alyse lahue relationship

In her interview with the Joint Investigative Team, Ellis did not recall players bringing to her attention verbal abuse or racist or sexist comments by NWSL coaches during her tenure with the USWNT. The tweet led to public support from Gorden's teammates, other NWSL players, and others. Boundary Blurring Between Players and Staff Arnim Whisler confirmed considering a similar plan for Dames at the Red Stars, even after Whisler learned that a majority of the players on the team believed Dames created an environment of fear and expressed concerns about retaliation. On both occasions, Holly began touching Simon as they were watching film. 100, other inappropriate sexual conduct at Shim, including attempting to be alone with Shim, and opening his hotel room door in his underwear and asking Shim to get on his bed. Some within the NWSL held the misconception that SafeSport deals with misconduct against youth athletes and does not investigate misconduct against professional athletes. Shim said that particularly after that night, she was scared and feared Riley could physically try to restrain her or try to have sex with her. It acknowledged that the League had a "need to know," and that an "allegation that a head coach has acted inappropriately toward a player is obviously of concern to the League." A report detailing the results of the year-long investigation was published Wednesday, a little over two . She asked him to remain professional going forward. WPS's problems compounded in 2011, when Dan Borislow, the owner of the WPS club magicJack, became embroiled in a series of conflicts over his violations of WPS procedures. On the eve of the Washington Post's November 2021 story on Dames's abusive conduct, in the midst of two ongoing investigations by the Joint Investigative Team and U.S. Soccer into misconduct towards players, and despite Dames having already resigned, Whisler entered into a confidential separation agreement with Dames. Multiple players reported hearing that Williams referred to this player, a leader in the locker room, as "toxic." The perception of closeness between Riley and the Thorns front office was not limited to players; former NWSL Commissioner Jeff Plush remarked in an email, after learning that Riley had been hired at the Flash in 2016, that his guess" was that Wilkinson "helped" Riley with the Flash. Dames responded, [S]he was one of the 2 in consideration prior to any of this crap going on per our text last night. A USWNT staff member said they were familiar with Benstiti before the Reign hired him and recalled that "everyone had heard rumors of his treatment of Lindsey Horan" because "it was public." Simon reported that Holly first engaged in sexual misconduct toward her in the summer of 2019. The investigation began in May 2018, and within a few weeks, another player made a separate complaint to the NWSL about Dames. In describing that meeting, Estes said that "the ultimate corroboration came from Christy Holly." A player on another team recalled that a general manager, when asked by a player about hotel room arrangements, screamed at the player for several minutes and accused the player of "trying to get inside information about who was going to be traded." The location of Shim's and Farrelly's interviews-the Thorns's stadium-was not an appropriate setting for such a sensitive conversation and contributed to Shim feeling uncomfortable and concerned that staff would see her being interviewed. Several coaches routinely relied on derogatory language and name-calling to shame or criticize players. This concern was well-founded. Conclusion Flaws in Clubs' Other Reporting Channels C. Another staff member at the same club was retained as a consultant after complaints that he made inappropriate comments and singled out players. Another player echoed this sentiment, saying, There are relationships in the League between player and coach, and there have been for a long time. Romantic relationships between players and staff members pose several potential problems, including (i) the power The NWSL should consider preparing an annual report regarding the operation of the Anti-Harassment Policy, including aggregated data regarding reports to the League of potential violations of the Anti-Harassment Policy, and the outcomes and resolutions of those reports. He told the Joint Investigative Team, "We're all adults. Misconduct against players has occurred at the vast majority of NWSL clubs at various times, from the earliest years of the League to the present. As noted, several current and former U.S. Soccer employees told the Joint Investigative Team that Riley was never seriously considered for the USWNT coaching position. The next day, the Thorns placed Riley on administrative leave pending an investigation, which Paulson directed Garcia to begin. According to an outline prepared by players before the meeting, their concerns included comments made during training, like I'm going to ream her ass," and "you are a pain in my ass," demeaning players' abilities, and telling players, "I do this [drill] with my 12 year-olds" and "I do this with my U14s," which players felt did not afford them respect as professionals. The League added seven expansion teams, and four teams were rebranded or relocated. beers, shots, whatever. This same player said that Riley would be at the bar "from the time" the players arrived until after players left. There were also multiple process failures during the USSF Dames Investigation, which left notable gaps in its fact-finding. The report says he declined to respond to requests to participate in this investigation., READ MORE: Megan Rapinoe criticizes Paul Riley, who briefly coached her on the Philadelphia Independence. Hendrix said she believed that Holly may have retaliated by taking her off the starting roster. Wahlke received copies of the investigator's