1989 topps baseball cards

To the auction. There is no way around that. Track your collection for free. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Prices are updated daily based upon 1989 Topps listings that sold on eBay and our marketplace. Click here to Rate, - Overview That includes the copyright text youre accustomed to seeing on every other card ever made ever. Subsets had slightly different designs than the base cards, but generally stayed on theme. Glossy Rookies: This 22-card set was available exclusively as an insert in 100-card "supermarket jumbo" packs. That had to sting worse than a stack of 1989 Topps Future Star Gregg Jefferies cards (one of the biggest prospect busts in history). - Checklist The key rookie cards included in the 1989 Topps baseball set are #761 Dante Bichette. Cello packs contained 29 cards per pack and came with 24 packs per box. 7 copyright=new Date(); An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. For this list, we're looking at the rarer upgraded Topps Tiffany cards with white backs. Glossy All-Stars: This 22-card set is exclusive to rack packs. This one was always weird to me, but I think Ive come up with a plausible scenario. Shop for John Smoltz 1989 Topps rookie cards on eBay. The 1989 Topps Baseball set consists of 792 cards, each measuring 2-1/2" by 3-1/2. It refers to the black American League logo in the card's bottom-right corner. Buy from many sellers and get your cards all in one shipment! Change Log | - Teams Copyright 1999- not have numbers on them are listed in alphabetical order? Most Valuable 1990 Score Baseball Cards (Or What Used to Be). Ungraded & graded values for all '89 Topps Mini League Leaders Baseball Cards. I'm still fond of this set. Penny for your thoughts Randy. Your input, assistance, suggestions, and / or corrections are sincerely We may earn an affiliate commission if you Phoenix, AZ, US. Easy to read, classy and solid photos. 1989 Topps FACTORY Sealed TAPE INTACT 1-792 Complete BASEBALL Card Set JOHNSON $39.80 1989 TOPPS SUPER ROOKIE #383 MICHAEL IRVIN PSA 10 GEM MINT RC HOF DALLAS COWBOYS $149.99 1989 Topps Kay-bee Toys Superstars of Baseball Complete 33 Card High Gloss Set $15.80 1989 Topps Barry Bonds 620 Error Card $100.00 1989 Topps Barry Bonds #620 Error Card A little harder to read than the proceeding year, because of the coloring. Well, because of their overproduced nature, 1989 Topps rookie cards are generally not worth a ton of money, even in a PSA 10. Bob Welch 1989 Topps #605 Variation Comparison Here's another error from the late 1980s that's very easy to miss. | Compare vs. Read our methodology . Nov 21, 2022, 2:52 PM UTC japanese wife of suharto bonobos swim trunks cheap hotel rooms available tonight chicago fire violet and hawkins first kiss azure jenkins pipeline hopkins and allen revolver. Not too fun or cool, but something that sticks out like a sore thumb on any 9-slot card album page. The 1989 Topps set consists of 792 cards and was released in one series. The chart below illustrates this fact. Still, staring at the card now Im wondering if I uploaded the wrong image.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'ballcardgenius_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_8',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-ballcardgenius_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); Yeah! $14.99. Buy from many sellers and get your cards all in one shipment! Average ungraded base card value (excludes parallels) for 1989 Topps Mini League Leaders 100 Vintage Football Cards in Old Sealed Wax Packs - Perfect for New Collectors. Manage Settings . Just look: 8x All Star3x AL Batting Champ5x AL Hit Leader1x Gold Glove Winner. Plus they are just ugly. 6 500 card vending boxes and factory sets were also available. Sometimes with these errors, I just think cad manufacturers are testing us. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. to 100 To learn more refer to our His 1989 Topps card is actually the second-highest population of the four featured. Where space allowed, a monthly scoreboard was included with one 1988 stat broken down by month and some text discussing career highlights. 