. When a new villain shows up to threaten Earth, everyone knows Goku will be there to defeat it and save everyone like he always does. futurebardock futuregohanxerzascarlet adventure +22 more # 7 Trunks goes to sleep over at Gotens house A collection of scenes loosely brought together to make a continuation of the Mirai AU created in the first work. Just going to have to find out. Return from Planet Imotep A round pink monster the man now fought, his golden hair now longer as they clashed. Right before Kagome turns fifteen and meets Inuyasha and the gang, she went to go see her cousin Bulma when she is twelve years old. Cell had come back to life and gotten into Capsule Corporation. What if goten was in the fu. . New foes. Images that flashed around him. Later, when Future Goten arrived in the past Goku and Vegeta assumed that it was Majin Buu who had defeated him. A Dragon Ball Z fanfiction. Future Goten became much stronger thanks to continuous training and extra guidance under Future Shin, able to defeat Future Dabura as a Super Saiyan. While only able to hold his own against Future Majin Buu as a Super Saiyan 2, but completely overwhelmed and destroyed Future Majin Buu upon achieving Super Saiyan 3. This story is Gohan from the events of DBSSH and after fighting Cell Max, Gohan, Piccolo, Gamma 1, Pan, Trunks, Goten and a revived Gamma 2 are thrust in to a portal whi Oneshots about your favorite dbz or dbs characters! You can request anything you want, except lemon. It is Age 734. He looks around the small crater and sees his friends are all around shouting his name, cheering, and welcoming him back. Goten and Gouya. While training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber with Goku, Future Goten not only master the Super Saiyan form and match his father's might, but also surpass him as well. Goten mocks him, clearly upset. Age 737 was the starting point where all the future events had begun. Everyone around the saiyans are staring at them unbelieveably.Goten: MORE!!! After a couple of stumbles and some holding against a column, Goten was back on his two feet. By time that flows through every level He circled his arms first around. A fanfiction taking place after the end of DragonBallZ with Goten and Trunks in high school and everything changed when Trunks dared Goten to try out for the Cheerleader Trunks came over to play some video games at Goten's house, well it became much more then that. It's just something I wrote because I was dissatisfied with how Gohan slacked off in canon for seven years. Future Trunks decides to take him to the future with him, so that he can finally meet his dad who died all those years ago. He turns away about to fly away when a voice stops him in his tracks, "Is that a miniature Goku?" ' . The boy ducked under and unleashed a punch to the androids jaw, he spat out blood and screamed profanities and promises of pain at the boy, the boy ignored him and kicked him away, sending him away at breathtaking speeds to a cliff, destroying it and trapping him under a pile of rubble. The boy from another timeline returned, desperate for help. Thus, I decided to work on and write a story whose premise doesnt get explored at all, or I have yet to see it. I don't own these characters except myself.The first chapter is a huge battle. He blushes when he realizes everyone is looking at him. Even so, he always retains his already natural aggressive, serious, yet surprisingly focused demeanour. In doing this, the entire course of history is changed forever. Cookers are running back and forth to fill thier hungry saiyan's stomach. It started with one dream. I suck in descriptions, He feared to speak of it, so nobody knows the su Its tournament time for the Z fighters but Goten has more than fighting on his mind What will happen during a match between Trunks and Goten? The images moved once more, and they talked about the mythical starred wish orbs that could grant a person any wish. Just read.. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Low class peasants like him were sent out, while the higher class reigned over them. The man shouted his rival to move away, hurling the mass of all living beings energy at the monster, the monster dying with cries of pain, disintegrated by the ball of energy. What if the person they love was a mortal themselves? He refused, the brother took his son as hostage, and the green man joined him, a temporary rival, fought, though at the cost of the mans life, his short bald headed friend telling him that everything was all right, that his son was safe, and that he would be brought back with the wish orbs. Five years of training the boy, the man and the boy came out. Yeah, but it aint our era anymore.. Dragon Ball | Reader | Anime/Manga Race Goten. They all crowd around the crater blocking his view and ability to see if his father had come out yet. Future Gohan's Fairy Tail (F.Gohan. You never knew how much faith you needed to have in others until you are s A man gets reborn into the Dragon Ball realm as Cell's clone from Super but start out as a Imperfect Model and stable, will he reach Perfection and help the heroes or wi Just trying to pass the time, because I'm bored out of my mind , (DBzBroly x Future