interview notes and offered input to the investigator on how the investigation should proceed. Interviewees expressed that Clarkson failed to recognize when his ineffective communication was detrimental to players' emotional wellbeing, though many players also stated that Clarkson was tough but fair. The Committee could be comprised of League staff, club staff, club owners, and players. One player noted, In the NWSL, if players have a problem, we send an email or call to the Players Association to help us decide which direction to go. The club announced Holly's termination "for cause on August 31, 2021. It does not appear that the investigator affirmatively asked players if this incident had occurred in an attempt to corroborate the allegation. In February 2016, after learning that the Flash were set to announce Riley's hire as head coach, Plush wrote in an email to Gulati, Flynn, and Levine, that he guess[ed] Wilkinson may have "helped [Riley] with [Lines]," and that he had given Golub's phone number to the Flash's then-general manager. Trainings should be streamlined and consistent, and should be mandatory for League staff, club staff, volunteers who regularly interact with players, and players across all clubs. Any individual who receives a report of potential misconduct must immediately submit the report to the NWSL HR Office. The NWSLPA and the League began collective bargaining in late 2020, and Meghann Burke was hired to a full-time position as the Executive Director of the NWSLPA in early 2021. The NWSL should strictly enforce the 2022 Anti-Harassment Policy's requirement that complaints or reports of potential policy violations be elevated to the NWSL within 24 hours of receipt to ensure the NWSL is equipped to investigate promptly and immediately take interim measures to protect players as needed. One player stated that, "Dishonesty and manipulation from your coach creates a toxic environment." He told the player that the club had provided Benstiti the opportunity to resign as "the most immediate and least risky path" to removing him from the club. According to the report, she denied the allegations. At the time, Levine told U.S. Soccer and NWSL leadership that she would send letters to Riley and to Joe Sahlen warning that coaches must remain professional and reminding Sahlen to report any inappropriate conduct by staff to the NWSL. Club ownership noted that the individual had "cleared" his background check and that they had planned to hire him, but that they ultimately chose not to hire him after the NWSL advised against it. 93, In one case, an individual designated to receive player complaints was accused of misconduct, leaving players feeling as though they had no recourse to report those individuals. However, witnesses provided conflicting accounts of U.S. Soccer's actual role in managing the League. Players were asked to rate on a scale of one to five their satisfaction with: (i) facilities; (ii) technical staff knowledge and skill; (iii) logistics and accommodations; (iv) club organization; and (v) overall experience as a member of their NWSL teams. He made a comment along the lines of, "I don't know if it's because your girlfriend is world famous and you can't handle her fame." On August 14, 2019, outside counsel for U.S. Soccer emailed Wahlke stating Riley "was having a relationship with a Portland player. On September 30, 2021, The Athletic reported that Courage Head Coach Paul Riley had sexually coerced players and made derogatory comments about players' weight and sexual orientation prior to and during his tenure as head coach of the Thorns. C. The non Insufficient Understanding of the Respective Roles of U.S. Soccer, the League, and Clubs in Investigating Misconduct Levine learned in February 2016 that the Flash would announce their hiring of Riley, and she learned information from Plush to suggest that the Thorns had perhaps not been candid with the Flash regarding the 2015 allegations or findings against Riley. A different player explained that "a lot of coaches . Comments further stated that Dames made "sexist, racist, abusive, and other prejudicial remarks at players." The Joint Investigative Team sought evidence from U.S. Soccer in the form of relevant documents and interviews of current and former U.S. Soccer employees. Whisler said he believed that Dames might still be able to assist with the draft or contribute to the club in other ways, and wanted to "preserve the option in the agreement. The League later received new information indicating that Riley's misconduct had not been adequately investigated, but the League did not commission its own investigation or take other action. @sarahlgorden I'm so sorry for what happened to you & your loved ones. U.S. Soccer's 2019 Consideration of Riley for U.S. Women's National Team Coach 14 In the USSF Dames Report, a player described Dames calling a player trailer trash and insulting her educational background when she made a mistake. Although this investigation gathered substantial evidence, the Joint Investigative Team also encountered challenges. While recent efforts have been made to streamline the reporting and investigation procedures, the NWSL could take additional steps to further streamline and improve these procedures and communicate them more clearly to all players, club staff, and NWSL staff. One player described this as a particular challenge with former Dash Head Coach Vera Pauw, who lived in player housing. According to Starr, Simon "begged her" not to say anything to anyone. It has been a tumultuous season in the NWSL on the player advocacy front. O'Connor defended the club's approach, saying he told the players that everyone would get together to discuss their concerns. These recommendations are organized thematically and not in order of priority. The supporters group claimed that the banner was removed because it was a political