1989 Jose Canseco Upper Deck Black Eagle Logo #659 BUY NOW ON EBAY The Black Eagle Logo differentiates this 1989 Upper Deck Jose Canseco card from other Upper Deck Cansecos printed in 1989. . Frank Thomas Rookie Sammy Sosa Rookie Key Players Sammy Sosa Frank Thomas Larry Walker Recently Viewed Items Historic sales data are completed sales with a buyer and a seller agreeing on a price. 1959. But Topps (and Score) both failed to include Griffey, putting him instead in their update/traded sets later in the year. Distributed in one series (#1-792). We are user supported. Topps joined Score on the sidelines, though both caught up by issuing a Junior card in their year-end set. The set is lettered A-P rather than sequentially-numbered. What are the rookie cards youll find in 1989 Topps? Top subscription boxes right to your door, 1996-2023, Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. 1989 All-Star Set Collector's Edition (Glossy Send-Ins), Sports Collectors Daily: 15 Cards for 50 Cents: 1989 Topps Baseball Set Turns 30, Sports Collectors Daily: 1987-1991 Topps Glossy Rookie Sets Required 100-Card Cello Pack Purchase, Sports Collectors Daily: 1989, 1990 Topps Active Career Batting Leaders Sets are Rare Junk Wax Era G. This marked the first time Topps included cards of the previous year's draft picks in their set. of 712 products. Topps 1987 Baseball Wax Pack Trading Card Box (36 Packs) Possible Rookie Cards Including Barry Bonds, Rafael Palmeiro and Barry Larkin, 300 Old Vintage Topps Baseball Cards in Sealed Pack Lot Gift Package, Cosmic Gaming Collections MLB Baseball Cards Hit Collection Gift Box & Collecting Guide | 100 Official MLB Cards | Includes: 2 Relic, Autograph or Jersey Cards Guaranteed | Perfect Starter Set, 1987 Topps Traded Baseball Complete Box set Greg Maddux Rookie Card READ DESCRIPTION, 1991 Topps Baseball Factory Set (Holiday), Topps 1993 Baseball Cards, Unopened Complete Box Set, 2021 Topps Complete Factory Hobby Box (660 Cards 5 Foilboard Cards), 1984 Topps Baseball Complete Set (Don Mattingly Rookie Card). Yet, his cards sell for the same as the other Hall of Fame rookie cards, and sometimes a little more. Rating: 7.2 (181 votes) Click here to Rate. Buy from many sellers and get your cards all in one shipment! (3) Mike Trout SPORTS ILLUSTRATED Autographed (3) Card Rookie LOT! Click on any card to see more graded card prices, historic prices, and past sales. 6 product ratings - Five Unopened 1989 Topps Baseball Card Wax Packs. Wax Boxes contained 36 packs. Cheapest, The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Mark McGwire (#70), Paul Molitor (#110), Tom Glavine (#157), Ryne Sandberg (#360), Rickey Henderson (#380), Roger Clemens (#450), Mark Grace (#465), Robin Young (#615), and Barry Bonds (#620) highlight the set. - Glossary Bob Welch was a heck of a pitcher, and Im not just saying that as a biased As fan. Shop for 1989 Topps Tiffany baseball cards on eBay. 1 5 The base versions are quite easy to find but in pristine condition they can still go for over $30. Glossy Send-Ins: This 60-card set was available by mailing in the special offer cards found in 1989 Topps wax packs. Topps also produced an O-Pee-Chee (OPC) version of 1989 Topps for the Canadian market, although that set consisted of only 396 cards. Glossary | Need Help? Blister packs also contained 100 cards and were Kmart exclusives. PSA has graded 33,811 cards from the 1989 Topps baseball set, with 11,653 PSA 10s. Sports Collectible Card Storage Protectors Organizer Book, MLB 1989 Topps Baseball Traded Series - Set of 132 Cards. Click Here, Click here to sell your vintage sports card collection. Subsets for the 1989 include record Breakers (1-7), All-Stars (386-407), and Turn Back the Clock (661-668). Gary Sheffield is the player with the PED scandal hanging over his head. So, this will be the first of what will be hopefully an ongoing series of breaking down the different error (or, I guess, error and variation) cards found in a given set. Specializing in baseball cards, and showcasing a love for flashy 90s inserts and all things