Trunks) Chapter 1: The Mysterious Young Super Saiyan This work could have adult content. I hope you all enjoy :). With a gaping interest in events, how he could utterly change time itself; He could collide both present and past! Can he admit the extent of his friendship? Dragon Ball | Vegeta Raditz | Anime/Manga Romance Love Goku Goten Trunks Bulma Oc Original Character. He studied another image. But it opened a pathway for more than Goten's seven year old mind could comprehend. Not normally would I write a DBZ fanfic, but Dragon Ball Super is like SUPER amazing! And a surprise Happens! He didnt need any designation of what era or time that the Saiyan race still populated planet Vegeta, he already knew. Matters turn worst for the Z fighters as they realized that he had constructed and designed yet Oneshots about your favorite dbz or dbs characters! DragonBall, DragonBall Z, DragonBall GT, DragonBall Super and all logos, character names and distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of TOEI ANIMATION, Ltd. Renders and backgrounds provided by Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle, Dragon Ball Legends, Dragon Ball Z: Bucchigiri Match, Dragon Ball FighterZ, and Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot. \"Copyright Disclaimer, Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for 'fair use' for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Everyone looks up at Goten too shocked to utter a word, except Trunks that is. While in this form, Goten's muscle mass increases slightly and hair stands straight up and spikier with the exception of two locks that hangs down. During his early days of training, even as a Super Saiyan, Future Goten was unable to defeat base Future Roxbes. *Everyone comically falls, minutes later, they are finally finshed eating*. Zeno: You're in my palace. Along with Second Grade, Future Goten achieves this form in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. "Just stay in the damn time machine." In fact, he seems downright livid. I won't be writing that, so don't request it. Stay In The Time Machine In this part we cover more of the buu saga I hope you enjoy ! 4 yr. ago Divineffej on ffn. Unlike Goten's recently departed brother, Goten had pretty much been raised by Bulma, and he had called her mom ever since he learned to talk. The man, after training on a planet of heavy gravity, now faced one of his kin. He smiled. He looked down at the ground, his memory backtracking to what just happened. Summary: Based in Mirai Trunks timeline after he defeated Cell. The man, known as Son Goku, gave a hand to the Cerelian, Granola, smiling. He swiped once more, the images changed, giving him certain key points. Theres new androids Trunks has to deal with, but this time hes not fighting alone. After the defeat of Majin Buu, Earth entered a four-year period of peace. After finally achieving the Super Saiyan God form and having Old Kai re-unlock his Mystic/Ultimate form he becomes Ultimate God Gohan. Please consider turning it on! Now, as he stared at after the man made the wish. Hell just get Goku, Vegeta, and the rest later. Instead of training to overcome this problem, Goku decides that they'll simply work on mastering the basic Super Saiyan, feeling that it is the best way to fight and gain power. But that would stop to be the case i Y/N L/N was a time patroller in Conton City who's job was to protect history from being changed. Their final challenge, a group of Dark beings emerged from the wish orbs. Planet Vegeta stood in view, small dots of pods and ships dotting the orb like shape. When Goten is 18 he is fed up with life on earth. Orphans like Marron never had it easy especially in the cold and corrupt reality of the androids where every day is a fight for survival. It was worth the trouble to make his mother happy. I know it is short, but the second and final part will be posted tomorrow. He was eager to see the adventures continue, more battles and more confrontations. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.\" Dragonball Xz: Episode 75 by The dark TRUNKS. He saw the story over and over. It provided him not only entertainment but also how the King of the Multiverse, Zeno, could be quite oblivious. This would be the start to his story! He is even (though very rarely) shown to be cocky, such as when he became a Super Saiyan fourth Grade, but when realizing how outclassed. romance adventure fanfic +19 more # 16 Dragon Ball Z Trials of a Saiyan by M 30.8K 749 55 Hey guys what's up it's AblazeMonkee I'm back for another video in today's video we are going to be continuing what if goten was in the future this is the wh. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. Trunks accidentally makes a wish that changes his & Goten's lifes. The world was suddenly much larger than it seemingly once believed. Her world had shattered many times before thanks to various villains along her lifetime, but the androids had taken the most from her. The Boy From The Future: Goten Chapter 1: The Mysterious Young Super Saiyan, a dragon ball z fanfic | FanFiction The Boy From The Future: Goten Dragonball Z is not mine. And if memory serves him right, the God of Destruction would be still asleep, his attendant unable to leave him. Therefore, the two Goten had completely different lives (as opposed to those who lived before the Time Machines arrived, they lived exactly the same lives as their counterparts until the point at which the two timelines diverge: three years before the androids arrived). This is a look into my take on the pair that I may continue in the future (no pun intended). Due to living in such harsh times and trying to find any means necessary to destroy the androids, Goten is incredibly hardheaded yet surprisingly possess degree of Saiyan pride, like Goku and Vegeta as he can be mocking to some of his opponents sometimes, and initially had no problem fighting dirty or using methods unbecoming of a traditional Saiyan warrior, before training from his father. His present counterpart is often prefers to charge in head first to fights while Future Goten, while hotheaded and impulsive, is capable of restraining himself to think rationally acting. The man had unlocked a new form, and sent the parasite responsible to the Sun, erasing him from existence. The images moved once more and he saw the same boy, much older; a teenager, now fighting a green skinned foe at the Tournament of fighters. He looked to his great great grandson. Daddy Dearest. "Just stay in the damn time machine!" Explore. Of course, the event was his favorite. Unknown to them, the man was watching the fight, observing their techniques and movement, he spoke to no one, but was smiling all the same, reminiscing, what his old mentor had told him. Read the story and find out!! After all, he managed to escape Whis with his dimension. Notes: That was all he had ever known, but he definitely eager to see his dad. This state - Super Saiyan Rage - possess upward pointed hair, electric sparks like a standard Super Saiyan 2 and a golden aura - However Goten possess a red part inside the aura, instead of blue. Orphaning him, this combined with the fact that he grew up in an apocalyptic world, is intelligent, broody, serious, and aggressive (such as when he lashed Goku for not taking the threat of the Androids seriously or when punched him in the face before he began to berate him for not taking heart medication), unlike his main timeline counterpart, who had a personality is very similar to his father's. Both had achieved a blue form that they further pushed the limits of. The story of a young boy who was the product of two enemy races. By combining his intense training with his hidden potential, Future Goten achieved this form upon witnessing the death of Future Kibito at the hands of Future Dabura. But he knows his mother said what she said for a reason, and he needs to stay put and keep his ki hidden, no matter how dirty Trunks played. He gave a swipe of his hand and the images changed to a lush sky, with grass and water on the planet. Examples include when he blindsided Perfect Cell from behind after quickly dispatching a Cell Jr. and attempting to destroy the present Androids before they could be activated. Goten frowned crossing his arms to wait for it to open. The granddaughter of the man pleaded for him to come back, to remember her, for he had turned into a monster of uncontrolled rage. Fanfiction Romance Trunks x OC. Blunt, bold, serious and aggressive, Goten hails from an alternate timeline in which the Future Androids murdered the Dragon Team and proceeded to create apocalyptic hell on Earth. Dangerous. (See the end of the work for more notes.). King Vegeta is watching over his son when a stranger comes to Planet Vegeta with news that he can reveal the future. He is capable of being incredibly respectful to anyone who deserves it, especially his mother figure Future Bulma and his late master and only friend Boxres. This powered up state is far superior to Future Goten's standard Super Saiyan 2 form. Then looked back to the time before, looking back to the time of an old Empire of the Saiyan race. (IF A CHAPTER IS MARKED WITH A * SYMBOL, THEN IT HAS BEEN ALTERED FROM IT'S ORIGINAL STATE) Today I decided to return back to the first what if I ever made! Goten: Zenos I. give a second. When fought in game Future Goten also has Villainous Mode active, however when playable he lacks this additional form. The two henchmen stood side by side of the Emperor of space. The boy became a man, and his brother from space came, determined to bring him back to the fold of their heritage and race. This is one of the fanmade forms that is exclusive to everyone's favorite half-Saiyan scholar, Gohan. They also have quite a bit of personality differences; while Present Goten is well mannered and respectful like his father, Future Goten is not, taking more after his paternal grandfather, Bardock. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. 3. He had knowledge of the past, present, and future all in his fingertips. Which is pretty easy since they're all too busy staring at the saiyan pod. In fact it's someone he knows brought back to help him.But that over protective nature sends Trunks somewhere he hasn't been in ages. bardock goku dbz vegeta gine dragonball raditz gohan saiyan kakarot bulma frieza trunks goten dbs kingvegeta dragonballsuper broly turles saiyans.
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