Perform a free Amherst, NH public police records search, including police reports, logs, notes, blotters, bookings, and mugshots. Amherst, MA 01003-9600. 413-545-2121 non-emergency 413-545-3111 emergency or 911 413-545-3113 fax. Martha D. Hall, 68, 135 Amherst St. No. In partnership with the citizens of Amherst , to assume a leadership role in enriching the quality of life in the Town by committing . The New Hampshire Arrest Records Search links below open in a new window and take you to third party websites that provide access to NH public records. Drivers: Hope Dougherty, 78, Ft. Myers, Fla., and Larry Brodsky, 66, Amherst. . Tarra J. Woltering, 23, 144 Main Street No. Attachment Size; MPD Press Log 1.2.2023: 367.98 KB: MPD Press Log 1.9.2023: 292.85 KB: MPD Press Log 1.16.2023: 363.21 KB: MPD Press Log 1.23.2023: 341.77 KB: MPD Press Log 1.30.2023: 346.56 KB: . No injuries were reported. Hillsboro Police Department Arrest Records 45 South Fruit Street|Concord NH 03301|603-224-3311|1-800-852-3400 Police Department: Full-time: Fire Department: On Call: Emergency Medical Service: Part-time: Nearest Hospital(s) Distance: Staffed Beds: Southern NH Medical Center, Nashua: Hollis Police Department Press Releases New Hampshire Arrest Records contain an individual's entire criminal history record and are available from Government Offices in New Hampshire. Ernesto Lopez, 39, 4 Roedean Dr., Nashua: Simple Assault/Domestic Violence, William Duffy, 21, 4 Stonedge Way, Merrimack: Out of Town Warrant, Brian Otis, 49, 38 Kendall Pond Road, Windham: Suspended Registration, Hector Gutierrez, 37, 7 Union St., Nashua: Stalking/Domestic Violence, Susan Soares, 216 Query St., New Bedford, Mass: Stalking/Domestic Violence, Edwin Fantauzzi, 17 East Pearl St., Nashua: Simple Assault/Domestic Violence; obstructing report of crime or injury. Danville Police Department Arrest Reports - Archives This page was designed to help update the citizens of Amherst with relevant, public. No law enforcement agency should attempt to arrest without first confirming with the Hudson Police Department that a warrant is indeed active on any of the subjects listed. On July 18, 2011 at 1501 hours, the Amherst Police Department responded to a 2 caraccident on Route 101A. View Nashua Police Department news archive by date, including headline and link. Shawn Higginbotham, 22, 374 Mason Road, Milford, driving while under the influence of drugs or liquor. View Rockingham Superior Court schedule for January 29, 2018 by case number and hearing type. an incident at the Friends Program on Thompson Street. The Amherst Police Department is a team of 47 sworn and 14 civilian employees including those in the Communications Center. Fredieu was released on $150 cash bail, and nofurther action is anticipated by the Amherst Police Department. To request removal of your name from an arrest report, submit these required items to Route 101A at Route 122: 5:10 p.m. Two-car accident. Lebanon Police Department Press Releases View Henniker Police Department news releases, including statistics, updates, advisories and new law information. Bailey was accused of blaming the woman for getting the check from two other men. Milford NH Town Hall, 1 Union Square . Three Candidates Running For 2 Seats On Amherst Planning Board, A Rare Opportunity Own A Historic Piece Of Boston & Maine Railroad, Amherst: Dogs, Cats, Pets Up For Adoption At Area Shelters. Hillsboro Police Department Press Releases View Hopkinton Police Department activity log by month as a PDF document. About Us Contact Us View Henniker Police Department news releases, including statistics, updates, advisories and new law information. Get more local news delivered straight to your inbox. View Danville Police Department weekly arrest log list including current and past archives. 11 were here. Posted Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 10:09 am ET. Boston Post Road: 4:42 p.m. View Pembroke Police Department press releases, including dates of publication and full press releases. View Franklin Police Department press releases, including dates of publication and full press releases. Gary F. Crane, 18, 20 The Flume, Amherst, criminal threatening. Commercial Motor Vehicle Incident. When asked if he went to the bank to cash a check, Bailey said he did, but it did not go through, an affidavit said. Driver: Jonathan Caikauskas, 23, Manchester. He was arrested after an incident on Gordon Court. Matthew Dibona, 18, 3 Broadway, Amherst, shoplifting. Show Arrest Logs from: and/or ARREST LOGS for 2023 February 24, 2023 - February 24, 2023 - February 21, 2023 - February 16, 2023 . New Hampshire Police Departments and New Hampshire Criminal Courts maintain Arrest Records, warrants, and mug shots. New Hampshire Public Employee