statement. For example, players at the Thorns and at Racing Louisville were unaware that both clubs had designated full-time HR staff. The NWSL should establish guidelines requiring that meetings between club staff and players take place in appropriate professional settings, including while traveling. A. Novo responded, "My answer is that Christy [Holly] has a very good and fair relationship with our players . The prospective owner shared that he had learned of a relationship between an owner and a player at one club, and a coach and a player at another club. However, Baird had received and reviewed Shim's complaint to the NWSL in March 2021, to which Shim attached her September 2015 complaint detailing sexual misconduct by Riley. Simon recalled that when she told him he could not touch her like that and that it was messing with her, he responded, "If you don't want me to touch your tits, I won't touch your tits." Riley asked Shim out to dinner, though she made excuses to avoid accepting. They also found former Utah Royals head coach Craig Harrington to lack credibility while offering defenses of his actions, which ranged from drinking with players (including once at a strip club while an assistant coach in Chicago), attempting to enter a player's hotel room and inappropriate comments of a sexual nature. Additionally, the 2015 allegations and findings against Riley were often downplayed, including by discussing only certain aspects of the allegations and at times by using the phrase that no unlawful harassment" occurred as a way to summarize the investigative findings., NJ/NY Gotham FC (@GothamFC) July 16, 2021. 2. A different player recounted that after a tournament, her team received a "ton of alcohol to have a party." In one instance, Clarkson suspected that players had been drinking alcohol the night before a game, so he convened the players and reprimanded them in a manner that left multiple players feeling scared and attacked. . Consistent with the 2022 Anti-Harassment Policy, the NWSL should require League and club staff to preserve documents relating to allegations and investigations of misconduct for at least seven years. The NWSL's 2022 Anti-Harassment Policy attempts to clarify the roles of the clubs and League in investigating misconduct. Another player told Courage leadership that Riley had been verbally abusive and created a culture of fear" in which players could not express opinions, and that other coaches had allowed Riley to engage in this behavior. When the Thorns received Shim's complaint in 2015, the club conducted an investigation that was too narrowly scoped, that was not conducted in a trauma-informed manner, and that lacked follow-up on indicia of additional sexual misconduct towards Sinead Farrelly or on comments by Riley regarding players' sexual orientation. VII. Inattentiveness, neglect, and concealment allow misconduct to fester.. 9. Hendrix recalled Holly texted Simon requesting pictures of Simon. Misunderstandings resulting from the way the findings were conveyed contributed to the development of substantial tension and divisiveness within the locker room. Prior to joining the NWSL, Riley had coached Farrelly on the Long Island Fury and on the Philadelphia Independence in 2012 and 2013, respectively. Where clubs had existing HR functions, those functions were frequently under-staffed, under-resourced, or ill-equipped to handle misconduct complaints. When interviewed by the Joint Investigative Team, Levine deflected criticism of the NWSL's failure to act in response to these complaints onto the players themselves. Several Dash players expressed concerns with Clarkson serving as both coach and general manager, noting that players "[could not] talk to our general manager because he's our coach." The Joint Investigative Team also took into account whether conduct complied with professional coaching standards. The lack of clearly established responsibilities allowed individuals within these institutions to disclaim personal responsibility for player protection and to turn a blind eye or shift blame to other individuals and entities, while players were left exposed to further misconduct and unsafe environments. Club policies should state clearly that all club staff are also subject to the NWSL Anti-Harassment Policy, which goes beyond merely prohibiting unlawful harassment. Multiple individuals emphasized the critical insight that can be gained by speaking with persons knowledgeable about the candidate and expressed the view that background checks alone are unable to detect every potentially problematic issue. 94, wrote that the staff were "not good" and generally stated there was "sexism and manipulation," and that "the combination of poor coaching and a destructive leader summ[ed] up [their] season." 115, C. Conduct Background Checks on All Prospective Club Owners, Staff, and Volunteers Who May Interact With Players To address these concerns, the League has recently taken steps to create more effective reporting channels, including by setting up an anonymous hotline and listing reporting channels in the 2022 Anti-Harassment Policy. . 