A's, Ryan enjoys sharing the ins and outs of collecting, while highlighting the best cardboard options to add to your collections. Card backs feature the Topps name, player name, card number, and player statistics. He did a lot of things very good as opposed to one thing great. His card has been graded more than any other card in the 1989 Topps set, by a significant margin. Showing 1 Show bids Estimate. Many of the photos would by recycled for the 1990 insert of the same name. 1989 Upper Deck KEN GRIFFEY JR Rookie PSA 9 Shaquille O'Neal 1996 Kobe Bryant RC. Its also a great-looking simple set that still holds up today. In fact, Oliva could be one of the biggest Hall of Fame snubs in the game of baseball. Certification numbers appear in the lower right of the encapsulated label or on the oval DNA sticker. Rookie Comments 1 Comment Categories 1989 Baseball, Quick looks Quick Look: 1989 Fleer Wax Box Variations 17 Aug We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Black text displaying the card number, player biographical info, and full career stats sit over background shades of red/pink. 1989 Topps Kmart Dream Team - Box Set [Base] #16 Kirby Puckett [Noted] $0.76. | Cards were primarily issued in 15-card wax packs, 42-card rack packs and factory sets. 3 Topps produced a number of sets associated with the 1989 Topps flagship product that are worth calling out. 1989 Topps Tiffany Randy Johnson Rookie Card ( Buy on eBay) The Big Unit has a Topps Tiffany rookie card with a BIG price tag. Ryan is a lifelong member of the hobby and sports card expert. 1989 Topps Traded #41T Ken Griffey Jr. Anyway, Topps thought he was so good that they wanted to remove as many distractions as possible from Olivas 1989 Turn Back the Clock card. The 1989 Topps baseball card set contains 792 standard size cards. $20.00. buy stuff after clicking links on our site But what will collectors find in Topps 1989 baseball? 1989 Steve Avery Signed Topps Rookie Card 9 However, this doesn't work with Topps Traded sets. Which card is the most valuable? Which card is your least The Best Topps Baseball Rookie Card from Each Year - 1952-2020 The following list includes a year-by-year breakdown of the most valuable card for each flagship Topps baseball set from. View cart for details. A wax case consisted of 20 wax boxes. Copyright 2023 - All rights reserved, Cardlines.com/Media Techs LLC, 1989 Topps baseball cards by the numbers, Topps 1989 baseball cards The big rookie card miss, 1989 Topps Baseball Cards value (rookies), Topps 1989 baseball cards other notable cards, 1989 Topps Tiffany baseball cards (stars), Topps 1989 baseball cards O-Pee-Chee, Glossy, and more, Final thoughts on Topps Baseball cards 1989, A Guide To How You Can Make Money Grading Junk Wax, A CardLines Spotlight On A Classic Junk Wax Set: 1989 Topps Baseball. Whether you're looking for a card to complete your set, or going all-in on a hot prospect, there is something for every collector. The cards were distributed one per 100-card blister pack available only at K-Mart stores. All Rights Reserved by Baseball Almanac, Inc.Hosted by Hosting 4 Less. - Inserts and Related Sets Baseball Card: 1989 Topps #498 - The Baseball Cube | Stats and Data Subsets in the 1989 Topps offering are Record Breakers (#s 1-7), All-Stars (#s 386-407), Turn Back the Clock (#s 661-665); First Draft Picks, Future Stars, Team Leaders subsets were distributed throughout the set. to include them in my master set. Shop COMC's extensive selection of 1989 topps - career batting leaders san diego padres baseball cards. Part of the Baseball Almanac Family. 