Labor Relations Board 2 Beacon Street, Suite 200 | Concord, NH 03301 Telephone: (603) 271-2587 | E-mail: Concord City Government Police Press Releases Candlewood Drive: between Aug. 25, at 10 p.m. and Aug. 26, at 7 a.m. Report of theft. Driver: William Goldstein, 75, Dunbarton. The Amherst Police Records Search (New Hampshire) links below open in a new window and take you to third party websites that provide access to Amherst public records. NASHUA NH POLICE DEPARTMENT - 28 OFFICER JAMES ROCHE DR, NASHUA NH 03062 - COPYRIGHT 2014 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, CLICK HERE TO SEE INFORMATION ABOUT OUR NEXT, - Steven Bennett Charged with Burglary and Criminal Mischief, - Reynaldo Tirado Charged with Theft by Unauthorized Taking, - Sergio Bergos Charged with DV Second Degree Assault and Endangering the Welfare of a Child, - Seven Arrested Under Operation Granite Shield. Amherst police arrest log for March 31 to April 3. Brandon W. Johnston, 19, 22-A Cottage Street, Pepperell, Mass., driving while under the influence of drugs or liquor, transportation of alcohol by a minor, conspiracy to commit. Merrill was arraigned in theMilford District Court that same day. Last issued: 2023-02-24 | view. Perform a free Nashua, NH public arrest records search, including current & recent arrests, arrest inquiries, warrants, reports, logs, and mugshots. 190 were here. Perform a free New Hampshire public arrest records search, including current & recent arrests, arrest inquiries, warrants, reports, logs, and mugshots. Fast Find Donald Benoit, 52, of Keene, was charged with driving after revocation and speeding March 31 and released on $800 personal recognizance bail with an arraignment date of May 8 at the 9th Circuit Court, Milford. . Michael Gillis, 41, 10 Laurel Lane, Tyngsborough, Mass., transportation of a controlled drug and possession of a controlled drug. No warranty or representation is made as to the accuracy of the information contained herein. View Lebanon Police Department press releases, including dates of publication and full press releases. Sign up for free Patch newsletters and alerts. Take our state-approved course to remove points from your license. View Rockingham County Sheriff's Office press releases, including details of fugitives' arrests and weekly arrest reports. Could you send it to City of Nashua Crime Maps According to a prior offense, Bailey was stopped operating another vehicle owned by the woman, a Lexus. Included below are links to both the previous month's arrests, as well as an archive of arrest logs. Lane Memorial Library Court Records Darren M. OToole, 31, 30 Grafton Drive, Bedford, aggravated driving while intoxicated. She was arrested after an incident at Marshalls on Storrs Street. Littleton Police Department Press Releases The investigation is ongoing. View Grafton Superior Court docket, including case numbers and case types. AMHERST LaBelle Winery will host a wedding-planning workshop on Feb. 18, 2023 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at LYNDEBOROUGH Saturday, Feb. 4, is National Take Your Child to the Library Day. View Danville Police Department weekly arrest log list including current and past archives. Kayla Shamile Torres, born 1992, of Concord was arrested at 9:36 p.m. on Feb. 1 on stalking, breach of bail, and criminal mischief charges after an incident on Curtice Avenue. These classes are for students 21 and under. Route 101: 5:47 a.m, Single vehicle accident. View Nashua Police Department arrest logs by month and year, including date, offense and suspects. The New Hampshire Arrest Records Search links below open in a new window and take you to third party websites that provide access to NH public records. Town of Derry, 14 Manning Street, Derry, NH 03038 (603) 432-6100 DEA - Drugs of Abuse; . Amherst Police Department Press Releases Austin Road: overnight hours. On Oct. 25, 2022, the officer went to Boscawen to speak with Bailey, asked him if he was at the bank that day, and was accused of admitting to being at the bank on that day. View Nashua Police Department press releases, including dates of publication and full press releases. Vehicle struck parked car. He was arrested after an incident on Bog Road. View Fosters News Agency crime news stories by headline and date. View Hudson Police Department press releases, including dates of publication and full press releases. View Bedford Police Department press releases, including dates of publication and full press releases. Call 413-577-TIPS (8477) or use our Anonymous Witness Form. The Amherst Police Department reported . TDD Access: Relay NH 1-800-735-2964. View Hillsboro Police Department news and events for breaking stories, Amber alerts, town highlights and contact information. Nashua Weekend