103, Benstiti did not respond to the Joint Investigative Team's request to speak with him. Rather, according to the report, he indicated that he "was unaware of any retaliation." Shim, feeling pressured and placed on the spot, kissed with When Riley was head coach of the Thorns, after a night out drinking alcohol with Thorns players, Riley brought Shim and Farrelly to his apartment, made additional alcohol available, tried to grind" against Shim, and told Farrelly and Shim that if they kissed each other, the team would not have to run an intensive fitness drill that week. Players described numerous instances of club leaders engaging in sexual misconduct, including making unwanted sexual advances toward players and making inappropriate sexual remarks to players. Multiple current and former players shared their belief that clubs' vetting practices have been insufficient. Levine claimed that Farrelly "withheld her experiences with Riley in 2015, and she asserted through her counsel that Farrelly and Shim consciously did not explain Farrelly's alleged sexual history" with Riley when they emailed the NWSL in 2021 as part of an effort to "gain leverage over the League." As described above, U.S. Soccer's failure to share the findings of the investigation created the impression among players that Dames's conduct was acceptable. The 2022 Anti-Harassment Policy prohibits a range of misconduct. manipulate them."" Williams was moved to a front office role at the end of that season. Develop Partnerships with Diverse Affinity Groups At that time, Levine provided Duffy a copy of the Thorns's 2015 investigative report, as well as supporting texts and emails. One player said she felt that she could not breathe or think when Clarkson yelled at her as she was playing; another said she felt under the microscope based on the position she played and feared she would be cut from the team. When LaHue was named GM in April, her first big goal was to re-establish a relationship with the fanbase, which had been very vocal about ousting former Sky Blue president and GM, Tony Novo. Players described how emotional misconduct affected their performance. Players and club staff also reported that Dames exercised control over players' social lives. 8. One player, asked to differentiate between a coach she considered abusive and one that she considered a tough coach, stated that the abusive coach had a "power-craving take on coaching." Since the training in 2019, the NWSL has not offered a League-wide antiharassment training. She was hired that May as vice president. For example, in one incident, Clarkson likened an injured player's stride to that of a "lame horse," and laughed when she jokingly responded, "So should I shoot myself?" However, four of the nine players interviewed had raised concerns that Dames made inappropriate remarks about players' appearances, and two players provided specific examples of those comments. Although U.S. Soccer told Duffy and Levine that U.S. Soccer's outside counsel would investigate the reports, and Duffy said she received one or two updates about the investigation, there is no evidence that Duffy requested additional updates regarding the investigation or its outcome. 29, In a written summary prepared for the Joint Investigative Team, the Courage stated that Chief Soccer Officer Curt Johnson and Malik vetted Riley, including by speaking with leadership at the Flash and with some of Riley's players at the Flash, who provided positive feedback. The NWSL then informed the club that it was not in compliance with the policy. This information sharing between the staff member and the player led other players to express concerns to team management that the staff member was sharing players' private medical information with the player they were dating. The player recalled that Pauw "knocked on [her] door at night and invited herself in just to check how [her] apartment setup was." Former coach Christy Holly is permanently banned from the league, and former general manager Alyse LaHue faces a two-year suspension with future employment in the league conditional. The team tried to fit into a rented van to return to their hotel, and team members sat on each other's laps. In addition to reports of misconduct involving Paul Riley, Rory Dames, and Christy Holly, described in detail below, the Joint Investigative Team identified many instances of coaches, staff, club leadership, and other individuals in positions of power engaging in misconduct directed at players. D. Sauerbrunn: NWSL players horrified and heartbroken, Morgan shames former NWSL commissioner Baird for inaction over Riley abuse, Morgan: Mana Shim was failed by the system, NWSL report explainer: What's new, what's recommended and what's next, Foden's return to form helps mask De Bruyne's troubles, Nelson sends Arsenal into euphoria with last-gasp winner over Bournemouth, Arsenal rally, net late winner in 5-goal thriller, Garber: MLS would be flexible for Messi move, City beat Newcastle to keep pressure on Arsenal, Arteta: Arsenal win my 'most emotional moment', Ancelotti defends Benzema after Clasico loss, Klopp, Ten Hag tell fans to 'lose the poison', Xavi on Clasico critics: Barca world's hardest club, Guardiola: Next three games define City's season. Former U.S. Soccer CEO Dan Flynn stated, in a written statement, [T]he USSF's role as manager' (a misnomer to be sure) of the NWSL was really quite limited. In 2019, when U.S. Soccer was considering Riley for the role of USWNT head coach, Duffy and Levine worked with NWSL communications staff to prepare a draft public statement related to the complaints against Riley and the investigation into his conduct. The relationship between the League and playersas employer and employees contributed to the confusion between clubs and the League about their responsibilities in addressing misconduct. Though Levine cautioned Whisler against retaliation, Levine confirmed to Whisler the identity of the complaining player. Making recommendations on discipline for individuals or organizations was outside the scope of the Joint Investigative Team's work. Gorden said that she and her boyfriend were racially profiled, prompting a league investigation at the time. These vague public statements contributed to the failure to adequately share information between U.S. Soccer, the League, and clubs regarding coaches who committed misconduct. This player sensed that Riley "wanted to keep [her] feeling like [she] owed him and would do favors for him. The preceding sections of this Report summarized, thematically, the Joint Investigative Team's factual findings.

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