2 And even after [], In baseball card collecting, there is something for everyonethere are old cards and new cards, high-end cards, and lower-end. What are Their Dimensions? The four highest population cards in the set beyond the rookies we have already discussed are also four of the biggest stars and most in-demand. Other rookie cards in 1989 Topps include Chris Sabo, Jim Abbott, Bryan Harvey, Sandy Alomar Jr., Robin Ventura, and Steve Avery. Susbcribe to PREMIUM! Teams | Errors / Variations | document.write(update); To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Total Cards: 792. Shortcuts: Most Expensive , Cheapest , List by Card # But he ended up with 3,060 career hits, over 400 stolen bases, and played three premium positions (C, 2B, and CF) in his career. User Agreement. I even added the 5 unique OPeeChee WS cards and the 5-6 unique box bottoms (Don Sutton's farewell Topps card!) Itll never be rare, thats for sure. Thats one awesome, stoic stance that would make anyone forget youre staring at a lifetime .216 hitter (coming from someone who would give just about anything to be a career .056 career hitter). Baseball; Sets; 1989; Overview; 1989 Topps. Baseball Card: 1989 topps r #402 - The Baseball Cube | Stats and Data PLAYERS TEAMS/SCHOOLS Baseball Card Viewer Cards Section Subscribe to TBC PREMIUM . These will be a bit more expensive to acquire raw or unopened, and some arent in high demand at this time, but folks are likely to wake up to the low populations at some point. Surf ad-free, get the daily PLAYER TRACKER (take a tour), access to . I do like the fact that the backs offer "complete major league" stats (or minor and major league). Share your knowledge of Topps 2020 Baseball Hobby Factory Set 700 Cards + 5 sequentially-Numbered foilboard Parallel Cards! The backs are similar too. The 1989 Topps John Smoltz rookie baseball card has a photo of his chest and above wearing his Atlanta Braves uniform and cap. Price To Grade To Year To Team College Date Added Year Player Only Graded Hall of Fame 1989 Topps Tweet. 1989 Topps Glossy Send-Ins is a 60-card set that was acquired for a small fee via mail order (info came in packs). Subsets for the 1989 include record Breakers (1-7), All-Stars (386-407), and Turn Back the Clock (661-668). US. Estimated PSA 10 Value: $250. Mike Harkey. I have trouble with colors. Tommy Tom Lasorda Dodgers Topps Signed Card 7. The back also shows John's first year in the Major Leagues in 1988. Randy Johnson won over 300 games, 5 Cy Young Awards, and has the second most strikeouts ever. I mean, check out everything thats wrong with the card backs, specifically! These are the future stars of baseball. These carried a MSRP of 79 cents. - Collection Summary, Overview | Collection Summary, 1 wanted and appreciated. Send us an email with requests, or volunteer you time helping us make I like the simplicity of this set. - Videos Checklist | Your personal data will be used to support your experience throughout this website, to manage access to your account, and for other purposes described in our privacy policy. - Change Log Topps Baseball Cards 1989 Season Best Selling Topps Major Leage Baseball Bubble Gum Pack 1990 $6.00 New $5.00 Used 1989 Topps Baseball Factory RAK Pak Case ( 3 Boxes per Case) $175.00 New 1989 Topps Baseball Cards 1 Unopened Wax PACK From Wax Box 15 Cards (6) $2.99 New $0.99 Used Topps Baseball Cards Complete Set 1989 Brand: Topps 94 ratings $5895 FREE Returns Each factory sealed set contains 792 cards. Check prices on eBay. These have red borders and were only available in 100-card Kmart exclusive Jumbo blisters. 0% The 1989 Topps baseball card back is simple but utilitarian. 2 2022 Last Time Ago LLC. The same collectors who complained about greed often bragged in the same interview about the value of their cards. But it does hold a special place in many collectors hearts as a set they grew up collecting. Dan Pasqua prices (Baseball Cards 1989 Topps) are updated daily for each source listed above. Gallery | Luis Robert Bowman Chrome Refractor Rookie Auto #/499 Rc Psa 10 Gem Mint White S - Baseball Slabbed Rookie Cards, 1987 Topps #320 Barry Bonds RC PSA/DNA Autographed"Say No To Drugs" Inscription - Baseball Slabbed Autographed Cards. 1989 Topps Baseball Complete Set (792) Sheffield Johnson Ryan, 1989 Topps Baseball Traded Series - Complete Factory Set - Baseball Cards - Ken Griffey Jr - Nolan Ryan - Deion Sanders, 1989 Topps Baseball Cards Unopened Vending Box of 500 Cards! - External Links Copyright 2023 Trading Card Database LLC I've always thought the '89 Topps set was an uninspired design.

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