Events: Psychic Arts Fair; Chamber, Symphony Concerts, 11 Arrested In 2 Operation Granite Shield Efforts In Nashua, 7 Year Investigation Leads To Child Rape Charges Against Nashua Man, T-Mobile Tuesdays: Fresh Perks Every Week, Great New England SPECIALTY FOODS & ARTISAN show. Wow House: 1 Greenbriar Lane In Amherst, New Hampshire, Tony Ortiz, Amherst School District Clerk Candidate, Wow House: 111 Amherst St. Rebecca Knobel, 36, 92 Elm Street, Nashua: Driving While Intoxicated. An arrest does not indicate a conviction. NOW HIRING! Route 101A: 4:34 p.m., Single vehicle accident. Welcome to the Official Website of the Nashua, NH Police Department. Milford is located in the southern region of New Hampshire and is surrounded by the towns of Wilton, Lyndeborough, Mont Vernon, Amherst, and Hollis. On July 16, 2011 at 0913 hours, the Amherst Police Department responded to a singlevehicle accident on Route 13. Nashua Police Department Press Releases View Seabrook Police Department police log by event and incident date. Mark Vaughn, 43, of Merrimack, was charged April 3 with reckless operation. Seabrook Police Department Logs Philana Bush, born 1974, of Concord was arrested on a bench warrant at 11:17 a.m. on Jan. 29 after an incident at the Friends Program on Thompson Street. The officer spoke with a fraud analyst and received photos of a man who cashed the check and a Ford pickup truck, owned by a woman, the man was driving. To request removal of your name from an arrest report, submit these required items to News and Events. Unemployment Rate Physical Therapists in New Hampshire! City of Manchester Crime Maps NOW HIRING! 6, Amherst, violation of a protective order and breach of bail conditions. Physical Therapists in New Hampshire! View Fosters News Agency crime news stories by headline and date. Amherst Police Log Cabinet News. Arrest Log. Pembroke Police Department Reports If you have a specific question requiring a legal opinion you should contact your own union representative or your own attorney. Call 413-577-TIPS (8477) or use our Anonymous Witness Form. Amherst Police Department Website Terms and Conditions. The Amherst Police Department is providing as a service to our community members a list of all adults (persons 18 years of age or older) that have been arrested by the Town of Amherst Police Department. Murray was released on $5000 PR bail, with an arraignment dateset for July 28, 2011 in the Milford District Court. The Amherst Public Safety Communications Center has been providing dispatching services for Police, Fire, Emergency Medical Services and the Department of Public Works since January 1, 2005. View Danville Police Department home page, including mission statement, personnel list, arrest logs, recent news, office hours and contact information. AMHERST POLICE DEPARTMENT AUGUST 3 ARREST/SUMMONS Derek Mitchell, 19, 42 Springfield Circle, Merrimack, driving after suspension, . Population, Year of the First Census Taken: Population Density and Land Area, 2021 (US Census Bureau): Swimming Lake; Youth Lacrosse; Ponemah Bog Sanctuary; Peabody Mill Environmental Center; Joe English Reservation; Hiking Trails, Monday through Friday, 8 am - 4 pm; Town Clerk, Tax Collector: Monday through Friday, 9 am - 3 pm, extended hours Tuesday, 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm, Budget: Municipal Appropriations, 2019-2020, Selectmen; Cemetery; Library; Trust Funds; Zoning; Planning, Communications Infrastructure; Conservation; Heritage; Historic District; Recreation; Capital Improvement; Solid Waste, 2021 Total Tax Rate (per $1,000 of value), 2021 Full Value Tax Rate (per $1,000 of value), 2021 Percent of Local Assessed Value by Property Type, Single-Family Units, Detached or Attached, Educational Attainment, population 25 years and over, Median Earnings, full-time, year-round workers, 16 years ad over, Amherst operates grades K-8; grades 9-12 are part of Souhegan Cooperative (Amherst, Mont Vernon), Milford HS & Applied Technology Center; Wilbur H. Palmer Career & Tech Ed Center (Hudson); Nashua Technology Center, Educational Facilities (includes Charter Schools). Hollis Road: between 6:15 a.m. and 8 a.m. Report of theft. Single-vehicle accident with injury. On July 9, 2011 at 0920 hours, the Amherst Police Department arrested TheodoreMurray, age 47, of 152 Lowell Street, Dunstable, MA on a charge of Theft byUnauthorized Taking. No injuries were reported. 