { // success. Taoyuan is also home to a number of buxibans, or cram schools or language schools, which teach additional courses in mathematics, English, science, etc. In 2001, Eric Chu of the Kuomintang defeated Democratic Progressive Party incumbent Peng Shao-Chin in the race for Taoyuan County magistrate. List equipments = new List(); for(Object obj: objects) { , How do I run Apex manually in Salesforce? This Superbadge is part of training/preparation for Platform Developer I Certification exam. The post Salesforce Trailhead Superbadge: Apex Specialist Solution appeared first on Forcetalks. public static void runWarehouseEquipmentSync(){. You need to update Salesforce data during off hours (at 1:00 AM). Set closedRequestIds = new Set(); Taoyuan is located on the Taoyuan Plateau, contiguous on the northeast to Guishan District. Apex Specialist - Challenge 6 Get link; Facebook; Twitter; Pinterest; Email; Other Apps; July 26, 2020 Test Scheduling logic. forceapexhours.comEnsure that the Visualforce page is displayed when a user clicks the New button on the Product object.Advanced Apex Specialist Superbadg. List parts = [SELECT Id, Maintenance_Request__c, Equipment__r.Maintenance_Cycle__c FROM Work_Part__c WHERE Maintenance_Request__c IN :closedRequests]; If you choose to use a development org, make sure you deploy My Domain to all the users. In ancient times, the Taoyuan plateau was the home of the Taiwanese plains aborigines. Youll be working with the following standard objects: This section represents the culmination of your meetings with key HowWeRoll stakeholders. { { Here it is-. Stuck on Superbadge Apex Specialist Step 6? Make sure all unit tests pass before checking this challenge (there will be a green checkbox next to the test). Taoyuan District (Chinese: ; pinyin: Toyun Q), formerly known as Taoyuan City () prior to the establishment of the special municipality of Taoyuan in 2014, is a district of Taoyuan City in northwestern Taiwan. , How do I fix this Schedulable class has jobs pending or in progress? Rename cases and products to match the HowWeRoll schema, and assign all profiles to the custom HowWeRoll page layouts for those objects. In addition to equipment maintenance, design HowWeRolls inventory data synchronization with the external system in the equipment warehouse. To define a future method, simply annotate it with the future annotation, as follows. Demand For Low-code/No-code Driving Strong Momentum For Oracle APEX In Asia. Help with Superbadge Apex Specialist Step 3? to use Codespaces. It is the largest local public library in Taiwan. Youll also integrate Salesforce with HowWeRolls back-office system that keeps track of warehouse inventory. [5] The city is also home to 116,000 foreign workers, with many coming from Southeast Asia and working in factories or as household caregivers. { , How does the trailhead certification agreement relate to sharing a Superbadge solution or reusing elements of another trailblazer's work? If trigger starts working from another trigger, they are executed in same transaction. Depending on your permissions, you can perform some or all of the following actions. The Asian Silicon Valley project aimed to transform Taiwan into an R&D hub for the IoT sector as well as a global center of entrepreneurship.[18]. Superbadge Process Automation Specialist Full Solutions. Share to someone in the Trailhead Community. In prehistory, the Ketagalan people settled in Nankan[zh]. Colors indicate the common language status of Hakka and Formosan languages within each division. You signed in with another tab or window. The RCA facility is the source of significant trichloroethylene contamination. Test.startTest(); Lets grow together. , How do I delete a scheduled job in Salesforce? [27] It is within walking distance southwest from Taoyuan Senior High School Station of the Taiwan Railway Administration. While you can retake challenges for badges and projects, you cannot do so for Superbadges. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Update the Product page layout assignment to use the Product (HowWeRoll) Layout for your profile. global HttpResponse respond(HttpRequest request) Update the Case page layout assignment to use the Case (HowWeRoll) Layout for your profile. Data transfer into and out of the service (ingress and egress) is included at no extra cost. }, public with sharing class WarehouseCalloutService {. Superbadge Apex Specialist looks good on Resume, and they prove worth it as well. "Taoyuan" literally means "peach garden" in Chinese, since the area used to have many peach trees. workParts.add(TestDataFactory.createWorkpart(maint.Id, equipments.get(i).Id)); You may want to jot down notes as you read the requirements. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. Museums and art centers. After the transfer from Japan to the Republic of China, the present day-area of Taoyuan City was incorporated under Hsinchu County. Add to Favorites. List maintRequests = TestDataFactory.createMaintenanceRequest(vehicles); Taoyuan also has two professional basketball teams, the Taoyuan Leopards of the T1 League[25] and the Taoyuan Pauian Pilots of the P. League+ (shared with Changhua County).[26]. The number will probably be around 200, but to account for potential spikes, pad your class to successfully handle at least 300 records. I am stil stuck at this error after trying out suggestions here. Beyond inventory, ensure that other potential warehouse changes carry over to Salesforce. #2. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Within Taoyuan, there are 6 senior high schools, 14 junior high schools, 23 primary schools, and an "intelligence initiation school." HowWeRoll offers travelers superior RV rental and roadside assistance services. For example, temples and worship paths (currently the Taoyuan Martyrs Shrine) symbolized cultural systems. Superbadges help you to gain the knowledge that you need to clear the certifications. [8] On 25 December 2014, Taoyuan County was upgraded into a special municipality of Taoyuan City (). This new maintenance request is tied to the same Vehicle and Equipment Records as the original closed request. Prior to its upgrade to become municipality on 25 December 2014, Taoyuan County used to have 6 county-administered cities (Bade, Luzhu, Pingzhen, Taoyuan, Yangmei, Zhongli), 1 urban township (Daxi), 5 rural townships (Dayuan, Guanyin, Guishan, Longtan, Xinwu), and 1 Mountain indigenous township (Fuxing). As part of the first step of the Apex Specialist Superbadge project, I am trying to insert mock data like this: //create test objects Product2 testEquipment1 = new . Due to the city's proximity to Taipei, and the lower cost of living, Taoyuan has had the fastest population growth of any city in Taiwan in recent decades. workParts.add(TestDataFactory.createWorkpart(maint.Id, equipments.get(i).Id)); Thats where you come in! Various trademarks held by their respective owners. The trigger and the statement that fires it are treated as a single transaction, which can be rolled back from within the trigger. System.assertEquals(System.today(), newRequest.Date_Reported__c); Besides the benefits you can get from a hiring perspective, Superbadges are required now for at least the Platform Developer II exam. Thankfully, HowWeRoll has an amazing RV repair squad who can attend to any maintenance request, no matter where you are. Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, new WarehouseCalloutServiceMock()); WarehouseCalloutService.runWarehouseEquipmentSync(); // This causes a fake response to be sent. Due to the effect of wind from mainland China, Taoyuan is typically cooler than New Taipei, despite having a lower latitude. List syncEquipments = (List) JSON.deserializeUntyped(httpResponse.getBody()); Map data = (Map)equipment; Product2 upsertEquipment = new Product2(); upsertEquipment.Cost__c = (Integer) data.get('cost'); upsertEquipment.Replacement_Part__c = true; //(Boolean) data.get('replacement'); upsertEquipment.Current_Inventory__c = (Integer) data.get('quantity'); upsertEquipment.Name = (String) data.get('name'); upsertEquipment.Maintenance_Cycle__c = (Integer) data.get('maintenanceperiod'); upsertEquipment.Lifespan_Months__c = (Integer) data.get('lifespan'); upsertEquipment.Warehouse_SKU__c = (String) data.get('sku'); //system.debug('Product 2 Equipment: ' + equip); global class WarehouseCalloutServiceMock implements HttpCalloutMock {, global HTTPResponse respond(HTTPRequest req) {, // Optionally, only send a mock response for a specific endpoint. }, **NOTE: remember to delete the previous schedule job from Scheduled Jobs before running the test, https://th-superbadge-apex.herokuapp.com/equipment’, Synchronize Salesforce data with an external system using. As the company grows, so does HowWeRolls rental fleet. newReq.Date_Due__c = System.today().addDays(Integer.valueOf(shortestCycle.get(maintReq.Id))); if(newRequests.size() > 0) , Which package needs to be installed as a prerequisite for Apex specialist? Superbadge Process Automation Specialist Full Solutions. Add to Trailmix. For your positive test, assert that everything was created correctly, including the relationships to the vehicle and equipment, as well as the due date. Using this org for any other reason might create problems when validating the challenge. Trailhead is based on gamification; users achieve badges (etc.) The municipal seat of Taoyuan City is situated within its borders. There are over 6,827ha (16,870 acres) of land available for factories and industrial use in the city, representing the fact that Taoyuan's development bureau is based on industry and commerce. Any ideas please? Complete these modules/projects to unlock and complete the Apex Specialist Superbadge. }. Removal from the Salesforce Credentialing Program and/or the Trailblazer Community. Ask Question Asked 2 years, 9 . This is the pre-requisite for Apex Specialist Superbadge Challenge.Before going to Superbadge Challenge please Set Up Development Org. Create Sales Process and Validate Opportunities | Process Automation Specialist | Salesforce, 3. Apex Triggers. With the exponential increase in RV popularity worldwide, HowWeRoll is supplying hundreds more luxury and economy vehicles around the globe. 8 months ago. Time to move forward with step 5, 1. private class WarehouseCalloutServiceTest Case maint = maintRequests.get(i); { You signed in with another tab or window. equipment.Cost__c = (Decimal)updatedEquipment.get(cost); inventorySync.execute(null); Table of ContentsChallenge 1: Automate record creationChallenge 2: Synchronize Salesforce data with an external systemChallenge 3: Schedule synchronizationChallenge 4: Test automation logicChallenge 5: Test callout logicChallenge 6: Test scheduling logicSuperbadge Apex Specialist looks good on Resum. An increasing number of businesses in Asia are turning to Oracle to gain the benefits of using its new low-code service for developing and deploying data-driven, enterprise applications quickly and easily, Oracle Application Express (APEX). It had 6 cities, 1 urban township and 6 rural townships. , Can we call Queueable from future method? Use App Launcher to navigate to the Create Default Data tab of the How We Roll Maintenance app. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Need help on specific errors? @isTest for(Work_Part__c part: [SELECT Id, Maintenance_Request__c, Equipment__c, Quantity__c FROM Work_Part__c WHERE Maintenance_Request__c IN :parentChildMap.keySet()]) apex specialist superbadge | challenge 3 : automate record creation.Ensure that the Visualforce page is displayed when a user clicks the New button on the Product object.Advanced Apex Specialist Superbadge - Create Unit Tests Trailhead Solutionthis is apex specialist superbadge solution step 3Advanced Apex Specialist Superbadge - Create Unit Tests Trailhead Solutionapex specialist superbadge : automate record creation | challenge 3..Advanced Apex Specialist Superbadge - Create Unit Tests Trailhead Solution advanced apex specialist superbadge - set up development org | apex specialistAdvanced Apex Specialist Superbadge - Create Unit Tests Trailhead Solutionadvanced apex specialist superbadge - salesforce career mythbusted!advanced apex specialist superbadge - advance apex presentation [citation needed], There are now 29 (registered) industrial areas with 3,696ha (9,130 acres) of non-urban industrial land and 3,131ha (7,740 acres) of urban industrial land. The Subject should not be null and the Report Date field reflects the day the request was created. Activities you will do to complete and earn this superbadge, are: Debug and troubleshoot Apex code; Develop Apex Code that will scale to large data sets; Develop custom interfaces using Visualforce Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you. Start a discussion in the forum to get straight-up answers. in order to level up through the ranks, with 'Ranger' being the highest. } List vehicles = TestDataFactory.createVehicles(numOfRecords); Rename the tab/label for the Case tab to Maintenance Request. If you have trouble installing this package, follow the steps in the Install a Package or App to Complete a Trailhead Challenge help article. HttpResponse response = http.send(request); List warehouseEq = new List(); List jsonResponse = (List)JSON.deserializeUntyped(response.getBody()); Map mapJson = (Map)eq; myEq.Replacement_Part__c = (Boolean) mapJson.get('replacement'); myEq.Name = (String) mapJson.get('name'); myEq.Maintenance_Cycle__c = (Integer) mapJson.get('maintenanceperiod'); myEq.Lifespan_Months__c = (Integer) mapJson.get('lifespan'); myEq.Cost__c = (Decimal) mapJson.get('lifespan'); myEq.Warehouse_SKU__c = (String) mapJson.get('sku'); myEq.Current_Inventory__c = (Double) mapJson.get('quantity'); System.debug('Your equipment was synced with the warehouse one'); ---------------------------------------------WarehouseCalloutServiceTest.apxc---------------------------------, private class WarehouseCalloutServiceTest {. update maintRequests; And execute in the anonymous window below: Read More: Salesforce Interview Questions and Answers We Swear By! { No description, website, or topics provided. validRequests.add(req); As mentioned previously, the huge wave of maintenance requests could potentially be loaded at once. Synchronization ensures that HowWeRolls headquarters (HQ) knows exactly how much equipment is available when making a maintenance request, and alerts them when they need to order more equipment. This button displays the currently selected search type. , How do Superbadges relate to the trailhead credentials and certification program? To Delete the job from UI: Go to Setup. , Can we cheat in Salesforce online exam? This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. Fier et trs content d'avoir termin le Superbadge Trailhead by Salesforce "Apex Specialist". The Taoyuan City Government is the municipal government of Taoyuan. Search "Scheduled" in the quick find box. This Superbadge is part of training/preparation for Platform Developer I Certification exam. String cron_exp = 0 0 13 * * ?; Stuck on Superbadge Apex Specialist Step 4? The package you will install has some custom lightning components that only show when My Domain is deployed. Billing Specialist Super Set - lets you flex your Salesforce CPQ and Billing expertise. List objects = (List) JSON.deserializeUntyped(response.getBody()); Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Package ID: 04t46000001Zch4. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. { Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters. }. Please , How do I complete a Superbadge in Salesforce? System.assertEquals(2, [SELECT count() FROM Product2 WHERE Name IN (Test Equipment1,Test Equipment2)]); Update MaintenanceRequestHelper.cls. Click Del to permanently delete all instances of a scheduled job. List workParts = new List(); For(Integer i=0; i maintenanceRequestList = [select id, Case.Vehicle__c, Equipment__c, Equipment__r.Maintenance_Cycle__c, Type, Status from Case where id in :Trigger.New limit 200]; List newMaintenanceRequestList = new List(); if(maintenanceRequestList != null && maintenanceRequestList.size() > 0 ){, if(cas.Type == 'Routine Maintenance' && cas.Status == 'Closed'){.

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apex specialist superbadge step 5