2023 County Office. . The officer checked photos of Bailey, who was arrested in Concord in 2012, and his DMV photo and was able to confirm that he was my suspect, the officer wrote. The man said he did not notice the fraudulent withdrawal until he attempted to issue the check. Welcome to the Official Website of the Nashua, NH Police Department. Derek Mitchell, 19, 42 Springfield Circle, Merrimack, driving after suspension, transportation of alcohol by a minor. View Nashua Police Department's most wanted list by name, DOB, and charge. You may not use this site for the purposes of furnishing consumer reports about search subjects or for any use prohibited by the FCRA. Attachment Size; December 26 2021 - January 1 2022: 294.67 KB: January 2 - January 8 2022: 306.49 KB: January 9 - January 15 2022: 278.85 KB: January 16 - January 22 2022: 320.94 KB: January 23 - January 29 2022: . View Hudson Police Department press releases, including dates of publication and full press releases. Privacy Policy Coos Superior Court Records Merrimack Police, 31 Baboosic Lake Road, Merrimack, NH 03054 Website Disclaimer Virtual Towns & Schools Website. You may not use this site for the purposes of furnishing consumer reports about search subjects or for any use prohibited by the FCRA. 6, Amherst, violation of a protective order. On July 19, 2011 at 0224 hours, the Amherst Police Department arrested ChristopherCharles Merrill, age 31, of 65 Alfred Street, Arundle, ME on charges of Fugitive fromJustice, Resisting Arrest, and Pedestrian Soliciting a Ride. View Hanover Police Department press logs by date, incident type, location and summary. The Amherst Police Department reported the following recent arrests. View Hanover Police Department press releases, including dates of publication and full press releases. Driver: Matthew Costello, 28, Brookline. Welcome to the Official Website of the Nashua, NH Police Department. South Hampton Police Department Logs View Franklin Police Department press releases, including dates of publication and full press releases. The Amherst Arrest Records Search (New Hampshire) links below open in a new window and take you to third party websites that provide access to Amherst . View Pembroke Police Department annual reports by year from 2006 through 2013. No injuries were reported. Copyright The Cabinet Press | | 167 Elm Street, Milford, NH 03055 | 603-673-3100. Search New Hampshire State Police warrants by first name, last name or location. Jesse R. Corfield Antonetti, 33, of Nashua, charged with theft March 31 and was released on $500 personal recognizance bail and has a May 8 arraignment date in the 9th Circuit Court, Milford. Parking lot of Meadowbrook Crossing: 5:40p.m. Scott Beaumont, 44, of Laconia received a summons at 12:49 p.m. on Feb. 3 on a theft by unauthorized taking, less than $1,000, charge after an incident at Walmart on Loudon Road. Around 5:45 p.m. on Aug . View Goffstown Police Department press releases, including dates of publication and full press releases. ARREST LOG ARCHIVES. View Hampton Police Department crime map by crime type, including assault, homicide, kidnapping, robbery, and theft. 419 AMHERST ST : 23-14102 MOTOR VEHICLE STOP : 20230303 / 1430: 2 PROGRESS AVE . . Hillsborough Superior Court Northern District Court Records The image was too pixelated, but there were noticeable identifiers, the report said. Tips. Danville Police Department Arrest Records Manchester Police Department All files are in Adobe Acrobat Reader format. Editors frequently monitor and verify these resources on a routine basis. View Hanover Police Department press releases, including dates of publication and full press releases. View South Hampton Police Department police logs by date and reported incidents. Crime logs from the most recent seven-day periodare posted below. Claims Data View Hudson Police Department crime map database, listed by month, year and type of call. . View Manchester Police Department most wanted person list by name, case number, and charge details. Pembroke Police Department Press Releases ARREST/SUMMONS. Amherst Police Records Search (New Hampshire) Perform a free Amherst, NH public police records search, including police reports, logs, notes, blotters, bookings, and mugshots. It does not indicate a conviction. Each log contains information about incidents both alleged criminal and non-criminal offenses which occurred on that day. The Nashua Police Department is a Nationally Accredited Police Department located on Officer James Roche Drive in Nashua New Hampshire. Drivers: David Perkins, 30, Amherst and Benjamin Kaplan, 48, Hollis. You can download a free reader from Adobe. On July 11, 2011 at 0630 hours, the Amherst Police Department arrested Donna Wheeler,age 51, of 15 Chestnut Street, Milford, NH on a charge of Aggravated DWI. Driver: Francis Strasser, 29, Rindge and Constance Spargo, 73, Amherst. John Tiso, 41, 7 Fieldstone Drive, Amherst, aggravated driving while intoxicated. DRIVER 1 Christopher Parker, age 36, of Merrimack, NH, DRIVER 2 Jason Hamlin, age 29, of Peterborough, NH.
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